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It's Fall already!
Posted: 08 Oct 2015 Posted: 04 Mar 2015 Posted: 01 Jan 2015 Posted: 30 Dec 2014 Posted: 27 Aug 2014 All Entries |
The houses are moving!We were just getting ready to eat this evening when two pickup trucks pulled into the driveway. It was the people we rent our house from. We've been waiting and waiting for our mobile home to be moved. On Sunday, Howard came and took down some fence and we burned a huge pile of brush and trees so the truck could get from the road to where the mobile home needed to be set. When they came today, they had to hurry and take down another fence and pull the posts because the truck was on the way with the first home which will be ours in a few weeks. The truck pulled that mobile home just like it was a little camper. He's experienced at it and that makes the difference. He got lots of advice as to where to locate it and where to stop and it was a little crooked, etc. But, a truck came behind him with a little remote control machine on tracks. They hooked it to the tongue of the mobile home and with the remote controls the man moved it back and forth until it was just right. Tomorrow they will come back and level it and put blocks under it and put the skirting back on it. Then, Howard will bring the decks and put them back on it. We can't move yet though because there are two more to be moved. Sometime in the next week, the three bedroom mobile home will be moved onto the lot next to where we are now. Then, in 10 days to two weeks the doublewide will be moved between the two mobile homes. When it gets moved, then the septic systems, electric and water can be installed. I will try to get some before pictures tomorrow. It is sure a mess down there and it will take some work to make it ours. We are only going to rent it but it will still be ours. We can build fences for Chance and clear the space for a yard and garden. We won't be able to move for about a month though. Too many things yet to be done. dooley This blog entry has been viewed 423 times
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I wish you all the best in your relocation!
Sounds like you may have some work ahead of you, but oh the joy of planting a new garden and creating a yard. Good luck to you. Anxious to see pics.
I wish you all the best too Dooley. I hope you'll still be able to have a long front porch to grow morning glories upon! It will be interesting to see the pictures too. It is exciting for you!
It is truly amazing to watch a mobile home be delivered and inched into place. When they delivered mine, I just stood there with my mouth open in shock!
I understand what you're doing as I have 'been there and done that' It was awsome watching our home come around the corber 6 years ago now. we had 2 pieces and had to have a HUGE crain here to put the pieces together. Yes alot of work but you'll be so glad once its done. It'll be nice that chance will be fenced in so you'll not have to worry about him running.
I watched your home come in and it really is nice.I love the color.I saw your porch and steps come in today.It will take awhile but at least its started now.
I know the joy of seeing my new mobile home in place and making it my own. You must be feeling a lot of anticipatin, Dooley and I wish you the best of luck in setting up.I'll be waiting on those pictures too. Login or register to leave a comment. |
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