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It's Fall already!
Posted: 08 Oct 2015 Posted: 04 Mar 2015 Posted: 01 Jan 2015 Posted: 30 Dec 2014 Posted: 27 Aug 2014 All Entries |
Clearing brush!The sun was shining today which I like a lot and it was 62 degs. So, dr and I spent about four hours down clearing brush in the area that will be our front yard. It is not finished but we made some progress with it. I cut all the little brush less than half an inch and raked it all out. I raked out all the accumulated leaves, several inches of it. Then, we discovered this long things with loads of stickers that grow up into the trees. Glenda says they are Devil's whips. I cut them at ground level and as high as I could reach into the trees. Glenda says they come back so I have to get some stuff to put on the roots. I'll look into that a bit later. I have a large pile of brush and stuff to move around to the back to burn. If it's nice tomorrow I will finish the end near the driveway. But, you can see the trees properly now where we've cleared. I want to put some ground cover under there. I know when those oak trees leaf out it will be pretty shady so I will have to look for the shade loving kind. There are some small stumps to be pulled or cut or something, too. But, we made a good start. If we go down every nice day maybe we can accomplish it slowly. But, there is rain for Monday and Tuesday and then a couple of nicer days and then more rain. I hope none of it turns into snow. After living in Arizona for 20 some years I'd forgotten how much it rains....or snows... in other parts of the country. I know it's a bigger project than I've tackled and my knees aren't the greatest anymore. dr has shoulder problems..old football, new arthritis. So, maybe we will have to invest in an over the counter pain relief company. But, it will give us something to do in our retirement other than sitting and staring into space. LOL dooley This blog entry has been viewed 448 times
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Glad you had a pretty day to work on your new lot. Sounds like you made a dent in a very large undertaking.
It will be fun to hear about the progress you guys are making. It sounds like you accomplished a good bit today. I'll bet we gardeners provide a pretty good bit of support to those OTC pain reliever companies!
Sounds like you have your work cut out for you! Just take it slow and easy, and you'll get it done. Seems like quite and adventure though, best of luck!
Sounds exciting and take care of your bodies so you can see it through. Think of all the different kinds of gardens you can have.
Good work, Dooley. You've got the right idea, doing a little at the time. Over-doing it will REALLY inflame those knees and shoulders.
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