Daily Happenings | Posted:
Wed Jan 25, 2006 8:49 pm
I thought I knew why it rained. I watered everything really good yesterday. It's probably not the reason because it's quit already and the ground is dry. I still see clouds all around us though.
Yesterday, I thought it was going to rain. I had to go to the doctor which is one of my least favorite things. It's really a big time waster. Now, I have to go have the lab work done. I couldn't do that yesterday because the tests are fasting and I ate breakfast. It's a good thing because we were there for almost two hours. It was afternoon and we went at 10 am.
Anyway, we stopped and had lunch at a buffet place. You always overeat at those places. I did manage to stick to the salad bar but still.
So I came home and walked on the treadmill for a mile and then I went and got the hose and watered all the little trees and bushes and I went overboard and watered everything else because if it had been raining everything would have been watered. I see some of my bulbs are peeking through the ground. I watered all of them too. I hope they all come up. I planted 285 of them. Mixed things, daffodils, tulips, hyacinths, and dwarf iris's. The rose bushes have buds and little leaves so they got watered good. The lilac bush has little buds so it got watered.
I spent most of an hour watering things. I felt like watering a cat but I restrained myself. It was digging in one of the flower beds. There are so many feral cats in the neighborhood. I'd like to trap them, but every place makes you pay to take them and it's just not in my budget. The man across the street needs to do it. He's the one who feeds them all.
Today, I have to pedal the exercise bike and it's so windy. My exercise things are on the carport which isn't yet closed. Guess I'll have a hooded sweatshirt. Dan bought me a portable CD player for my birthday so I can listen to books while I pedal or walk. I have Wild Orchids by Jude Deveraux on it now. There are five CD's so it may take awhile. It doesn't say how many hours.
I never take that long to read a book so it's a good thing I am doing something useful while I listen.
We mailed a package to Grandma Collins this morning. She will be 90 on Feb. 3rd. We won't be able to be there but our oldest son will be there for the party. She lives in the Finger Lakes region of New York.
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