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It's Fall already!
Posted: 08 Oct 2015 Posted: 04 Mar 2015 Posted: 01 Jan 2015 Posted: 30 Dec 2014 Posted: 27 Aug 2014 All Entries |
Still MovingWe are still moving. Everyday we take a load or two or three down to the house. Then we stop and sort and try to put it away. Yesterday dr fixed the Hoosier cabinet and the china cabinet so I can put things into them. He will put the pegboard on the shelves today or tomorrow and I can use them. Now that we bought shelves to put into the laundry room to hold excess stuff and canned goods I can move more kitchen stuff. The electric meter will be installed on Thursday and we will move the refrigerator, washing machine, freezer and stove. Then, we can move the rest of the kitchen stuff. We can't move the bedroom stuff until the fences are put into place. That will probably be on the weekend. Once we can move the dog then we can move the bedroom stuff and she will have a place to sleep. Us, too. After that, it will be move the odds and ends and the stuff from the porch and all of the tubs and pots of plants and flowerws. Looking at them that will take a week of Sundays for sure. I'm planting those tomatoes this afternoon if I have to do it in the rain. But, so far the sun is still out there. I found a place to take the computer and will accomplish that as soon as we can. Oops! I forgot to call the phone company. I knew there was something I didn't do yet. dr says he lies awake making plans for the next day and we always end up doing something entirely different. Last night I shortened the sheer curtains to go under the ones I made for the living room on Saturday. I made curtains for the laundry room since it doesn't have a door. I'll get them up later today or maybe tomorrow if it is going to rain tomorrow. Then, I need to make some for the dining area since none of the ones I have are the right size. I may be able to adapt them though and tie them back and put some across the middle to hang down to the bottom of the window. I'll have to look at my stash of material which is at the new place. The sewing machine is still at the old place. Well, I've got to go and do something else. The library is going to be closing for lunch soon. dooley This blog entry has been viewed 405 times
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I love reading all your news about the move Dooley. Just don't try to do too much or you'll tire yourself out. I hope the weather stays good for you.
I enjoy reading of your progress. You guys do sound well organised. Planning is good, even if you do something other than what you planned. hahaha.
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