More moving
Daily Happenings | Posted:
Mon Apr 12, 2010 3:40 pm
When you get to be our age moving takes time. We have been moving two or three loads a day. We are down to just stuff that needs electricity now so we are mostly at a stand still until Wednesday when the electric company comes back. It takes 3 days to schedule them when you call. They make work orders three days in advance. I guess they could all be sitting on their duff for an afternoon but can't do anything because the work order reads the next day. Go figure! We've been down trying to make sense out of it all and I have my sewing room fixed up. And filled up with boxes again. We moved the recliner chairs yesterday. It took dr and I both to load them in the back of the truck. Down at the house Tammy's son moved them into the house by himself and didn't even breathe hard. It sure takes more energy now than it did when we were younger or we just don't have as much now. Poor Chance is getting so confused. Things keep disappearing and she doesn't know where it's going. We are going to take her for a ride down to the house this afternoon to show her around. Hopefully by the weekend we will have it all done. Tammy's daughter is already moving stuff into the house. Into a room we have emptied out. She has no electric now either and it staying with her grandfather.
I sure hope the electric gets turned on Wednesday. I'd hate to have to wait until next Monday for it.
Tammy said the meter box is fixed so we called this morning at 8 am. Still scheduled for Wednesday but maybe we'll be first in line.
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