Almost done!
Daily Happenings | Posted:
Wed Apr 21, 2010 8:48 pm
We now have only 12 large tubs of vegetables to move. We moved much of our garden yesterday and today. But, dr says those tubs weigh 75 lbs each so they will wait until morning when we are rested. They are the last things to be moved. The house is empty of our stuff and we are so ready to quit moving. dr says we will take a few days before we decide where to put things and to enlarge Chance's yard and decide if we need anymore garden. I've been trying to get things put away as we moved and the house isn't quite a mess but it's nor organized either. Chance loves her new yard. She has neighbors now and last night I caught her in the corner of her yard looking into the yard next door. There was a small white dog looking back at her. I swear they were having a conversation. First Chance would bark and then the white dog would bark and than Chance. It went back and forth for quite a long time and then then both stopped and went on to other things. I moved some herbs and flowers into Chance's yard and a couple of chairs and she is very happy with it. She is okay with the inside, too.
She has dog neighbors on both sides and sometimes there are kids she can watch and neighbors to keep track of and trucks going by on the road. She can see so much more from this house and it makes her happy. We have the little dogs up the road to feed and water and go there twice a day and feed them and talk with them and tell them how nice they are. I did get to look under the pile of boards at the puppies but only with strict supervision. I didn't stick my hands under or make any overt moves so I only got a few small growls. I think there are five or six puppies. They were rolling around so I may have counted one twice. It will be a few more days before they are out and around, maybe. Goldie keeps check on them and I didn't want to mess with them.
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