We are done moving, Hurrah!
Daily Happenings | Posted:
Thu Apr 22, 2010 8:16 pm
We are done moving. The dogs next door were barking this morning and woke us up. So we got up and went and moved those 12 tubs. We have them all in place along Chance's fence. We walked around the front yard trying to figure where to put flower beds and where to put the patio area. Wannabe bought patio blocks for a sitting area so we have tofigure where to put it and where to put other stuff. We want to build a bigger deck so we have to take that into the decisions too. dr went around the back trying to figure where to extend Chance's yard and where to put a small garden area for this year. Then, we quit and went to lunch and stopped at a vegetable market. Now, we are on our way home to sit in the yard with Chance. There are still things to be done but with the moving done these will come at a slower pace for sure. dooley
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