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It's Fall already!
Posted: 08 Oct 2015 Posted: 04 Mar 2015 Posted: 01 Jan 2015 Posted: 30 Dec 2014 Posted: 27 Aug 2014 All Entries |
We are still around but still busyWe are still among the living but keeping ourselves busy. Haven't decided just yet what to do about the computer. We're thinking of getting another one but still having our current one fixed. It's thinking about it time though. We have everything moved from the old house and are slowly working on getting things where they belong, well where they fit. Today we flattened empty boxes and took them to the recycle place at the dump. The deck looks a little better now. We are beginning to be able to walk without tripping over boxes. Yesterday, I worked in the morning clearing roots and sticks out of Chance's yard. She helped. If I wanted the yard dug up she was already and then I had to rake the dirt back into her holes. Since I was digging up roots sticking up out of the ground she helped with that too and dug up the little mimosa tree. dr caught her at that so I was able to save it being pulled out of the ground. Guess we'll have to put some chicken wire around it. It lost it's leaves but I'm hoping new ones will come soon. I planted my eggplant in the big tubs yesterday and two tubs of potatoes. I have tomatoes, potatoes, eggplant, cucumbers, zucchini, green bell peppers and one melon of some kind. I found it growing along the porch before we moved and dug it and put it in a tub. I have rosemary, marjarom, basil, oregano, lemom balm and bee balm (monarda) growing too. Chance's yard is getting rather full since we also have a clothesline and two lawn chairs in it. So, we'll be entending her yard so she has room to run with out dodging tubs and chairs and herbs. She doesn't seem to mind doing that though. Next week I want to start on the front yard and get it cleaned up. Before we moved we cut all the brush but some of it is coming back from underground roots. I hung a couple of hummingbird feeders out there this morning. We have mockingbirds and cardinals that sernade us all day long. It's really nice but sometimes I feel like yelling, "Shut Up!" at them. I unpacked turtles yesterday but haven't decided where to put them. I guess they will find places to sit by and by. The bears are still in the large bathtub in the master bath. I'm not sure just where they will end up but I'm sure they will find their places, too. I can't post pictures on the library computer so you will have to be patient and wait for us to decide just what it is we are going to do with the thing. dooley This blog entry has been viewed 717 times
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It's good to hear that things are coming along there. I get tired reading all the things yu have been doing--hahaha. you are a real work-horse. You guys take it easy now and don't over-do, ok?
I'm with Sjoerd. I'm exhausted reading your post. Where do you find all the energy? Can't wait to see it all come together with photos. I am sure at the pace you are going it won't be long.
I never see you two anymore unless I see your pickup coming in are going out.Ya'll are always so busy.I will come see your new home when you have room for more than two people.
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