Getting Some Help!
Daily Happenings | Posted:
Fri May 14, 2010 4:11 pm
I think we will be getting some help with the yard and brush clearing. The boy next door got a truck for his birthday and is finding out about gas and insurance prices. We asked if he'd like to mow some weeds and help burn that big brush pile. We won't burn it all at once because it's big. He says, "Oh, weinie roast size." That's about right I guess. It's been awhile since I had a weiner roast. Usually it's just slap them on a grill. We don't eat them any more since they contain a lot of sodium and fat. He's going to work our work in and around school and another part time job. But, that's okay. We have no time schedule to keep. We had to put a fence between the rose bushes and Chance. She kept running over them when she was patroling the fence line. It's been hot and muggy so not much else is getting done at this time. Rain in the forecast for the next week or so. It doesn't come every day because it's those isolated or scattered storms that seem to scatter elsewhere.
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