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It's Fall already!
Posted: 08 Oct 2015 Posted: 04 Mar 2015 Posted: 01 Jan 2015 Posted: 30 Dec 2014 Posted: 27 Aug 2014 All Entries |
Computer is online at home now!Well, here I am, sitting at the computer here at home. I had to put it in the small room I'm using as a sewing room. It's getting a little crowded in here and Chance says I'd better not add anything else. Now, how can a sewing table, a computer desk and a set of shelves for the printer to sit on, a small writing desk, a small table for herbs I'll need to bring inside, three sets of shelves for material, a set of shelves next to the sewing table for odds and ends, an exercise bike and a wastebasket take up all this space. There is still room for Chance's bed too. When I'm sewing and dr is at the computer, then it's a little cramped but hey, we both manage to get things done. I still have to download Firefox. Yesterday the firewall and antivirus told me I couldn't download it because the program was corrupted. I'll have to call Dan tomorrow and ask him which one I should be trying to download. He downloaded all the security stuff to a DVD and sent it to me and I loaded it to my computer so I didn't have to sit and wait for them to download on my slow dial up system. I'm getting used to it and can always use the faster computers at the library when I want to look at a lot of pictures. I can't post pictures yet. I still have to take the old computer to get the hard drived cleaned and restored. The man said he could do it but I have to save a bit for it. I need to load my camera program stuff on here and then I can start taking new pictures and loading them to this computer. I still need to load the printer disc.It needed to access online to do it. So, I am back in business. We went to several yard sales today. I bought five crepe myrtle trees/bushes to plant. They aren't too big. They are in gallon size pots (one is in a 3 gallon pot). The man said now is the time to plant them. They are red, purple and white but which is which he didn't know. I guess his wife potted them and she wasn't there. She probably wouldn't know either because they aren't marked. They all look just alike It's getting cooler here now. It rained for a few days and then a cold wind blew through and it was only 37 degs this morning. I brought my herbs in last night and covered my lettuce. I have a tomato plant with 5 tomatoes, still green. I have an eggplant with five small eggplants. I guess I'll have to pick them one of these days but the weather channel says it will go back to upper 70's lower 80's during the latter part of next week and 50's at night so maybe I will leave them and just watch the weather. It will be 37 degs again tonight. I also have planted a tub of kale. It's about an inch tall. It is rather thick so I will thin it out when the leaves start to get the curl to them. I found a great recipe for sausage and kale soup. Maybe I should post it in the recipes section here. It's easy to make and so good. I made it this week and made oatmeal molasses bread that day too and chocolate chunk cookies for dr. They are gone already so I guess I'll have to buy some more chocolate and try again. I'm a diabetic so you know it wasn't me that made them disappear so quickly. The bread goes quickly, too and that might be my fault. I do make two loaves but have been giving one to the people next door. There is four kids there and both parents work so they don't make bread. The kids do like baking cookies and the oldest (17) makes award winning cakes for 4-H and FFA. I've started a purse for wannabe. It can be used over the bar on her walker when she goes shopping or if she isn't using the walker that day, it converts to a normal purse. I have it cut out but haven't sewn it yet. The lady at the library gave me the pattern. But, dr and I re engineered it so much the basic shape is all that's left of the original design. She is going to try it out and let me know how it works. Maybe I can start making some to sell. I have to start thinking about a web site but guess I'll ease into it. I don't know how we do it but we manage to have something scheduled most days and if we don't the truck insists we have to go somewhere. It just doesn't stay in the driveway. One of these days, I'll forget to stop at the gas station and then, it will have to sit in the driveway. I'm going to be 70 in January and thought I was slowing down but it seems like we keep busier than when I was working and gardening and doing all the things we do now. Guess it's time to start thinking about supper. I wonder if dr has found a place for the armoire he bought yet. We have to pick it up tomorrow. He says I have all the closet space and he needed it to hang some of his stuff. Well, mahybe! dooley This blog entry has been viewed 398 times
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Welcome back. wannabe
Welcome back, nice person!
alaura I am glad your lump in the breast is okI'm so glad answered my prayer about about that.God bless you and DR.and Chance.Oreo is doing ok.WE are ready to come hometo Texas.I sure miss you Three.and Jubabe and Sonny Kevin and LindaKevin and Lnda says I have lots of blooms blooming in the yard andmy passiom flower is blooming up the cedartreeand the blooms sure smellwonderful.I seem to be doing ok I sure hope I am. Login or register to leave a comment. |
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