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It's Fall already!
Posted: 08 Oct 2015 Posted: 04 Mar 2015 Posted: 01 Jan 2015 Posted: 30 Dec 2014 Posted: 27 Aug 2014 All Entries |
What a start to the summer!I was just re-reading my last blog. I posted it on June 1st. My garden was doing well and I had all kinds of plans for sewing and the farm market. But, that was about three days before I found that lump in my left breast. That blew away the plans but not the summer. It's hot and humid here and dry. How can it be so humid and dry, too. I guess the humidity is what keeps some things green and growing,like the weeds. The weeds really got out of control while I was mending from the mastectomy. I finally went out yesterday and pulled and cut weeds and threw them over the fence to the goats. I didn't get near finished. dr helped and we restacked windows that we bought to make a greenhouse. dr worried that he was working me too hard but it felt good to be back doing things and we took several water breaks and rest times. Then, he took me to lunch. We stopped at the thrift shop and I found a few pieces of material. I didn't do much sewing yesterday though. I try to sew at least one thing every day. Sewing was something I could do while mending. It was sitting and I have a/c in here. I did a lot of reading, too. Last evening I sat down and tried to make a baby apron. I did get one made but I see a couple of changes I want to make in it. It needs to be a couple inches longer and maybe the bib part needs to be just a tad bit wider. I also need to buy some velcro for the tie around the neck. I put a snap on this one but it was just a trial one. Velcro will give a little more adjustment to the ties. I've been trying to make some smaller tote bags and more kid stuff. I've been doing well with the aprons since the farm market moved to the town square. We get more people through it. They were deciding that we would close for the month of August but last week decided we won't close for the month of August. It is hot but we take lots of water and we come home at noon or one o'clock. I had those orders that I got done. A lady wanted me to make her granddaughter a denim bag with a Miss Kitty on the front but that's a copyrighted pattern and I can't do that. Maybe a different kitty but not that one. I'll tell her that next week. She was going to let me know how big it should be. I made matching aprons for my son and grandson for their birthdays which are in August. I made a pink tote bag with a John Deere logo on the material for my granddaughter. When she was younger she loved John Deere tractors and machinery. She's 15 now so maybe she has outgrown them. I saw one at the store not too long ago and thought about buying it and didn't. Then, I found a piece of the pink striped material and bought it and made the tote bag myself. I need to think about making something for my daughter-in-law since I have something for the rest of the family. I might make her a tote bag, too. The garden has about seen it for now. I'm going to get some seeds started for planting the first part of September. I think as hot as it is now that the frost may be late enough to grow quite a lot of things. If we get the greenhouse built I can grow some vegetables in it, too. My pumpkins didn't do so well,Two of them died but one is growing and has several leaves now. I don't think it will be the biggest one though. So, that's about what I've been doing this summer. Mostly sitting around doing nothing. I'm feeling much better now and only have two more doctor visits on August 3rd. One to the surgeon and one to the oncologist who will monitor for five years before they can say it's over now. But, they did get all the cancer cells so I don't have to have radiation for five weeks. Thanks to all of you who sent prayers and good thoughts. They worked!! dooley This blog entry has been viewed 734 times
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Dooley, I'm so very glad you're on the mend. Keep doing so so you can share all that gardening knowledge with beginners like me :)
Laura I you two don't over do your gardening and continue recovering.
Hi Dooley, I have been checking in sporadically this summer and missed posts regarding your cancer surgery. Glad to hear you are doing well and don't need to go through radiation.
Hi Dooley, when you are sitting, your healthy body and immune cells are working hard HEALING. Take care, play in the dirt,(there is a study proving dirt on the hands fights depression), enjoy the fruits of your garden. Laugh daily.
Laura I hope you are getting mendedand do get well I'll be home soon.I'm so much better now.I still have to find out where all my blood has went. Login or register to leave a comment. |
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