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It's Fall already!
Posted: 08 Oct 2015 Posted: 04 Mar 2015 Posted: 01 Jan 2015 Posted: 30 Dec 2014 Posted: 27 Aug 2014 All Entries |
No more weeds!It was nice when we got up this morning so I took my cup of tea and went and sat in the yard with Chance. I took my camera but the birds did not come. The sky turned cloudy and the wind started so I came in and made apple/raisin muffins for breakfast. Last night I made apple cobbler for dessert. I started to make pie but my pie crust turned out tough and doughy. I even followed the directions this time. I digress. After doing the kitchen cleanup I took my loppers out and started on the weeds in the storage yard. I haven't been in there since spring so some of the weeds were like little trees. I lopped them off and threw them into the goatyard. The goats love weeds. I got all the weeds cut with a little help from dr. I cut and he cleared them away. I picked up all the broken glass from a window falling over. I still have some trash to bag up for the dump. But the yard looks like a yard again instead of a dump site. I moved a stack of lumber waiting to be used into the storage yard out of the edge of the driveway. Another job accomplished. dr took me to lunch because I needed a break. Then, I finished the little part up by the deck at the top of the driveway. Now, all of the weeds are gone. Well, there are a few here and there but most of them are gone. I just wanted them gone before it started to rain. We did get dribbled on off and on but nothing measureable. I watched the weather a few days ago just after our last measureable rain and the weatherman said not to expect more rain for five or six weeks. Today I went to and the ten day forecast has rain six out of the next ten days. Wednesday and Thursday are going to be sunny and nice for Thanksgiving travel. We aren't going anywhere but I know that many people do go to family dinners. My little fall garden is doing well. Maybe between rain showers I can thin the carrots. I need to pick some spinach and some lettuce to encourage new growth. I think there may be enough swiss chard for a quiche too. I have cheese, too so maybe for lunch tomorrow. I have four circle beds with mixed lettuce and one is up enough to pick and the others are growing except the one little bed with the rabbit waiting patiently for it to grow. The birds have been leaving it alone. I've been thinking of putting a bird feeder out there but first I have to discourage the neighbors cats. I wonder how I will do that without hurting them. I do use the hose and get them soggy. It doesn't seem to discourage them from trying to get dinner out there. I keep things cut short so there is no place for them to hide. Chance chases them out when she sees them. I guess we are almost ready for winter now. I'm not a winter person so I hope it doesn't last too long. dooley This blog entry has been viewed 1229 times
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Have rabbit stew to go with that salad lol.Tell Kevin to keep his dang cats at home.
Always so busy Dooley! I wish my neighbors had weed loving goats to toss my weeds to! Login or register to leave a comment. |
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