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It's Fall already!
Posted: 08 Oct 2015 Posted: 04 Mar 2015 Posted: 01 Jan 2015 Posted: 30 Dec 2014 Posted: 27 Aug 2014 All Entries |
We got rained on again, again and againToday, being a shopping day we went to Huntsville. We left home in the fog and stopped and had breakfast and went to the bank. Then, we started to Huntsville. It was still a bit foggy and I had my lights on and wipers going intermittently. We drove in and out of fog and it got a little misty as we got closer to Huntsville. Our first stop was Home Depot. I wanted some wildflower seed mix to put in the front yard where all the little stumps and roots are now. We went into the garden dept and I bought 8 small Early girl tomatoes. I know it's early and if I put them outside they will need to be covered at night for awhile. But, they were about 40 cents each. We also bought a pot of Greek Oregano and a pot of Sweet Mint. dr bought a metal trash can to hold hot ashes until they cool. Second stop was WalMart. I wanted to get a few things in the grocery section to make some cookies to take for snacks and lunch at the Writer's Guild Sale. It's potluck for all the authors and guild members. I heard thunder and told dr I bet it's raining. He didn't want to hear about it. I went ahead to the sewing dept and bought some thread. They were out of the ribbon that I wanted for bookmarks. We checked out and sure enough it was pouring rain outside. We had parked just five spaces out from the store but we were soaked when we got the bags put in the back and ourselves put in the front of the truck. We wanted to go to HEB next so the lights and wipers came on and I backed out and went out the exit and started toward HEB. It was pouring rain so hard I could only follow the next car by following the tail lights.We drove through some water flowing across the street and some in low spots in the street. We made it to HEB and I parked in a space right up by the overhang of the store. We got soaked by rain getting from the car to under the roof. Our feet were wet from the water running through the parking spaces. Of course, it was still raining when we came out and there were people blocking the overhang waiting for the rain to let up. If they waited, they waited a long time. We loaded our bags and got into the truck, more wet than before. We decided to go for lunch while we waited for it to stop or slow down some. Lights and wipers came on and we slowly made our way to the street. Pouring down rain making it difficult to see again. We got to the restaurant and I turned into the parking lot. The restaurant is built into a slope so the water was running down the slope across the parking lot. I went through the water up the slope and parked by the door. We, again, got wet going from the car to the door. We were not alone as the restaurant was almost full of people waiting out the rain. Most were equally wet. They had to shut down one section of the restaurant because water was coming under the back door and making the carpet soggy wet and slippery. The water in the parking lot was up to the bottom of the door on some cars and people were running to move them up the hill some. It did slow down some by the time we were leaving so we didn't get so wet going back to the truck. We stopped for gas but the pumps were under an awning/roof so that was okay. We started home, but didn't get far before the rain started coming down in buckets again. Lights and wipers came on and I slowed down to a crawl. Good thing most of the traffic was on the interstate road. I didn't have to worry too much about someone running over me or me hitting someone in front of me. Would you believe with the poor vision that some people don't use their headlights? It took us more time to get back to Madisonville and the rain was stopping when we got there. We decided not to stop for anything in town and proceeded on north on the highway. We didn't get two miles down the road before...not rain again, but SUNSHINE! We had sunshine the rest of the way home. The creekbed that thinks it's a road down the hill to our house wasn't too slippery and we made it without sliding this way and that way. We unloaded our purchases and then, we went and changed out of our soggy wet clothes. Ha! Warm again! I think I will stop going shopping because the same thing happened on a bit smaller scale last month, only we were in Bryan instead of Huntsville. We've had four or five rains like that in the last six weeks. The cattle tanks are full, the ditches are full and the fields look like lakes. But, the weather people tell us the drought is not over. It will be back full force in the summer. Thanks, guys, you sure know how to spoil a good thing. dooley This blog entry has been viewed 952 times
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I thought about you today while watching the news. Sounds like your area was the wettest. We got around 1.5 inches here at the house. But in Humble, where I work, I bet they didn't get 1/2 inch. Glad you got your shopping done and made it home safe. This rain is a blessing... but it sure can be a pain when you have to be out in it!
hope you dry out soon. i think when they talk about drought, even though it rains and rains...i think they measure it by the water table..hopefully the ground can absorb it in a timely's been such a wierd and different winter...wonder what the spring & summer will be like. Login or register to leave a comment. |
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