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It's Fall already!
Posted: 08 Oct 2015 Posted: 04 Mar 2015 Posted: 01 Jan 2015 Posted: 30 Dec 2014 Posted: 27 Aug 2014 All Entries |
Time sure fliesI was looking and it's been awhile I wrote a blog. Time sure flies these days. I remember when a month was a long time and now it's just a couple of days. I think it got hot and humid and I just stopped doing much of anything but sewing in my air conditioned room. My garden suffered from lack of care and weeds. I watered it but the weeds just kept growing and sort of crowded out the garden. I decided that I should just go and do some every day and see if I could reclaim any of it. Yesterday, I pulled weeds for around all the trees and bushes in the front yard. I watered everything really well. Today, I was going to do the backyard but there was some wild grape vines hanging out over our road so I took my loppers and went to cut them. Of course, they were growing over scrubby brush so I had to cut it, too. Then, I went up and down cutting the heavy weeds that I couldn't pull out. The road is clear on both sides now for awhile. We went and had a sandwich for lunch and then I took my shovel and went out and pried that petrified rock out of the road in front of the house. We clunked over it every time we went in and out of the driveway. I had to call dr to help me move it and together we couldn't move it. It's 22 inches by 20 inches by 9 inches. There were two of the neighbors brothers next door so I went and asked if they would help us move it. They picked it up like it didn't weigh anything. One of them even took the shovel and filled in the hole. We tried to hose the dirt off of it but dr says we need a stiff brush. It's more like sandstone so we don't want to scrub it too hard. I think I will call the lady from the rock club and see how they clean it. I might even see if they would like it. So, tomorrow I will pull weeds in the backyard and water things back there. dr is going to be working on his shed. He does a little every day. It's too hot to work on it very long. He's working on roof rafters now. We went and bought some boards for it yesterday. He has metal to use for the roof once he gets the rafters put up. Seems like we either work slower or the days are shorter because we run out of day before we run out of things to do. Well, I'd better quit this and go "find" something else to do. Usually it finds me first. dooley This blog entry has been viewed 613 times
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I seem to be commenting on how time flies with increased frequency as I get older.
Pshew! I feel tired reading it, Dooley. You have a lot to do there and the weather doesn't help at all. It's the same here--sweltering heat and I am STILL behind in my flower garden clean-up. The priority is always the veggie plots, and things happen and must be attended-to.
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