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It's Fall already!
Posted: 08 Oct 2015 Posted: 04 Mar 2015 Posted: 01 Jan 2015 Posted: 30 Dec 2014 Posted: 27 Aug 2014 All Entries |
Lackadaisical!I've been noticing that it's been August since I wrote a blog on here. I guess I've been a little lackadaisical in posting lately. I guess most of you know that I had a mastectomy in June, 2011. Then, I went through test after test and scans and doctor's appointments. It really seemed like I was going to the doctor or the medical center every couple of weeks. That only happened June through October, 2011. Then, it slacked off. I have a medication that I take every day and it has side effects that cover both sides of two pages. But, it sent the cancer into remission so I can't complain about it too much. The scans I had in September showed no signs of the cancer. But, I still have to take the medication and have more scans in June, 2013. But, I don't have the energy that I did before the surgery and some days I get up and just don't do anything. That's why I try to sew every day or do something in the yard. The doctor said do something outside everyday but it was hard to do in the summer when it was so hot and we've had a couple of cold spells where I couldn't go outside. The doctor said the medication would cause joint pain and she was right about that. The primary care doctor said, "No pain medication, when it gets bad get up and walk." He is right and I didn't want the pain medication anyway. What I asked was for an alternative to it. So, sometimes in the night I'm up walking around the house. Especially on damp gray days. I do try to do things outside. I planted a fall garden, but the grasshoppers ate most of it as soon as it came up. I'm hoping that the three nights down to 20 degrees took care of the grasshoppers. The peas are blooming but I notice that those black caterpillars are eating the leaves. I pick them off and toss them over the fence, but they probably get back before I get inside. The only thing doing really well is the lettuce. I have three different kind and they are all doing great. Fresh lettuce for salad. I do wish tomatoes were a cool weather crop. I want to try to get out and hoe up the other beds and replant some stuff. I started to buy some seed for swiss chard the other day but the line was so long that I put it back. Maybe after the Christmas rush I will try again. My rosemary bush is really growing. I planted it a couple of years ago when we moved here. It was in one of those gallon size pots. It is now about four feet high and spreads out about five feet. I pulled some off to use at Thanksgiving and put some in a vase in the house. I wish it were in the yard instead of the garden area. When we lived in Arizona I had it by the back door. It grew so big it blocked the driveway. I cut it and dr took it to the flea market. Chance used to rub up against it and then turn around and smell it. She loved the smell of it. Maybe I should pull of a bit and rub it on her so she can smell it. She is ten years old now. I really can't believe we've had her ten years on December 23rd. She was so small that she fit in my hand. She loved to crawl up and sleep with her head under my chin. She can't sit in my lap any more. She's long and she's heavy, not fat though. She comes and lays under my legs some nights. She was here but she went out a bit ago. She didn't like the heat this summer so she wanted to stay inside all of the time. Now, she wants to be outside all of the time unless it's raining or really windy. We put a rug on the front deck for her. Brian build her a bed on the back deck and I made a cushion for it. She stayed out during that cold period so I covered her with an old blanket. She loves it. Am I ready for Christmas? Well, I guess I mostly am. We didn't do much shopping. I have to mail most things so I'll do that in January when things settle down some. The kids know I'm always late. My mom and dad used to have Christmas in March when I'd get around to sending their gifts. I do have the house decorated somewhat. I put up the little bear tree. I took some pictures but haven't loaded them to here yet. I've made some cookies but took most of them to a Writer's Guild party. We go to the Writer's Guild meeting every third Tuesday except in summer and this past summer we even met at a local restaurant every month to keep in touch. I'll try to post more often and write my blog monthly again. I can't let myself get bogged down, doing nothing. Take care and Merry Christmas everyone. dooley This blog entry has been viewed 436 times
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Hi Dooley! It's OK to be lackadaisical sometimes. You need to do what your body says you can. Even so, sounds as though you still stay busy. Merry Christmas to you too.
Hiya Dooley!
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