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It's Fall already!
Posted: 08 Oct 2015 Posted: 04 Mar 2015 Posted: 01 Jan 2015 Posted: 30 Dec 2014 Posted: 27 Aug 2014 All Entries |
Cold and snowy?It's cold and snowy somewhere but not here. Wannabe had some snow but she said the wind blew it away. It was windy here the last couple of days but today it was pretty nice. It was 64 degrees and sunny. It should be nice for the weekend and then it says rain on Christmas Eve and Christmas. Still, it's not snow and that makes me happy. I spent the first couple of weeks in December making cookies. I do this every year. When I had three growing boys at home, they didn't last long but now that it's just dr and I they just set there looking at me so I have to eat them. Being a diabetic I surely don't need cookies. So, I give them to anyone who even faintly looks like they need a cookie. I didn't make as many as usual this year. I took cookies to the Writer's Guild party. When people were collecting their bowls and plates as they were leaving they tried to give me back the leftovers. I told them, "sorry, I'm not taking home leftovers." So they divided them among themselves. I made two buckets of cookies for the lady next door. She has six grandchildren that she wanted to help decorate cookies. I told her I would make the cookies as their Christmas present and she could help them decorate them. I made cut out sugar cookies and cut out gingerbread cookies. They decorated them last weekend. Today, I was outside and one of the little boys came to the fence carrying a small poinsettia and handed it to me and told me, "Thank you for the cookies." I ask if they were all frosted and he said yes. I asked if they were all eaten. He said no. I asked which he liked best, the white ones or the brown ones. He said he liked the brown ones. I told him they were my favorite, too. Of course, I eat mine without frosting. I remember making gingerbread boys and frosting and decorating for each of the boys to take to their school parties just before Christmas. I made about 35 for each boy. Good thing I liked baking. I was working then, too. We hadn't done Christmas shopping until this week. I made shopping bags, aprons and such for presents but hadn't really gone shopping. Wednesday we left early and spent the whole day in Bryan/College Station, just walking around looking at things. We were tired and hadn't actually bought anything but groceries. Yesterday we were tired but went into town and bought a couple of things for each other and ended up giving them to each other when we got home. Today, we ran a few errands and went and did some looking in Huntsville and did buy some things that we can wrap. Since we were both shopping together we will know what is in the packages but after 51 years it's hard to surprise each other anyway. I found some seeds at Tractor Supply so bought some seeds for swiss chard so I can replant my fall garden. I dug it all up on Tuesday when it was so nice outside. I still have lettuce and I found two swiss chard plants and one carrot. There are two pea plants blooming if the cold hasn't gotten to them yet. The red cabbage is growing but not very fast. If I can get them planted soon they might have a chance to grow and get some rain on Christmas Eve and Christmas. I was going to buy a bird feeder but bird seed is a big high for my budget. I do keep them in water and they will have to forage for food in the woods here. Anyway, we do NOT have snow and the Christmas shopping is probably done for the year. Next major event is on January 2nd which is my birthday. I'll be 72 years old. That's probably too many candles for a cake but I don't eat cake either so that's okay. Enjoy your Christmas and have a really great New Year. dooley Last edited: Sat Dec 22, 2012 9:28 pm This blog entry has been viewed 410 times
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>>> Since we were both shopping together we will know what is in the packages but after 51 years it's hard to surprise each other anyway.
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