Memories going or there's too much to do
Daily Happenings | Posted:
Tue Jan 01, 2013 8:17 pm
After breakfast this morning I brought my cup of tea here so I could check the computer. I checked out things and then looked at the calendar with all the days checked with x's. That's the old calendar, I thought. I pulled it down and got the new one from the shelf and put it up. No x's on it yet. We bought several calendars so I thought I'd go find them and change them, too. I took my tea cup, which was by now empty, to the kitchen. I ran hot water and washed up all the empty tea cups sitting there and cleaned off the big table in the center of the kitchen. Things tend to get set there instead of getting put away. I changed out the Christmas place mats on the little table where we eat. I swept the kitchen and hallway and laundry room and I swept up all the little twigs from around the stove in the living room. I mopped up the kitchen floor. It tends to get messy along in front of the stove and sink. I looked around and things seemed to be looking good. I heated up some leftover soup for lunch. I rinsed out the bowls and made myself a cup of tea and came in here to check out the internet for any new posts, etc. I glanced over at the calendar and saw that it was new. That's when I remembered that I had gone to look for the other new calendars. They weren't in the kitchen. They were on a shelf in the hallway. So, now the new calendars are all installed where we can look at them whenever we want to remember what day it is now. My cup of tea isn't hot anymore. I'm a little afraid to take it to the kitchen. I might forget what I went out there for and clean something else.
I do need to go put that chicken in the oven if we are going to eat it for supper though. I'm not sure just what we will eat with it. I think I may roast sweet potatoes and have a salad. We have had a lot of sweet stuff lately but I guess we should end the holidays with something for dessert. Hmmmm! Guess I'd better take this tea cup to the kitchen and see what I can find to make. No cookies. I still have a few pfeffernusse but it's time to quit with the cookies. I emptied out the tins when I was cleaning this morning. Well, I'll find something. The cupboard isn't bare as was Mother Hubbards.
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