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It's Fall already!
Posted: 08 Oct 2015 Posted: 04 Mar 2015 Posted: 01 Jan 2015 Posted: 30 Dec 2014 Posted: 27 Aug 2014 All Entries |
Seventy five degrees in January?Are you sure it's still January? Today it was 71 degrees at 4:30 pm and the weather says it will be 75 degrees and sunny tomorrow. Are you sure it's still January? It was nice a couple of weeks before Christmas and then we had about a month of cold, cloudy, rainy, dreary weather. About a week ago the rain quit and gradually it's been warming up. It says it will be 75 tomorrow but on Thursday it will be 79 degrees. Go figure! I've been trying to get the yards in shape for spring. Last year it got away from me when I was doing all the running from one doctor to another. The grass got tall and the weeds took over and the grasshoppers had a feast. So, I've managed to get all the weeds pulled and I've raked all the dry grass and tossed it over the fence and am in the process of cutting the scrubby brush that persists in coming back. I did see when I was raking that some had dried up so maybe it's progress. I'll do some more of that tomorrow and I need to trim my rose bushes and pull off the leaves with black spot. I found a spray for black spot that says it's safe for the garden. I need to dig or hoe up the garden areas. I found some spinach, swiss chard, kale, lettuce and carrots that I can plant. I was looking at the ones that I planted in the fall. I see one row of carrots, two rows of spinach, some peas and a few swiss chard. There was one bloom on the peas. I wonder what you can do with one pea. Maybe some more will bloom. The plants have survived the wooly caterpillars and the freezes so it's hopeful. I saw a grasshopper yesterday. It was a big one. I wonder where he hid from the cold. I thought the freezes would take care of them. I thought about hiring the kids up the hill (7-9 yrs) to come and catch them. I could pay them a penny a piece. Then, I thought about it again. Knowing those boys they would do more damage than the grasshoppers. I remember when I was a kid that we always caught grasshoppers and ladybugs and fireflies. We didn't even get paid for it. Now, I know that we should have left the ladybugs but what do little kids know about bugs. Maybe next month I can plant a few more things if it doesn't decide to freeze again. I have some bush beans and some pole beans but it does need to be frost free for those. I have some radishes and some potato sprouts. Well, enough time to think about that. I'm still sewing stuff. I made shopping bags for relatives in California. Last week I made a couple with a cowboy design and sent one to our grandson and one to Brian's niece's son. They are both five. I put some books in the bags, hoping maybe they would consider them book bags. The Writer's Guild is having a Book Sale and author signing in February and they let me sell book bags there so I need to make some of them. I call them tote bags but shopping bags would work as well. With summer coming I should make some garden aprons, too. So goes my life. Hope you have a good one, too. dooley This blog entry has been viewed 428 times
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73 degrees here Dooley !! Makes you want to dig in the dirt !! Login or register to leave a comment. |
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