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It's Fall already!
Posted: 08 Oct 2015 Posted: 04 Mar 2015 Posted: 01 Jan 2015 Posted: 30 Dec 2014 Posted: 27 Aug 2014 All Entries |
Spring is coming, it should be here any time.Spring is coming. I know that is is coming. I've been saying that since last fall. I planted my fall garden and the grasshoppers ate it as it came up. I was happy when we had a frost and then a freeze because I thought it would get rid of the grasshoppers. Well, there are still some big ones around out there. Not so many as before though. They are just waiting for things to come up so they can be giant grasshoppers by the end of summer. I've just been pretending that it's spring and going out on any nice day and doing spring cleanup around the yard. I still have a little scrubby brush in the front yard but I think I have it all taken care of in the backyard. I need to find the weed eater and cut down some of the grass that is growing now. Today, I went out to the storage yard and started breaking up that large pile of branches that the neighbor gave us when he cut down some dead trees. The small ones went on a pile to be burned when it's not windy. 25 mph winds today didn't make for a day to burn anything. Wish we had a chipper machine and I could make mulch out of it. The medium ones got broken up for kindling wood and put in a large storage box. The ones I couldn't break went into a pile for getting cut up with the chain saw which I don't use. Then, dr and I restacked the windows that he moved so he could build the greenhouse. They are in the corner out of the way for now. We couldn't finish everything and tomorrow it's going to be spring again and we'll have thunderstorms or so it says (60 percent chance). I have a new veggie bed dug at the front of the house and the two ones in the back dug up. Yesterday, I hoed the one in the front and dug two furrows in it and planted 35 potato pieces that had sprouts growing, two on each pieces. I had cut and air dried them. I hope they come up because they are just from the store and not seed potatoes. I've planted them from the store other years and they did okay. But, everyone around here says they have to be planted by Valentine's Day and I was three days late. I'm not sure what will go in the back beds yet, but time will tell. In the little shaped beds in the front there are snap peas which finally decided to grow and have flowers so maybe we'll get some peas. There is spinach, kale and swiss chard and a few carrots. Of course there are weeds, too so next day it isn't raining I guess I'll take my hoe and go tackle the weeds. I still have some scrubby brush to do and I need to plant some flowers. I have to do something with my honeysuckle. It's growing on the fence and I know that as soon as those goats see it, it won't be growing on that fence. I've been doing a fair amount of sewing. Probably not as much as I should have been doing. I stopped doing aprons and tote bags for awhile and concentrated on making shopping bags for relatives in another state where they have to take their own bags now and they don't like those fiber bags. I've been making a few to sell and at the Writer's Guild book signing next week I might take some and call them book bags. I've spent a couple days this past week passing out flyers for the book signing. I hope we do well. It's a day for local or Texas authors to sell their books and sign them for the buyers. We have a Writer's Guild meeting on Tuesday night and it will probably mostly be planning for Saturday. But, I have two stories ready in case there is time to read. One is about learning to sew. I learned to sew on a treadle sewing machine and was very impatient waiting for my legs to get long enough that I could reach the treadle and make it go back and forth. I enlisted some help from my little brother to get under and work the treadle while I sewed. Needless to say, it did not work very well. I was about six and he was about four. Not a good combination to get anything done and we ended up breaking the belt and then we were in real trouble. Mom made all of our clothes and with a sewing machine that didn't work it was a problem for everyone. I sew better now and haven't broken anything in awhile, knock on wood. There is a small flea market opening here in town that will be the first Saturday of every month so maybe I will try selling things there. We'll see how it goes. I did well at the farm market last spring. I know spring is coming because it's going to rain four out of five days this week. We need the rain but it could be spaced out better. dr says it's only supposed to rain at night while we are sleeping. We had an inch and a quarter last week. We'll see what happens this week. Meanwhile, I'll just keep waiting for spring to come and when it gets here I'll wait for summer. You all have a nice spring now. dooley This blog entry has been viewed 484 times
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I just heard about the books by Janet Shawgo from Galveston, Texas. She was in Addison for a book signing at Dunn Brothers Coffee shop on Valentines Day. Her books ... Look For Me (set in the Civil War) and Wait for Me (set during WWII) both sound pretty interesting.
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