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It's Fall already!
Posted: 08 Oct 2015 Posted: 04 Mar 2015 Posted: 01 Jan 2015 Posted: 30 Dec 2014 Posted: 27 Aug 2014 All Entries |
A little about Chance!I just thought I'd write a little about Chance. She was ten years old in November. We got her for Christmas in 2002 when we lived in Mayer, Arizona. She was very small and slept in a box by the bed. It was like having a small baby. Every time she started whimpering I'd pick her up and carry her outside and she'd walk around until she squatted. Then, I pick her up and carry her back to her box. dr build her a sleeping box out of wire fencing when she got bigger and it was in the laundry room. We had a small yard inside of a big yard and she went there in the day time. She learned to eat and drink on her own and liked it out there. When it got warm, dr built her a dog house out in the little yard. She learned to sleep outside, too. She learned to explore the big yard during the day but always was in the little yard at night. When winter came, we put in a doggie door and she had a bed in the laundry room again. Sometimes we'd let her out into another yard if we were out there. That house had seven fenced yards. We didn't fence them, they were all there when we moved there. She got used to checking each yard every day for cats or other imagined things. One year dr put a doggy door into the kitchen and she could go in and out at her own timing. She slept under the dining room table near the wood burning stove. She wasn't a happy camper when we decided to move to Texas when she was about five years old. We were leaving everything she knew. But, Dan was driving the big yellow moving truck and if she could see that in front of us she was okay. dr fenced her a yard when we got here and there was a long front porch which he fenced so she had a front yard and a back yard to check. There were horses out behind the house so she kept track of them and tried to keep them away from the fence.She chased cats away,too. Just barking so we would come chase them. When we moved down the hill, dr fenced a front yard and a back yard so she again could keep check and do her security rounds to keep us safe. She chased the goats away from the fence and barked when cats or other dogs came near her or our territory. Every morning she went out to the front and did a perimeter check and she had various paths she meandered along smelling for traces of cats. She than went out to the back yard and did the same thing. She slept in the house for the most part. She found it hot in the summer but when out when it got cooler in the fall and winter. dr built her a raised bed on the back deck and we put a padded bed on it. She had to come in if it rained so he built a roof over it. It had no sides but it kept off the rain and the sun and she could see what was going on in the neighborhood. She loved being out there. She kept track of everything. She could stay outside when we were gone shopping or to the farm market. When dr hung out laundry she would go down and lay under the clothesline and guard the clothes. After she got sick she wanted to be outside most of the time but we talked her into sleeping inside when it was cold out. Yesterday, she did her morning check and then came in the computer room where she spent a lot of time because I also sew in here and she had to guard me, too. After lunch she wanted to go outside so dr let her out. She went down and laid down under the clothesline. dr put her bed down there. She went to sleep. She was sleeping most of the time. When he went to check on her she had gone to sleep for the last time. We had a very difficult afternoon and evening. There wasn't anything we could have done differently but we kept thinking what if's. Today, we went to Huntsville looking for something to plant on her "grave." We want to make a little flower bed over it to mark it. I spotted some small pots of rosemary. She loved rosemary. I've always planted it and it grows into a nice sized bush. She would rub up against it and then set and sniff the air. A couple of weeks ago, I picked a branch and rubbed her with it. She smiled at me, I'm sure. So we bought some rosemary and some small orange marigolds. She always stopped to smell the flowers. dr and I have decided to do a Chance Memorial. There is a new shelter starting up here in our town and they need a lot of things. So, every month we will buy something on their list and donate it in Chance's name. We'll go tomorrow to get a list from them. Today, we took the rest of her unopened dog food. We will remember her with love and maybe some sorrow for all the days to come because she was a large part of our family. When it was time to eat, she was there when we ate. She went to bed when we did. If dr was watching a movie she watched it, too. She kept me company when I was sewing. We will miss her terribly. We decided that we would not have any more pets as we are into our 70's and it wouldn't be fair either for us or another pet at this age. So, that is a little more than a bit about Chance but I'm long winded when I get going. dooley This blog entry has been viewed 466 times
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I enjoyed reading your piece on Chance. I think that it was a good idea to have done it.
Dooley I read your entry with a lump in my throat. Chance was such a large part of your lives and I loved hearing about her here at 'The Stew.'
Thank you for sharing your lovely recollection of Chance. I read with a lump in my throat also. I love the Chance memorial idea. She would love it also.
Lovely. I cried like a baby to hear about Chance. Thank you for sharing.
What a lovely reflection on a great companion. She certainly added much to your lives and will be missed. I really like the way you are honoring her memory by donating to the shelter. Login or register to leave a comment. |
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