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Daily Happenings | Posted:
Fri Jul 25, 2014 3:30 pm
I truly have been neglecting my blogs. I don't know why since I do come to GardenStew every day and sometimes more than once a day. I promise I will try to do better.
It's been hot and humid and I've been staying inside for most of the time. I didn't plant a large garden this year. I filled the peat pots with soil but that's about as far as it went. I have problems with my knees and when it's humid I don't function too well outside. I do keep the grass and weeds down for the most part. I have to keep the scrubby brush cut in the front yard under the bird feeders so the neighbors cats don't have a place to hide.
We have two wild bird seed feeders and one for sunflower seeds. We have lots of cardinals and some woodpeckers and chickadee's. Sometimes some big doves and on the ground where they spill the seeds are sometimes squirrels and rabbits. There are four water tubs from small to large that I try to keep cleaned and filled.
So, I guess I go outside some every day. dr keeps the feeders filled though. He does them twice a day. There are lots of the juvenile cardinals there now. It's fun to watch them change to their full colors. I don't see so many female cardinals right now. They must be resting up from the spring.
I picked a cucumber this morning. It was from a vine that somehow migrated from the garden area to the middle of the back yard. There is a smaller one in the garden area. The peppers didn't do well. The tomatoes have flowers but no tomatoes. It got too hot too early but if I keep the plants watered maybe they will get some when it gets cooler again. That will be a couple of months yet though. Not much rain so I do go out and water the plants and bushes and trees some between times.
Still doing sewing. Aprons and reusable shopping bags. I've been giving shopping bags to all my friends and relatives for the cost of the postage for sending them.
Except for the arthritis we've both been doing okay this summer. No emergency trips to the doctor lately. Hopefully no trips until routine appointments the end of September.
I'll try to write a short blog on here every now and then instead of doing it every six months.
Take care now and have a great day.
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