Shopping today!
Daily Happenings | Posted:
Fri Aug 15, 2014 3:17 am
Since we didn't go shopping yesterday that was our day today. First we went and had breakfast. Then, we went to Huntsville and did our shopping. I got everything on my list and then some. We went to WalMart for decaffinated tea bags. I use them to make iced tea. I drink a lot of tea and it has to be the decaffinated kind. We bought some other things there, too. Then, on to HEB for a few things. Then, to Kroger for the rest of the stuff on the list. They had peaches on sale and tomatoes. I bought lettuce and just a small bag of potatoes. We don't eat a lot of potatoes. But, I may make some potato salad. I did buy eggs today. I have a few to toss. Tomorrow we will go to the dump so it's a good time to toss them, I think. We stopped in Midway at the cafe and had lunch. It's a small place but the food is very good. We ate there one before and liked it. Maybe we will go back there again sometimes. It's not all that far away.
Home and things put away by 3 pm. Supper in town and home again before dark. Dark doesn't come at 6:30 pm in summer. So, that rounded out our day. Hope you had one as good.
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