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It's Fall already!
Posted: 08 Oct 2015 Posted: 04 Mar 2015 Posted: 01 Jan 2015 Posted: 30 Dec 2014 Posted: 27 Aug 2014 All Entries |
Bad weather coming?The weather forecast for the next three days is rain, rain mixed with snow and/or snow. Yavapai County, which is our county, is included. We live in the southern part of the county but we still are above 3,500 feet which is supposed to be the snow line. I guess I will bring my plants inside for the weekend. Brian said he will set up a table for me. I should do it before it gets dark. The rain, etc. isn't supposed to start before tomorrow but the temperature will start to go down. I want to go take a picture of my daffodils too. I was waiting for more of them to bloom before taking a picture. It is windy today but the sun is coming out part of the time and it was 48F when I last looked. I work at the library from 1 to 5 pm tomorrow so I hope any snow waits until after I get home. The worst day is supposed to be Saturday. Brian washed all of the clothes today. Laundry is his job around the house. Mine is dishes. I would trade with him but he hates doing dishes. The rest of the housework is mine too. He hauls in the wood and tends the fire. Sometimes he cooks. Usually he has supper started when I get home on Friday. I'll find something for the slow cooker tomorrow. He bought me a new set of pots and pans last week. He said he thought it was time I had a new set. It's been awhile I guess. I have a lot of pieces of different sets that I've had over the years. Now, I have to clean the cupboards to find room for them. The bits and pieces have to go, I guess. After moving our son, seeing how much he had accumulated in a few years, we've been eyeing our stuff. We are thinking of making a list of things we can live without. Or maybe making a list of the things we can't live without. At our age, we can do without a lot of the things that we really needed at a much younger age. I, also, need to go through the box we keep for when the grandchildren come. They are older now and I'm sure some things are much too young for them. Maybe I need to find some things for older kids. They don't come all that often anyway. They would rather send us tickets and let us do the traveling. I don't mind but someone else doesn't like the hassle. He says we'll drive ourselves next time. Not in winter though. The only part about traveling in summer is getting someone to water everything. One summer Dan watered everything, but he didn't pick anything so it was messy when I got back. Oh, well! You can't have everything. I could choose not to have a garden, but I like having a garden. We give quite a lot away to neighbors. They don't seem to mind it. I'd better go bring things inside before it's time to start evening things, like supper, then dishes. This blog entry has been viewed 483 times
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