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It's Fall already!
Posted: 08 Oct 2015 Posted: 04 Mar 2015 Posted: 01 Jan 2015 Posted: 30 Dec 2014 Posted: 27 Aug 2014 All Entries |
Another busy day!I wonder when we will stop have such short days. There never seems to be enough time to get everything done. We started to breakfast this morning and had to stop for gas and with this and that we ended up back at home for breakfast. Yesterday we went to the flea market and coming home we stopped at WalMart and bought 10 forty pound bags of potting soil. Brian bought another 200 peat pots. So, this morning I thought that I have the seeds and the potting soil and the pots so I should start doing something with them. I potted up all the peat pots with vegetable and flower seeds and them when and got the 6 pak planters that I saved when I bought plants last year. I filled all of them that I had too. You should see that greenhouse. It is full. Brian took some pictures without me seeing him so you will see the greenhouse---tomorrow. I didn't have time to get them to photobucket today. There is also one of some tulips in the herb garden area and some hummingbird photos. Just don't look at the weeds and grass that I haven't had time to do anything about.It took me two and one half hours to get all the seeds planted. Then, I took a glass of tea down to the swing and sat for a few minutes. Chance kept me company. Brian came and said he wanted to go to the hardware store in Prescott Valley because they had plant food on sale and the sale ended today. We bought food for flowers and vegetables and food for trees and shrubs. Then, we went up to the mall on the hill and had a Subway sandwich and a Dairy Queen Blizzard for lunch. When we got home, I decided to work on the yard behind the big shed. That has been an on-going project. Last year the neighbor was putting in concrete between his workshop and his house and needed somewhere to pile the dirt. Since I was cutting horehound out he ask if he could pile it there for awhile. It stayed there all summer and finally he came and leveled it. Mean time I had sifted a lot of dirt and rock and made flower beds and rock paths. So now it was level and we raked it down and sloped the bank. We wanted to put up a fence and plant flowers and grass there. We could open it up and let Chance have a larger area to run. With so many other projects going on we didn't get to it. Last week, we finally got the outside fence and gate up. This morning Brian pounded in the short posts for the inner fence. When we came home from Prescott Valley I went out and raked and shoveled until I thought it was pretty level. Then I carried 5 bags of the potting soil out and poured it along the fence. There is 55 feet about three feet wide. I raked the potting soil along the fence. Brian came and brought me an extra bag so it took six bags altogether. I mixed the seed but it was so windy I thought I would wait until morning when it isn't so windy to scatter the seed. I hauled the hose out to wet it down good. I have a mix of cosmos, California poppies, Corieopsis?, and Mexican primrose to scatter in the space. I have some compost for covering seed that I will sprinkle over it. The seeds are small so I won't need much. Ha! I always need more than I think before I start. Then,our neighbor Frank (not our Gnome) came over for a tour and to see the greenhouse. I was hauling around a watering can because I needed to water some of the pots of seeds in the greenhouse before I closed the vent to keep the heat inside for the night. Then, I hurried into the house and put a pork roast into the Nesco Cooker so we would have something to eat for supper. I cut up two oranges and scattered them in the new flower bed so the cats wouldn't dig it up during the night. I put our all of the trash for the trashmen to pick up tomorrow. We have to leave the dumpster inside the fence until morning or the javalina tip it out and scatter it everywhere. Then, I had to come in and finish up the supper. I got the dishes washed and came to load the pictures from the camera to the computer and that is as far as I have gotten today. It's now after ten-thirty and I should think about going to bed. Tomorrow after I plant those seeds I have to make a start on digging the garden area because the squash seeds have started coming up and soon they will need the garden. I planted cucumbers, sweet peppers, eggplant, tomatoes and hot peppers, cantaloupe and lots of flowers. I have a wheelbarrow that I have planted with petunias in the summer. I sowed a package of salad mix in it this morning. I think by the time I'm ready for petunias the lettuces will have been eaten or nearly so that I can fit in the petunias. I noticed the morning glories are coming up by the fence. Dooley This blog entry has been viewed 642 times
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Dooley you sure are one busy lady! Looking forward to the pics on the greenhouse and others :)
Hi Dooley....Thought I better check up on you and DR.
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