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It's Fall already!
Posted: 08 Oct 2015 Posted: 04 Mar 2015 Posted: 01 Jan 2015 Posted: 30 Dec 2014 Posted: 27 Aug 2014 All Entries |
Waiting for rainThe forecast for today and tomorrow is rain. But, we still waiting. The morning was sunny so I thought I would get as much done as I could. I have a lot of pots so I want to put some of the plants from the greenhouse in pots. So, I spent some time cleaning them out and mixing potting soil and compost and a bit of plant food and refilling the pots. I filled one giant pot and several 3 gallon pots and a couple smaller pots. Then, I filled a couple gallon pots and potted some lemon balm for Dan and for our neighbor, Frank. (not our gnome) I quit that for awhile and went to check if any flowers came up along the back fence in either of the flower beds. The long flower bed has some up but it's spotty. I hope it's not because the birds have been eating the seeds or small plants. The new one has a few green shoots. I moved some morning glories from the upper fence down to the lower fence and they seem to be doing well. At least they are standing up and not drooping over. I checked out the squash that I transplanted to the garden from the greenhouse last night. All 39 of them were standing tall. A couple of them have a few minor holes in the leaves so I have to go out and check if there are earwigs tonight. Except it's supposed to rain and there might not be any out. It won't do any good to put out food for them if it's raining. It would just dilute the stuff or wash it out of the cups. I think they just tasted them and decided to wait for the good stuff. We went to the post office and the library. Then, I went out and cleaned the straw out of the bed by the northeast side of the house. I can't call it a flower bed because it has herbs in it. I can't call it a herb bed because it has flowers in it. It also sometimes has vegetables in it. Right now, it has thyme, sage, parsley, oregano and bee balm for herbs and hollyhocks, iris's and cosmos. It also has five strawberry plants which survived the winter. I'm thinking I might move the sage. It is from last year and it is growing a lot this spring. I might move it to the new herb garden when I get it ready. After lunch, I went out and swept the leaves and pollen from the mulberry tree off the front sidewalk and cleaned out the flowerbed where the petunias were last year. I put some sweetpeas from the greenhouse into the back of it along the fence to the upper driveway. I really need another honeysuckle vine there but it is on the waiting list. I'm going to wait until summer and see if the nursery has some on the sale table again. The two that I have were on the sale table last summer, marked down from $47.95 to $9.95. They were lacking a few leaves, well a lot of leaves but this spring they have really put on a lot of leaves and they look just fine. There is a bare spot here and there but I think they will eventually be okay. Then, I decided to put the soaker hose by the squash. I got that accomplished. The hose was rolled up all winter so of course it had a mind of it's own. I may have to buy a few more feet of it. It wasn't too expensive. I found some at a yard sale, too. I was saving the best for last. I dug some more in the herb garden area. It's all done except for the rocky area. I was hoping it would rain and soften it so it won't be so hard to dig. I have compost, etc to mix in it, but it has to be dug first. DR says the ball is too big for the fountain tub so we have to look for another tub. He says he can use the tub to mix mortar which is what the original use was. I wanted to take a picture of the ball but he wants to get it set up first. It was a freebie. I, also, pulled a few weeds here and there and moved some small rocks in the backyard and cleaned out the pipe at the end of the wash. I made vegetable soup for supper because it could cook while I was out doing this and that. DR came out every so often and made me come in for a drink and a rest. He was staying out of the wind and pollen. yesterday, we cleaned up the lower driveway by the fence. Not the driveway, but the strip between the driveway and the fence. There are iris's along the fence but you couldn't see them for the pile of wood. So, we cut it and stacked it in a neat pile and I raked up the mess and cut up the branches and stored them and it looks better. But, with the sawdust and pollen DR was under the weather today. I still have to work on the front "patio". I keep putting that off. I have to dig a hole for the larger tub for the waterfall. since we put a ton of rock in that area that's what I have to move. Yuck! dooley (Oh, it hasn't rained yet) This blog entry has been viewed 540 times
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