More yard work!
Yard work! | Posted:
Mon Nov 07, 2005 9:50 pm
I thought I was about done with yard work for a bit. But we had a windy day and now the yard is covered in leaves from the big mulberry tree in the front. I am thinking I will just wait until they are all down before I do anything with them. I will probably get up tomorrow and decide I can't stand them all over the ground and rake them up and compost them.
I thought we were all done hauling wood. Our sheds are all full. We have enough for this year and next year and maybe the year after. Yesterday, we hauled a truck load for our neighbor. He is elderly and doesn't walk very well and has no way to get to the slash pile anyway. I guess hauling a load of wood for him was our good deed for the day. Our next good deed will be to take our chain saw and cut it for him. It's not a job to do alone and he's liable to hurt himself trying.
We also hauled another load for our son. He hauled two loads but his truck isn't as large as ours. We'll probably help him cut his next week when he has another day off. I wonder if helping a kid of your own is considered a good deed or a duty.
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