Almost done
Herb Garden | Posted:
Mon May 01, 2006 1:11 am
I really thought I would get that herb garden digging finished today but I didn't. I have a space about 4 x 8 to finish and a little grass to dig along the path and I have to dig some weeds between a few flagstones yet. I watered all the bushes really good today.I think they've been needing a long slow watering so it would go deep. It was near 90 today but it was cloudy so it didn't feel too bad. I did it slowly and stopped now and then to do other things. Dan & I were standing in the herb garden talking when he started shouting to run. Go into the back yard. I didn't know what was happening but there was a loud sort of roaring, buzzing noise and I run after him. We stopped and looked up and there was a swarm of bees going over head. it was huge. Thankfully it kept going. Dan said they were probably looking for a new home. They went right over where we were standing. It was Dan's second experience with bees today. He went camping with his group yesterday and they were planning to stay all day today. But, just about dark last night a beekeeper showed up and unloaded about 40 bee hives just down the road. This morning there were bees all over the place and they weren't happy. One lady had to be taken to the hospital because she was stung and started to swell. Dan said he wasn't stung but several of the others were stung. They just couldn't stay in the area. I guess maybe the bees will settle down in a few days but I can't see why the beekeeper would put the bees next to an established campground with people camping in it. Some of the campers were going to lodge complaints with Game and Fish or the rangers who are responsible for the campground. it's on government land.
I put pork loin roast in the Nesco Roaster so I guess I should go and see what else I can find to finish supper. Dooley
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