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It's Fall already!
Posted: 08 Oct 2015 Posted: 04 Mar 2015 Posted: 01 Jan 2015 Posted: 30 Dec 2014 Posted: 27 Aug 2014 All Entries |
A Mixed Up DayI didn't do anything that I started out to do today. It turned out to be fairly mixed up. We got up around 6 AM. I don't know why except we were awake and I couldn't go back to sleep. I made pancakes for breakfast. As I was doing dishes, I cleaned out the refrigerator, washed shelves, drawers, etc. I took the little grate off the bottom and cleaned under it. You never know what rolls under there, but I didn't find any thing interesting. As I finished the dishes I decided the floor needed to be swept. I looked for the broom and remembered I left it out by the front door when I was cleaning up mulberry pollen. When I came in the door I thought I needed to vacuum so I swept along the walls, etc where the vacuum won't reach. I got out the vacuum and did that in the living room, dining room and bedroom. When I moved the table I noticed one leg was wobbly so I crawled under to see if I could tighten it. i couldn't. It needed a different type screwdriver. DR came and he knew which one and he fixed it. DR was washing clothes. Sheets, towels, blankets. it was a nice warm day and things were drying quite well. So, I ask him if he would wash the curtains from the bedroom and living room. He said ok and I took them down. They were all dusty from winter. I washed the windows, inside but not outside yet. Finally three hours after I went after the broom I got the kitchen floor swept. Then, I cleaned the laundry room and put Chance's bed and bedding out in the yard to air out. Did I get some strange looks from her when I did that? While her bed was out of the way I moved the winter coats, etc from the bedroom closet to the laundry room closet. DR finally told me to slow down there was always tomorrow to get it all done. So, I stopped and called his niece. She wasn't there. I called two of my sons and got an answering machine. I called my sister and got an answering machine. I gave up. I think everyone must have been out enjoying nice weather. So I went outside. Well, I did check in with Gardenstew a couple of times. I had moved all the plants outside this morning before starting dishes. I watered them. I started moving some things to the herb garden area. I moved some things to bigger pots. I planted my butterfly bush by the apple trees and watered the flower beds by the fence. They are growing nicely. You can see that there are flowers there now. Lots of poppies, which will be orange. Inside Chance's yard they will be red. Then, Brian's niece called me back. She had tried to call earlier in the week and got no answer. I was probably outside and DR doesn't hear the phone if he's not next to it. She said grandma was leaving rehab on Wednesday but she can't go back to her apartment. She can't live alone anymore. Shelley found a nice care home overlooking the Hudson River. It is only 15 minutes from Shelley's so she can go after work to see her. An ambulance will collect her on Wed. AM. It will take three to four hours to get to the care home. The orthopedic doctor said her hip healed, sort of. If she puts weight on it though it will just rebreak. It's broken three times, different places. They don't want to do any more surgery. It would be a major undertaking and she's 90 yrs old and tired. She's okay with the move and Shelly and Tom have it all handled. They will clean her apartment and close things up. then, I went back out and put things away as it was too late to do any more outside. I had to make dinner. As I was starting the sausages my sister called so DR was watching them until he said they were burning so I had to tell her I'd call her back. They were NOT burning. He just wanted to give me an excuse to tell her I was busy. So, DR took a lot of pictures today. I downloaded them or uploaded them or whatever. Then I resized them. I don't know what I did but they ended up all over the place and even some pictures in other folders ended up with them. I guess I'll have to have Dan figure it out and fix it tomorrow. he's good at things like that. Then, I can put them to Photobucket and maybe post some here. I guess it must be about time for bed. Last I looked Chance and DR were both sleeping. Dooley This blog entry has been viewed 530 times
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I'm glad Grandma is getting out of rehab but it's kind of sad to hear that she will not be able to move back to her apartment. I hope the care home is to her liking. It's great that Brian's niece can visit her every day after work. I bet Grandma will look forward to that every day :)
It's good that Grandma will be out of rehab!! I hope everything goes well for her and she heals nicely!!
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