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It's Fall already!
Posted: 08 Oct 2015 Posted: 04 Mar 2015 Posted: 01 Jan 2015 Posted: 30 Dec 2014 Posted: 27 Aug 2014 All Entries |
Memory?Boy, I make list after list and look things up and then forget everything. I hope I don't forget my shopping list tomorrow. It's by my place at the table. I guess I should go put it in my purse now because DR says we are going out for breakfast tomorrow. I can have whole grain pancakes with sugar free syrup. Something I can eat Or maybe a buckwheat waffle. Those are good too. Anyway, what I started to say was I've been busily planting things here and there and then I remembered that some things are tall and some things are short. Which herbs are tall, which herbs are short? I came into the house and got the herb books out and do you know the most of the entries do not give height. Isn't that really important. I finally got out the packets that I save and found that I may have planted some tall things in front of short things. So, do I move them. They might not survive being moved so close to being planted. Do I just leave them and let the tall things give the short things a little shade. In the middle of a hot summer the short things may like a little shade. Why didn't I remember to look before I blithely planted things? I had a list. Never mind that I don't know where I put it. I sometimes forget my shopping list and I just tell DR, that's okay, I'll remember what's on it. I wrote it, didn't I? Well, when we get home I find I forgot the most important thing. I know all those things are stored in my head somewhere but I don't know for sure where or how to get it out. I work crossword puzzles because I heard it keeps your brain active. I'd better find another book. well, I got little plants put into bigger pots today.I wish I lived closer to anyone because I have lots to share. I've already gave some to neighbors. I've been thinking maybe I could pack them into boxes and take them to the flea market. Maybe I could sell them. DR says I can't buy anymore plants but we don't have geraniums by the gate yet. I'm going to buy the geraniums and plant Baby's Breath with them. Red and white maybe. Unless DR sees another color he likes too. I don't really care about the color, I just like flowers but sometimes DR sees something that he really likes, like the red and white striped petunias. I thought I put earwig food everywhere but some ate holes in the petunias by the front fence. I put a cup of food by each one tonight. I hope they will grow new leaves. They are looking pretty sad. Dooley This blog entry has been viewed 754 times
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I find the Internet is the best brain trainer of all. Having to keep up with all of the new technologies and also playing puzzle games and stuff is great for brain athletics.
I used to think writing it down helped me remember and it does to some extent. Maybe as you get older, you just have more things inside your head to remember. Dooley
I have the same problems with lists also Dooley! I always write one and leave out the door without it!! The kids have now started peeking at my list and then at the store they tell me "Didn't we need this? It was on your list you made at home!" Thank goodness for my sweet boys!
I read somewhere before that the human brain can store 300 years worth of information easily. Firstly I wonder how 'they' ever came up with that figure and secondly I wonder what would happen when our brain reached its capacity. Food for thought :)
Maybe the beginning stuff would delete itself as new stuff was added. Dooley Login or register to leave a comment. |
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