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It's Fall already!
Posted: 08 Oct 2015 Posted: 04 Mar 2015 Posted: 01 Jan 2015 Posted: 30 Dec 2014 Posted: 27 Aug 2014 All Entries |
Yesterday and TodayYesterday after I finished at the library, we went to Prescott to the buffet place for lunch. It was 86 deg when we went in for lunch. It got a bit windy while we were inside. We could see dark clouds and lightning from the window. When we came out it was 62 degs. I thought it was cold. I just had a short sleeve shirt. DR was wearing a long sleeve shirt. He did say he would give it too me if I wanted it. That was nice of him. I told him I would just get in the truck. We stopped at the grocery store to fill our water bottles and it started to rain. We drove in and out of rain all the way home. (About 25 miles) We had a lot of rain here. I don't know how much but Dan said it poured for about 15 minutes and you couldn't see across the street. It looked like we got quite a bit. I didn't have to water last night or this morning. Today our water bill came and DR said it was almost double. Oops! Today, it was the major monthly shopping day. Ouch! We left home at 8:45 AM and got back at 4:30 PM. We had to go renew the liscense plates for the truck. We got through so quick I couldn't believe it. We were prepared to wait an hour or more and we were there less than 15 minutes. In Arizona, the cost is based on value so it was rather expensive. It goes down every year though. I guess that means the value of the truck goes down every year, too. We stopped at the nursery. I wanted begonias and geraniums. They didn't have begonias and I didn't want to pay their price for the geraniums. They didn't look that good and they didn't have a big choice of colors. I did buy 12 tomato plants. Three different kinds-4 paks. We went to a grocery store and then to Home Depot. Then, to Wal-Mart. We spent some time there. I bought a new glucose meter. I thought I should have a new one. My old one was working but I have had it quite awhile. I was hoping for better readings with a new one. On the way back to Prescott Valley, we stopped and I bought a new pair of shoes. Then, on to another grocery store and then to Ace Hardware. I did buy a begonia there and some sweet allysum. It smelled so good. It started to rain a little but we were ready to come home. It didn't rain here. It was 91 degs today. We bought Chance two new squeaky toys. Her favorite game is squeaky. She and Dr play squeaky everyday. DR counts 1 - 2 - 3 and throws it and Chance catches it before it hits the ground. She's pretty fast. She brings it back and there is a tug of war over it until DR tricks her into letting go. They play it outside and a modified version inside. I've walked into a game and been ran down several times. After supper when DR sits in his chair, Chance runs to get her squeaky toy. They have their rules and I don't ever get them right so she won't play with me. Oh, well, it's time to end this day. Dooley This blog entry has been viewed 581 times
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Hi Dooley,
Chance is our dog. Check out Desert Rat's blog for more on her. I have lots of veggies, herbs and flowers planted. The begonias were for the swan. Look for pictures in member's gallery. Dooley
Sounds like you had a busy shopping day Dooley. It's a good thing it is only once a month ;)
Thanks Dooley...I will check out the other blog and the pictures. Login or register to leave a comment. |
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