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It's Fall already!
Posted: 08 Oct 2015 Posted: 04 Mar 2015 Posted: 01 Jan 2015 Posted: 30 Dec 2014 Posted: 27 Aug 2014 All Entries |
ChoicesIt seems every day we have to make choices. Sometimes they are called decisions. But, since I dislike making decisions choices is my word. When my computer quit we had to make several choices. To fix it or buy a new one. What kind do we buy? Where do we buy it? How do we pay for it? When do we buy one? Do we stay with a dial up connection or do we go with the local cable connection? So many choices. These were just a few. The choices were finally made. None of them were easy choices. We bought a computer that suited our needs and was reasonably priced. We didn't buy it at a computer store as the prices were considerably higher in the specialty stores. We chose the computer desk at the same store. We chose a corner desk. Only one problem, we don't have an available corner. So it's against a flat wall. We didn't have a flat wall either. It entailed moving things here and there to make room. Some things were moved clear out of the house. It's a big desk so the next choices were where to put each thing. On the top shelf, on the bottom shelf, in the middle. Somehow, things got put where they worked best. I quickly filled up the empty spaces. Next choice, internet connection. Do we go with the dial up we had or with the faster cable internet? Faster is also more expensive. Christmas is just around the corner. We are on a fixed budget so we decided to go with the dial up until after the first of the year. I may get a cable modem for my birthday. It's soon after the new year. When to get internet reconnected was the next choice. That was merely finding a time when Dan could come and install the firewall and virus protection and browsers and the other things that needed to be installed. I bribed him with dinner and used up his entire evening. There will probably be more choices to make before things are all the way they should be. The next choice will be what to eat for Thanksgiving dinner or how much to eat. Then, how many miles to walk on the treadmill to compensate for how much I ate. Maybe I'll put that choice off for a little longer. This blog entry has been viewed 1329 times
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I agree dooley. So many choices It's sometimes hard to progress with even simple things. I only just starting to learn that there is no such thing as a perfect choice everytime, only choices that get you closer to your goals.
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