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It's Fall already!
Posted: 08 Oct 2015 Posted: 04 Mar 2015 Posted: 01 Jan 2015 Posted: 30 Dec 2014 Posted: 27 Aug 2014 All Entries |
busy day tomorrowTomorrow will be a busy day. I will go to the Mayer Library to help with the summer reading program. It almost got cancelled. Well, not the whole program, just the day's program. Miss Kitty's Cat House person called and said the person coming to do the program was sick and had to go to the doctor. No one else was available to do the program so they would have to come another day. Dan called them back and told them they could not change days without bumping someone else out of their day so the lady who called said she would come and do the program. So, we are back in business. Today, I had my first day at my new job at the Prescott Valley Library. I went in at 9 AM. I was supposed to work 3 hours at the library and then go to Human Resources to do the paperwork. But, about ll:30 the human resources person came and said she couldn't do paperwork today. So, I needed to come in at 4:30pm tomorrow and do the paperwork before I go to work in the library from 6 to 9 pm. So, I came home at noon today. I stopped at the grocery store and got stuff to make spaghetti for supper. I went to the bank to get the routing number so I could get direct deposit instead of going on Friday's to collect it. Friday and Sunday being days I don't work. I found I will work 8 am to 4:30 pm on Saturday. Anyway, I got home around 1:30 today. So, tomorrow, I will work at the Mayer library 9 to 12 and then go to the PV Library at 4:30. I will need to leave here about 3:50. It takes about half an hour to drive up there so I will be ten minutes early if there is no heavy traffic and I drive the speed limit. Brian is going to go and do some errands and then come and pick me up when he is finished and I am finished. He wants to get a library card up there because it is a bigger library then Mayer. I found the people very nice. They all came and welcomed me to the library. The work is the same as I have been doing. Each library has their own stamp on things so there will be a few variations but basically it will be okay. Today, I checked in books and shelved about a hundred videos and audio books. They also have volunteers to help shelve books. I think I will like it. It will seem strange though to go to work after supper instead of being done for the day. I do get a bonus though. DR has volunteered to do the dishes. I hate doing dishes. So that is a bonus. He already does the laundry. Is he not a good person? I had two letters from Brian's mom (grandma) today. She is having a difficult time mentally adjusting to being in a nursing home and without all her little possessions that she had. I think it would not be so bad if she had been able to go back to her apartment and help dispose of things that she couldn't keep. Having someone else do it makes her sad and a bit depressed. I keep trying to cheer her up and I think what if it had been me. How would I feel? I think I would be a bit sad and depressed and a lot angry at life in general. It really isn't fair sometimes. But, no one promised fair in our life and there are a few hard knocks. One would think that at age 90 the hard knocks would be behind us. Oh, well! time to go. Dooley This blog entry has been viewed 526 times
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I think you are enjoying the new job Dooley. It comes across. We'll miss you while you work but I'm sure that you can make up your 'Stew Time' somehow ;)
I understand how that would be .It has to be so hard on anyone no matter the age .I would just be lost without my little trinkits and what knots Login or register to leave a comment. |
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