Update on summer reading program
Daily Happenings | Posted:
Wed Jun 21, 2006 5:33 am
Today was the second day of summer reading program. We had 39 kids and 9 parent helpers. We managed to keep things down to a dull roar but it was pretty hectic. Miss Kitty's Cat House did manage to come, but they didn't bring the cats. The lady who was coming was sick so someone else came and I think wasn't prepared to bring live animals. I was a bit disappointed but the kids seemed not to care. We made cat toys, played a game with M&M's. We have 121 animals on parade and it goes half around the children's room so I'm sure we will get the line into the adult room before too long.
I went in to work at the PV (Prescott Valley) library and spent three hours shelving non-fiction books. I don't mind, but the top shelf is taller than I am so I had to stretch to reach it. I did manage to knock some down, too. The library is a large building all of glass panels so the view is terrific, mountains in all directions. Not the forested kind of mountains though, the ones with scrubby brush. It's the desert here you know. I will like working there. The people are really friendly.
Chance missed me, she is laying here by my feet. I had to share my cantaloupe with her. She sits and stares until you feel guilty if you don't share.
More again. Dooley
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