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It's Fall already!
Posted: 08 Oct 2015 Posted: 04 Mar 2015 Posted: 01 Jan 2015 Posted: 30 Dec 2014 Posted: 27 Aug 2014 All Entries |
A good soak!My garden got a good soaking today, but it wasn't from the storm. I watered a few things in pots this morning and was walking around looking at things. DR came out and wanted to know if I was looking for squash. I picked two yesterday so I told him I was looking at the little green tomatoes. I found 9 in various sizes. None very big yet. I ask if he thought I should turn on the soaker hose. It waters the squash and the tomatoes. DR said it wouldn't hurt so I hooked it up and turned it on. I came in and made smoothies for lunch. I checked on gardenstew. DR washed some clothes and hung them out. We played with Chance and I wrote to Tom and to Grandma. It started to thunder and the wind came up. DR went out to get the clothes and I was looking to see if anything needed to be put away before the rain came. I discovered that we had forgotten the soaker hose. The garden got a good soaking. It had huge puddles even. I bet we have a huge water bill next month. Good thing I have a job now. I would like to water like that every few days, but it's not possible. Other places have reasonable water rates but because water is an ever diminishing comodity here the rates are higher than elsewhere. Maybe with the drought everywhere water rates have gone up other places too. It was close to our electric bill last month and that is up to it's summer rate. Why do they increase electric rates in summer when usage is high and decrease them in winter when less is used. You would think they would be higher in winter to make up for less usage. Oh, well! They just gave the electric company a 8.5% increase on our last bill and they are already back asking for more. I guess I should quit grumbling. At least we have the means to pay it right now. People with less income are going without. I'd better change the subject. DR washes the dishes and does the laundry now. So, after dinner I went out to play with Chance. I took a piece of bagel with me and was breaking off small pieces to give to her. I don't think she likes bagels because after the first two bites she went and buried the third piece. They were small pieces too. Her nose was very dirty and when DR came out he laughed at her and tried to clean it. She got down and rubbed in in a patch of grass. Well, enough. Dooley This blog entry has been viewed 510 times
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We have well water here our electricity is what kills us.
Mine was 250. this month!!! I almost passed out when I opened the bill!! Because its so hot here, my ac cant keep up. So it never shuts off. We have ceiling fans but I dont think it makes a difference.
Try having a bill that is $336.00!!! I still haven't recovered from the reel of that!!! Dooley maybe Chance did like the bagel and she wanted to save some for later!!LOL! I bet she was soooo cute with her dirty little nose and trying to clean it in the grass!!! Login or register to leave a comment. |
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