Computers down
Daily Happenings | Posted:
Thu Jun 29, 2006 6:51 pm
When Dan came home last night he said the computers went down at three o'clock. When I went to the Prescott Valley library at six pm they were still down. The air conditioning for the building that houses the main computers that all the libraries connect to went down and they had to shut off the main computers because it was too hot for them. So, they said they weren't going to be able to do anything with them until this morning. We had to do all check outs by hand. We had to write down patron's library card number and the barcode number of each item checked out. Do you know how many books get checked out from three o'clock to nine o'clock. Pages and pages. This morning someone will have to set at a computer and enter each item into the computer. But, we couldn't check anything in either so everything was put on a counter in the back to be checked in this morning. I could only shelve what books were on the carts and then I straighted all the shelves, bringing all the books to the front edge to make them look neat and easier to read the end labels. I also helped check out with all the number writing. Now, tonight I will have a lot of books and video's to shelve because I will have what was checked in last night and all of today. They do have some volunteers do shelving during the day but most of it is done in the evening when it is less busy, patron wise. So, I will earn my keep tonight. I don't mind shelving books. Someone has to do it and it was what I was hired to do. Dooley
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