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It's Fall already!
Posted: 08 Oct 2015 Posted: 04 Mar 2015 Posted: 01 Jan 2015 Posted: 30 Dec 2014 Posted: 27 Aug 2014 All Entries |
Strange weatherArizona has some strange weather. I know it is the desert but why is that an excuse. We go for months without rain. It's dry and you water every day and still nothing grows. The squash stay little and the ants pick on it. Then, there is the forecast and there is 14 days straight with thunderclouds and a chance for rain. It's not monsoons because the weatherman says for monsoons, Phoenix has to be over an arbitrary number on the dewpoint chart and it hasn't reached one day on it yet. But, here we are have storms every day. Some are dry with wind and thunder and lightning. Some have sprinkles and some bring a deluge of rain and it runs off down the hill before it can soak into the ground. It's still not enough rain. The dry lightning causes fires. There were 9 of them over the state last night. The one by us has turned into two and they don't have any percentage of containment. One is burning up a valley toward Crown King. They are expecting to need to evacuate it by tomorrow. That town has been there more than a hundred years and now because of dry lightning and drought conditions that have killed thousands of trees the town may burn to the ground. Today, Dr wanted to go to the flea market. All week there was a white cloud on the weather chart. Last night it turned to a thundercloud. So, he waited until morning to see what would happen. It was overcast when we got up but didn't look stormy. He loaded the truck and dropped me off at the PV library and went to the flea market. He stayed all day. No wind, no rain but it was very hot. No rain tonight. No rumbles of thunder, no lightning, no wind. But, what about tomorrow. There is another thunderstorm on the chart. It says a slight chance of an afternoon thunderstorm. But, do I believe the weather charts anymore. Not hardly. I have an errand to do for my neighbor that will take probably an hour and a half in the morning. Then, I will have the afternoon to enjoy. I would plan to cook out but then it would rain for sure. So, whatever I do will be on the spur of the moment so the weather god will not have time to spoil it. Dooley This blog entry has been viewed 546 times
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Illinois weather is changing like that also. The forecast is for thunderstorms every day but it has only rained twice and only about .2 of an inch. Fred, my dog, has to sit on my feet when it thunders.Yesterday and today it has been sunny and hot, 90's. Wannabe Login or register to leave a comment. |
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