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It's Fall already!
Posted: 08 Oct 2015 Posted: 04 Mar 2015 Posted: 01 Jan 2015 Posted: 30 Dec 2014 Posted: 27 Aug 2014 All Entries |
I hope not!This catagory is labeled daily happenings. But, I hope I'm now writing about something that happens daily. Chance was laying by my feet sleeping and suddenly she jumps up and runs to DR's chair and begins sniffing around it. DR has already gone to bed. So, I get up and go and tilt the chair so I could see what was under it. I dropped that chair so fast. I put Chance out in the laundry and shut the door. I opened the front door and tilted the chair. With a stick, I tried to shoo the biggest tarantula I've seen out the door. But, it wasn't having any of that and ran under the entertainment center. I certainly can't tilt that to get to it so it will have to wait until morning when DR can chase it. I'll need a bigger stick if I'm going to help. They will bite. They would rather hide than attack though. If we find it tomorrow, I'll see if DR will take a picture of it. Earlier when Dan was here Chance was sleeping on his lap and she leaped off and ran and was looking under the entertainment center. Dan was saying that he had seen a big tarantula out by his place the other day. I wonder how it got inside the house. It must have come in to get out of the rain but how. It is at least three or more inches across. For those who don't know, a tarantula is a BIG fuzzy spider. They can be poisonous to animals. Dooley This blog entry has been viewed 597 times
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Oh gosh,Heather mt would have died .She can see a spider web and just start screaming I can't even think of what she would do with one of those loose.I do hope Chance says ok .You all too.I am not afraid of them just leary .I wouldn't try to make a pet of it for sure .Some people do.Good luck in getting it removed.
I don't mind spiders but one the size of a tarantula would definitely reduce me to jelly. I really hope you manage to get a pic of it dooley. And please keep Chance at a safe distance from it.
Oh my gosh!! I would have passed out right there! I can't even get close to a DEAD regular sized spider much less a tarantula..I'm getting freaked out just reading that! I mean, my phobia of them is so bad, that I can't even watch a TV show,commercial, or anything like that with a spider on it.I know it is a silly phobia, but I still get light headed and pass out. I had a friend's little brother throw a dead spider on me and I passed out. I would have called the fire department to come in and catch something like that.. ewwww...I hate them!!!! And to think I grew up way out in the country in Texas..
Oh man that just creeped me out!!!! Im with you Heather! I have passed out before from them! We have the huge!! wolf spiders in FL. There was one on the ceiling above my head!! I freaked out and took off runnnig leaving hubby there!! I was so scared I could say anythingto him..all I could do was point. When he went to find him, he couldnt...he was gone!!! I had placed my hand on the door jam and that thing crawled across my hand!! Its was a good 5 inches across....I woke up in the hospital cuz I hit my head on the edge of the counter on the way down.
Well, normally they are harmless unless they are migrating. Then, you see hundreds of them and you leave them alone. I have never had one in the house but I expect he was getting in out of the rain. They are beautiful and velvety. Still, I don't want him in the house. But we can't find him this morning. I guess we'll have to wait for Chance to trace him again. We, also have wolf spiders here. I usually find them in the shower. Generally, I leave them alone too. They eat all kinds of nasty bugs, including scorpions. Dooley
>>> Well, normally they are harmless unless they are migrating. Then, you see hundreds of them and you leave them alone.
I love to see them marching along. I hate to see them crossing the streets and country roads though because they get ran over. Ugh! I guess you get used to what lives in your enviorment. I'm not too fond of spiders but they do some good. I do not like Black Widow's though and will stomp on them. We have them here too. Dooley
I'm like Frank now .100s No way I would be moving on .Pinkie your and Heather make a pair .Lord she scares me to death when all at once she lets out a blood curdling scream.
Hundreds??? Uhuh! NO MA'AM!! I would move!!! Far far away!
We have tarantulas here too, and found two in the kitchen last month. They get in where those little field mice sneak in, where ever that is. I'm typically not worried except for my animals who might wish to play with the furry things. We have wolf spiders too, in abundance. I put any I find on a piece of paper and send them outside, but our cats take care of most of them. Free cat toys! yay! Login or register to leave a comment. |
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