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It's Fall already!
Posted: 08 Oct 2015 Posted: 04 Mar 2015 Posted: 01 Jan 2015 Posted: 30 Dec 2014 Posted: 27 Aug 2014 All Entries |
Stop signsWe live on a street that is not claimed by the county so no one takes care of it. It goes onto an asphalt road that goes through the community. There is a slight S curve where it joins the asphalt. People drive much too fast on that street and come around the curve in the middle of the street. To make it worse, Our neighbor has grown a large hedge along the end of his property that is on that street. He says it keeps down the noise and the dust. A few weeks ago, said neighbor, complained to the county supervisor because the guy across the street never stopped at the corner when he went onto the street. There was no stop sign because none was needed. If you were going and didn't need to stop it was a little safer getting out onto the street with the blind corner. You cannot see around the corner because of the bushes. Well, they put a stop sign there and it just made it more dangerous because now you are going from a dead stop and someone driving fast on the wrong side or down the middle has more of a chance to hit you. Sunday, I was reading and I heard a loud thunk and a rattle of metal. I hurried out to see the neighbor leaning over his fence asking someone if they were all right. There was a large truck sitting in the middle of the road. It had came around the curve in the middle of the road. A kid on a quad going toward him was in the middle of the road, too. The kid swerved and the quad hit the stop sign. The kid was wearing a helmet and it flew off and rolled down the street. He fell off but says he wasn't hurt. He was more worried about getting the quad started and getting it home. He pushed it back into the street and got it started and took off. The driver of the truck got back into his truck and left. The stop sign was facing the wrong way and leaning at an angle. DR wants to e-mail the county supervisor and tell him the stop signed worked. It stopped the kid on the quad before he hit the fence. It hasn't stopped the kid from roaring up and down the street on the quad though. All hours you can hear him and his friend roaring around on it. It isn't street legal because it has no license and the kid isn't old enough to have a license. It does no good to call the authorites. The kid is no where to be seen when they show up, if they even show up. The stop sign does no one any good except people breaking the law. Oh, well, that's life in a small town. The neighbor refuses to trim the hedge. He says it's not a problem. We won't argue because we don't want strife on the block. Dooley This blog entry has been viewed 604 times
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Boy that sounds scary!! I'm glad the kid was ok!! We used to live in a very busy and noisy city and we constantly had someone or something roaring by our house so I definately understand yours and DR's frustation!! I am like ya'll and like to keep the peace and not argue with anyone!! Moving to the country again has been so peaceful, but after being away for so long it was definately a cultural shock!lol!
That doesn't sound like a safe place at all.What does it take to wake some people up ?Someone getting killed before they decide to help.
I feel for you. We live in a very small "community" in the country and I think all the nuts live out included!!lol maybe something good will come out of the stop sign.
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