Holidays | Posted:
Tue Nov 29, 2005 12:34 am
Today we went to Phoenix. My sister is going home to Illinois on Wednesday. I thought it would be warmer but it was cool there. Not as cool as it was here this morning. It was only 20 F. here this morning. It was very windy too so it felt colder. Our house is only sixty degs now. We started a fire and brought in more wood when we got home. The big mulberry tree in the front yard had all of its leaves last night. This morning they were almost all gone. I had to laugh when I looked out the window. The whole front yard in about knee deep in leaves. I only have petunias blooming now. I haven't looked into the back yard yet. It may be half of knee deep in leaves. Oh, well! It is supposed to warm up by the end of the week but I think winter is here to stay. No snow though! It was probably about 60degs in Phoenix.
We had our sweatshirts on. We stopped and walked around the outlet mall that is about halfway home. Just before you climb from 2.000 ft to 4,200 ft. That's what makes it cooler here. The altitude.
I quickly made a pot of tea and started some vegetable soup for supper.
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