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It's Fall already!
Posted: 08 Oct 2015 Posted: 04 Mar 2015 Posted: 01 Jan 2015 Posted: 30 Dec 2014 Posted: 27 Aug 2014 All Entries |
This week!Boy, this week went fast. It seems like it was just Monday. There is always soooo much to get done and I seem to look at it and (working in a library with access to lots and lots of books) I sit down and read.It was a strange week at the library. On Tuesday night there was a soccor meeting on the fourth floor at the Recreation Dept. Parents who were attending brought their kids and turned them loose. They were running up and down the corridors and in and out of the library. In the end, one girl was chasing a girl who had taken a note not meant for her. First girl was trying to run and read at the same time and ran into the sliding glass doors of the library. These are large, heavy doors of safety glass. The glass did not break but she knocked both doors off the track and one was a stationary door that didn't move. The custodians were in the hall and one went up to the meeting to get the mother. The head person in the library really chewed them up and down about running in the library and not respecting anything, etc. The mother came down and the girl who had not said much, burst into these phony tears and told her mom that she'd just been sitting in the library reading a book and was walking out still reading and walked into the door. (Hard enough to push both off the tracks?) The father of the other one was very reasonable and apologized and said it wouldn't happen again. Next morning mother of the first girl calls the library director and and hollers about the night supervisor chewing her daughter out when it was really the other kids who were making the noise and her daughter just happened to walk into the door. Funny thing was, she wouldn't leave her name. On Tuesday night, there were only two of us working. Normally there are four of five. But the volunteer didn't come and two employees are on vacation. So, there was only the night supervisor and myself. I thought that we wouldn't get anything shelved because she had to be on the reference desk and I had to be on the checkout desk. But, the day people knew there was only going to be two people and pitched in and had almost everything shelved before they left. I was able to work between checkouts and keep the books checked in and shelved. I think maybe it was because about 2:30 pm it started to rain and it stormed really hard and it rained until after 9 pm so a lot of people stayed home. It was a fairly quiet night. Last night wasn't too busy either. I bet tomorrow will be busy. School started there this week and the library will probably be full of kids. I thought it was funny because school started on Tuesday. Wednesday night a boy came in and checked out three large books on science projects. That teacher is getting started fast or he is homeschooled. Today was my day off but I had a routine doctor's checkup. It went okay and there were no problems. I have to go have some lab work and make an appointment for a mammogram but that's routine also. The doctor took care of the billing problem that I'd been fighting about since January. I think billing depts. always give people a hard time. DR said the doctor could fix it because ultimately he's the boss. We went to lunch and stopped at a couple of stores. I bought a wristwatch and a new purse. We bought a few groceries and it was almost 4 pm when we got home. Much too late to start anything but dinner. I took the easy way out and put a chicken in the Nesco roaster and some frozen potato rounds in the oven. We had fresh melon and grapes with it. Then, I went out and sat with Chance until it got dark and then it was to late to call Wannabe. I feel bad about that though I did send her an e-mail. I'll call her before I go to work in the morning. I got a survey for a family reunion that will be held in the spring. They are going to hold it in Phoenix so I will go. DR says family gatherings are too noisy and they hurt his ears. I agree that our family gatherings tend to be noisy. I have three sisters and three brothers, though only two brothers now. But his family has five children and they all still come. Well, guess this is turning into a book. Bear project is at a standstill. Will try to get into gear soon Dooley This blog entry has been viewed 667 times
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Kids running around. Phoney tears. If that were me I would have felt so guilty and said sorry. I guess it's differences in being raised.
Dooley. Don called this morning and I talked to him awhile, someone beeped in, was that you? You needed to rest and relax more than a talk to me.Maybe you will get more rest time Sunday. We will be gone all day. Login or register to leave a comment. |
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