Yard work! | Posted:
Tue Aug 15, 2006 6:17 pm
Since it looked like it might rain again, I decided to tackle the weeds and grass in Chance's big yard. The grass and weeds were a little wet so I had to stop often and clean the wet grass out of the weedeater. But, now it is done. I moved the pots of petunias away from the bridge so I could get the weeds growing close.I found a centipede about five inches long and half an inch wide under one pot. Whacked him with a big rock. They are poisonous. Under one there was a black centipede about three inches long and quarter of an inch wide. Never saw a black one. But, I whacked him too. It is Chances yard. It is probably poisonous too. Some things I move or get someone to move, like the rattlesnake, but centipedes and scorpions always get whacked. Now, I need to take a shower as soon as dr gets done washing things. I cleaned my glasses good because I was seeing green spots. Dr says my shirt is ruined with grass stain. Good thing it wasn't a good one. I can probably soak it or something anyway. I don't have any of that spot remover. It's a big spot anyway. Okay, off to get cleaned up. Need to go to the post office and find a place to have lunch later. I have to go to the lab before work so we'll go early and get that done and then get something to eat. Dooley
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