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It's Fall already!
Posted: 08 Oct 2015 Posted: 04 Mar 2015 Posted: 01 Jan 2015 Posted: 30 Dec 2014 Posted: 27 Aug 2014 All Entries |
Not enough plants!Last week, Julie sent me some flower seeds, but I haven't had a chance to do anything with them. The neighbor told me if I filled some gallon pots with potting soil he would give me some plants from his window box. Two days ago, I was in the garden and saw some pots already filled with potting soil that I filled in the spring and didn't do anything with them. So, I put them over the fence. I noticed this morning they have plants in them so he must have found them. He hasn't given them back yet but maybe he just hasn't had an opportunity. Yesterday, dr and I went up to Prescott before I had to go to work. He had an errand to do. After we were close to Watter's nursery so I just had to stop to see what they had on sale. We bought a mauve wallflower for half price. It looks good. Just a clearence sale I guess. I told dr it was a good thing we didn't live very close to that nursery. They had a lot of plants on sale. I just couldn't buy them all. But, after we stopped and had something to eat we were still half an hour early so we stopped at K-Mart because it's close to the library. Well, we parked close to the garden dept and went in through there. Mistake? I guess it's the way you look at things. They had potted mums for $1.49 so I bought 8 of them in various colors. Since it is my day off and not sunny and hot maybe I will get out and plant them. dr bought me some padded thingies for wearing on my knees when I garden. They work well but are hard to walk in when you need to go and get something. They do go on and off easy though. I walked out with Chance this morning. It's became a routine thing with her. As soon as I come out of the bedroom she herds me toward the door. I have to go out and check out the whole yard. We even go out in the back, back yard to check for kitty cats. We could get lost in the weeds back there. I got Chance's yard done this week. My back can attest to that. Maybe I can con Dan into doing the rest of it. He's at a library conference in Flagstaff for a couple of days. But, he'll be back. The coreopsis are going strong. Cosmos are starting to bloom. The orange poppies are going well. The morning glories have taken off anything big enough to climb. I had to untwist Cardinal Vines from the apple trees. The butterfly bush has dozens of blooms. I didn't see any butterflies but is was damp. dr says he sees them in the afternoon. The four o'clocks were still open. I went into the garden. The squash are doing fine. Just little ones this morning. Which is fine. I have at least a dozen in the refrigerator. Maybe I'll cut some for the freezer today. I checked the tomatoes. They aren't doing well, between the grasshoppers and the horned worms, the leaves are disappearing. Lots of green tomatoes though. I checked out the front yard. The half price geraniums are doing well. Growing and dark green. One is getting a flower already. Some stones are falling out of the stone wall in front. dr says it's too much rain at once. It's these gullywashers we have had this past week or 10 days. Toni, come and get some of our rain. I would like the rain to come down nice and gentle and soak into the ground. Instead, it comes pouring down and washes ruts and plants and anything else in its way. Oh, well, at least its rain. We need all the rain we can get with the housing developments that are springing up everywhere. My tea is getting cold. Better stop before I have a book here. Dooley This blog entry has been viewed 684 times
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Dooley I reckon you could write a book easy. I would read it. Call it "The Chronicles of Chance...Vol I".
Dooley, I enjoy reading your entries too and like Frank if you write a book I'd read it as well!! I bet your yard is beautiful with all your plants doing so well!!
Sounds like you scored big time. I love reading your blog enteries too Dooley, I just don't have time to respond to all of them.
It is like just sitting and talking to you only I can't answer back. Wannabe
Dooley I love reading your blogs .They are always interesting and filled with things you do .I to would love to see all your flowers .I am worried about mine since I've been gone since Aug the 5th .I will fine out late tomorrow night or Sunday mornning how bad the sun has treated them.
I would love pics of your garden, either in parts or altogether. Sounds incredible. What talent you have. Login or register to leave a comment. |
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