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It's Fall already!
Posted: 08 Oct 2015 Posted: 04 Mar 2015 Posted: 01 Jan 2015 Posted: 30 Dec 2014 Posted: 27 Aug 2014 All Entries |
A lazy sort of dayIt was a lazy sort of day today. We went out first thing to play with Chance. We visited the lower garden. DR took some pictures. It's knee high. Well, it was knee high. Dan came along this afternoon and cut the backyard and the lower backyard so Chance wouldn't get lost. When we was in the lower backyard this morning you couldn't see Chance, only the grass moving as she ran about. There are a lot of flowers out there and things that I didn't plant. I planted the two apple trees and the butterfly bush, but I didn't plant any sunflowers and no cardinal vine and no tomatoes. Of course, I didn't plant the weeds. I did plant coreopsis, cosmos, poppies and Mexican primose, all of which are blooming. The morning glories took over the back gate. You can't even see it now. Chance's back yard did not look so bad, I just cut it last week. The petunias are beginning to wilt. The four o'clocks are doing well. Dan wanted to take a picture, but they weren't out. I told him to come back at four o'clock which he did. They still weren't out so I don't know what they were waiting for. AM I suppose. When we were all standing in the back yard, Chance almost got a vulture. It flew low over the yard and she jumped and the vulture took off. It made another pass but higher this time. None of us were dead so I don't know what it was looking at. Dan tried to get a close up picture on the second pass but missed it. We went up the little hill to the highway and turned in the by pass so we could get a picture of how green the mountains are now. There was a wash near by so I went to look at it while DR was taking the picture. I picked up a lot of rocks. DR took a picture of that too. You have to look out when those two guys are carrying a camera. I didn't get any on the computer yet though. Dan is taking his with a regular 35 mm camera and then getting them put on a disc. Whenever he gets his roll of film done he will e-mail them to me and I can post some of those. I cleaned out the waterfall tub. it was getting full of rainwater and I don't want misquitos to grow. We may get it done before the end of summer. We've been going to look for onyx to put around it but we have to go to the old onyx mine and it's across Big Bug Creek and it hasn't been safe to cross it the last few weeks. It would just be our luck to get across and back in the hills and have a thunderstorm dump on us and we'd be stuck there until it dried out. The paper said only 9 times in the last hundred years have we had more rain during the summer monsoons than we have had during the winter rains. We didn't have much winter rains in 2005-2006. But it said we may have a wet winter. That will probably mean snow. Geez! I hate snow. Anyway, even with all the rain we've had the whole state is still under drought conditions. It's the snow melt that fills the lakes and water tanks. We had left over spaghetti for supper and then went out and watched Chance run all over the yard and bark at stuff. She went to bed early tonight. She likes it the three nights we stay home. But, it's back to work tomorrow evening. Dan is coming to make cheesecake to take to a meeting he has on Wednesday.Andy called to wish us a Happy Anniversary. He wasn't home yesterday. They had gone to Chicago with the boys. They went to the King Tut? exhibition and then to the Shedd Aquarium and to the Museum of Science and Industry. They want to go back another time to the last because they were out of time. Ben especially liked the mummies. Jacob liked the T-rex dinosaur. At four and eight they like different things. Well, that's about it for now. Dooley This blog entry has been viewed 593 times
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Sounds like you guys just had a fun day.You needed to relax for a day.Feels good doesn't it.Chance had a good day to with mom and dad home an't wait for the pictures.
I wish Chance had caught that vulture.
Chance would have been in trouble if she had caught the vulture. They have sharp claws and beaks and they are covered with germs. They have bald heads so that bacteria doesn't gather in their feathers. Dooley
Vultures are gross birds for sure!!! Looking for oynx sounds like lots of fun!! I love picking up rocks!! John's parents have a creek on their property that is full of Indian arrowheads we love to go dig in the creek to find them!! Anyway I'm glad ya'll had a relaxing day with Chance!!
Wow! You had a really busy day!Fred would probably try to catch the vultures also. He tries to catch the doves in the back yard. He barks at the ones in front. We got 2 and .3 inches of rain today, the most we have had in a while. Now the yard and the weeds will take over again. Wannabe Login or register to leave a comment. |
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