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My new life is shapping up nicely
Posted: 23 Dec 2006 Posted: 29 Oct 2006 Posted: 09 Oct 2006 Posted: 27 Sep 2006 Posted: 25 Sep 2006 All Entries |
Pinkiered's BlogRoses, Roses and more Roses PLEASE!
I am sad
Category: Pinkies LIfe | Posted: Fri Jun 23, 2006 2:35 pm Rob left today to his new job as a full time service tech on an new oil rig. He will be gone 2 weeks and home a week. There will be times where he is gone for 3 weeks....thats 21 day! I miss him already and he just left this morning. :`( I have to keep telling myself that this job will finally to the purpose for the move here to La from my much loved FL. We can get out of debt and buy a house. If all goes well within the next year and a half, we can adopt a child. We want our own house and a small nest egg before we do. Rob will be 36 the 2nd of July and he told me last night, that he could feel time running short. I thought only women had that clock. He wants to make good money in the housing market and theres tons to be made here in La, esp New Orleans and around Mississippi. I so want it for him. I keep telling him that most adults dont get into a postion that they can make such a huge step until their early 40s. Doesnt make him any happier. The other night, him and my little sister sat me down.... that should have been my clue something was up. Them two together in something is hardly ever a good thing for the rest of the family. In case you didnt know, my little sister Dianne (and little brother Jonny) just came back from a year in Iraq..... Army. Well, Rob is ex Navy and him and Dianne are two peas in a pod. Anyway back to the story. They sat me down and told me that they had both applied to a company called Black Water. If you are here in the States, youve heard of this company through the news. They prove secutiy for high ranking civilins in Iraq. Towards the beginning of the war, some of Black Waters men were killed and it was all over the news. Well, they (Black Water) are snatching up ex military personal and Diannes is a combat medic with the Army so they will grab her faster then Rob. But they are going on the buddy system so one wont go without the other.The pay is $500,000. a year. Three months in Iraq and one month home state side. I had told Rob at the beginning of our marriage, I would never hold him back from something he wanted to do in his career. That I would put my two cents in and then support whatever decision he made. After all, its his career not mine. So what could I say, when they told me this?? They havent told anyone else in the family and everytime I talk to one of them (the other kids or mom) I feel like Im lying to them. They want to wait until they are accepted into Black Water before they tell anyone else. Moms going to be crushed. But shes the kind of mom that will understand why Dianne and ROb are doing it. Dianne is 24 and will be set for life when she got back(she a smart girl when it comes to her money).She wants to be a doctor and is now struggling to pay for school and live. We would be completely out of debt, be able to buy the house we want, have our nest egg and be able to adopt ,all with money left over for ROb to start his own busniess and me to have money to invest. My little brother (Diannes older brother) doesnt know because he will want to go over there to protect Dianne. She was almost kill twice (and has two purple hearts and tons of metals and awards,)while over there with the Army and now state side, there isnt anything she can do or go, that Jonny doesnt know about. Its gotten to the point that we had the house searched twice for bugs..... yeah its that bad. We are now thinking its her roommate telling Jonny so Nicole (roommate) doesnt even know about Black Water. Only me, Rob and Dianne. Well, I should say on my side of the family anyways. In the 8 yrs weve been married, Ive only met one of his sisters and he comes from a very large family. He has told one of his sisters... I was asked to please talk Rob and Dianne out of going. That it isnt worth it. What can I do?? I cant go back on my word. Its hard tho. Besides, after the BlackWater men were killed, the company changed their policies. Now, the militairy provides backup for the BlackWater men and women. They arent out there alone. Ive researched the company and everything to do with them that I could find. But in the end, Im reserving my opinions about all this until they are accepted. I think him leaving today just gave me time to start thinking about all this. I wont tell him no because I beleive its my job as a wife to support his decisions when he comes to his career. Just like he supports me in my art work and my long hard climb to the top. But for now, he is gone for two weeks and I am sad. Last edited: Sun Jun 25, 2006 4:59 pm This blog entry has been viewed 623 times
Let me be nasty for a min!!!
Category: Pinkies LIfe | Posted: Sun Jun 11, 2006 11:35 pm Some ppl just shouldnt add their genes to the gene pool!!! At the end of our lane is a very large field. Running through that field is the pipes that carry our water. Now, these pipes arent covered and you can see them PLUS theres a very clear ,very large sign that reads as follows, " Warning, water pipes" .....hmmmmmmmm wonder if that means something?? Guess NOT! Our landlord hired some dumb nut to use a tractor to cut the feild. This fool just ran over the pipes....THE ONES THAT CARRY WATER TO OUR HOUSES!!! So now, I have a washer full of soapy clothes. I had to turn it off when the dishwasher suddenly stopped running water. Then that fool has the nerve to look at three p***ed off women, me and both my neighbors, one holding a soapy child, and tell us, "Well, I didnt know it was there" ARE YOU KIDDING ME????? How could you possibly miss a HUGE sign that starts with the word......WARNING!!! That means BE CAREFUL!!!! THERES SOMETHING THERE THAT YOU SEE BE ON THE LOOK OUT FOR!!!! It doesnt mean, lets run all over everything and hope to god its ok when Im done!!!!! Some ppls kids!!!!! This blog entry has been viewed 479 times
Living with depression.
Category: Pinkies LIfe | Posted: Sun Jun 11, 2006 4:10 am I suffer from depression and its been kicking me down these last few weeks. Its gotten pretty bad in last few days. All I want to do is sleep but I wont let myself. I have to stay on top of it until Robs health insurance kicks in. With this job it was suppose to be 3 months but this week is the second week in the last three that he hasnt worked. We cant afford him not to work. As it was we were living pay check to pay check. The whole point of the move out here was to get ahead but it seems since moving out here, we have gotten futher behind.He starts another new job this Monday. Its on another rig with a different company. He love the job he has now so he is going to tell his boss that when it picks up, he will come back. I know that hasnt helped my depression. As an artist, I have all these image in my head and new ones popping up all the time. I havent said it before but my depression is the main reason for my myspace contest. I have all these images but nothing seems to fit the way I feel. How do you paint depression? Or even with depression? Its hard, its an every day stuggle for me to get out of bed and function as a normal person. When ppl find out I suffer from depression, they make statements like, I never knew that or You dont seem like it.... or my fav, You seem normal. I have found out that depression is very normal. More ppl are being honest about their depression now adays. I guess its to help ppl. Which I cant really understand. When Im depressed, the last thing I want to do is help someone. I just want them to go away and stay away until the sun is shining again. I was on an antidepressant last year. I think it was call Wellbutrun. I may have spelled it wrong. But it helped so much. It lifted the fog I seem to have been living under. I could understand things better. Icould remember what I had for dinner the pervious night. I wanted to clean my house and cook. I felt right. When Im in a depression funk, as I call it, I have trouble sleeping ,which seems to make it worse. I wake up in the middle of the night wide awake or worse yet, I act out my dreams while I sleep. I have fallen down the stairs at the old house because I was actting out my dream. I was just scraped and bruised but other than that, I was fine. Well, physcally anyays. It scared me and Rob pretty bad. But he has started taking note of these things. The other morning he asked me how I was feeling. I said fine, why? He said that I had waken him up in the middle of the night, killing a spider on the bed. He said that I sat there talking to him about the spider as I was hitting the bed. There was no spider. I was actting out my dream. He said that I should give him warning about me being depressed so he can keep an eye on me at night when he is in. I always dream about spiders when Im depressed. I am so scared of them. The little ones I can handle but the larger they are, the more Im scared of them. So it doesnt surprise me that I dream about them only when Im depressed. Hopefully, I will be able to work this out. ~~editted~~ I changed the title. This blog entry has been viewed 850 times
Category: Pinkies LIfe | Posted: Sun Jun 04, 2006 3:59 pm I started a myspace site jsut for my painting. I seem to have hit some sort of painters block. So I decided to run a contest. The winner gets one of my paintings signed by me. Im opening it to everyone. Yes, I need help that bad! LOL See myspace blog for more details This blog entry has been viewed 987 times
Isnt it so??
Category: Pinkies LIfe | Posted: Sat Jun 03, 2006 2:54 pm Yesterday, I was on my foot too long and regretted it the rest of the day. I didnt start out trying to be on my feet. I was sitting most of the morning but it would seem that everyone knew I had to stay off my feet because everyone was coming over and wanting to ask me questions about one thing or another. I dont allow most ppl in my house, so i have to go outside. Up and down the stairs. Then I went and did some much needed work in the garden. I had to repot a huge pot a cannas that I rescued from the side of the road. There were two pots stuck together so I had to take the cannas out and fight the two pots apart. What a workout! I also cut back the grass around my passion vine to find the caterpillars. The one of the neighbors came over and I took into town. I drive with the foot thats broken, of course. It was really hurtting. I get home and decide to go lay down and prop my foot up. As soon as I did, the phone started ringing!!!! Are you kidding me??!! I finally got some time off my feet but got too bored so I got back up. But I put a chair beside the computer to rest my foot on. I decide to call it a early night. I was woke up at 245am by Missy barking. She only barks when someone knocks. So I go out and peek out the door (I was home alone). There is a strange man laying down in my yard!!!! I go out (with the dogs of course) and ask who he was.... answer? "I dont know." Ok...... " then where do you live?" "I dont know." ...................... "work with me buddy" Finally he says he had just moved onto the lane.... ahhhhh ok...... I know just the one. I take him home, come home myself and lock the house up tight. Every little sound woke me up after that.... of course! I woke up this morning and my foot is killing me!!! I will do my very best to stay off it today. Im not taking anyone into town. I dont care if they want to talk to me about my plants (I have the prettiest yard on the lane ;) ) today I just dont care! This blog entry has been viewed 583 times
Category: Pinkies LIfe | Posted: Fri Jun 02, 2006 4:45 pm I am so unbelievely bored! I have to stay off my foot but Im sitting here dying of boredom! I have been sitting in this chair for 2 days now! I can feel my butt spreading! A person can only sit for so long! Im thinking of taking an extra dose of pain meds and going outside to do some much needed work. How can ppl become couch potatos? Dont they ever get bored? I was making up songs a min ago! LOL Glad noone is here to hear me! The dogs wont tell! ;D! Im also thinking about going to the local art store and getting a canvas to paint while Im stuck sitting. Ive never painted on canvas and have been wanting to try it. I guess this is as good as any! Why did I have to break my foot!!! Why not a nail instead??!! Besides, Robs out on the rig and has been since the day before yesterday. He cant get on to me for not staying off my feet! But our roommate might tell him! Drat! Foiled again! Wait!! What can Rob do?? Im a grown woman!!! Whats he going to do?? Spank me??............. wait...lets not go there!.... Hmmmmmmm.... My walls need washing. So does the computer screen....and the tower needs dusting...why havent I seen that before? Im listening to the radio and they are playing the same songs over and over again! I cant find my Ozzy cd...I think my man took it with him on to the rig. Drat....Ozzy always makes me feel better. God Im soooooooooooooooooooo bored!!!! This blog entry has been viewed 515 times
Category: Pinkies LIfe | Posted: Tue May 30, 2006 4:54 am I have been helping my little sister paint her house since yesterday. Well, last night we had to prime with a type of primer that will stick to metal so we could paint the back drop of the stove. When we were done, we covered the pan with a peice of black plastic to keep it from drying out. This morning we get there and the first thing I see covering the fridge is that black peice of plastic. I walk over and left it up to find it covered in the primer. Well, being as,as soon as it dries it wont come off, I yanked the plastic off. Whoever had put it up there had used my screwdrivers to hold it in place because I have some very heavy screwdrivers. I felt this overwhelming pain in my right foot and looked down at the sametime I heard my sisters roommate say, "Oh my god" One of the screwdrivers had come flying down and ended up in the top of my foot! It had impaled itself in my foot............ When it went into my foot, I guess the force behind it, broke my foot! It hurts sooooo bad! Didnt I say "If it wasnt for bad luck, Id have no luck at all." Surely I cant be Irish!!!!! Cuz Im no lucky Irish! Since the beginning of the year right before the move out of Jacksonville, We,Rob and I, have been plagued with the worse luck!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ppl think we kid until they see it too. I wish it would stop all ready! ![]() ![]() This blog entry has been viewed 536 times
I finished the donated painting. PICS
Category: Pinkies LIfe | Posted: Sun May 28, 2006 6:17 pm I need to add two more seal coats and she is outta here!!! Only took me a year and a half to finish!!!! I would have finished sealing today, but there are bees in my wall!!!!!! Dont ask...HAHA! Enjoy! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() This blog entry has been viewed 492 times
Category: Pinkies LIfe | Posted: Thu May 25, 2006 1:58 am As most of you know Im an artist.Also that I donated one of my paintings to a high school here. I posted the pics of it on the profile of myspace for the ppl of Lafayette to see cuz we are going to sell it. Well, I havent been able to check my email on there until today. I found this.... From: DR Digital Photo Imaging Date: May 21, 2006 2:37 PM Flag spam/abuse. [ ? ] Subject: Canvas Body: I ran across your profile and I like your work. I am a photographer in Lafayette and I am wondering if you do that on canvas and if so how much. Thanks Darrell He wants a 9ftx12ft for a backdrop for his pics!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Im on cloud nine! WHHHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE If you would like to see it, just click on myspace addy...its in my front profile. Theres more samples of my work under the pics link.Those posted arent the finished painting. Its done now. The sealer didnt go on evenly so I have to fix it but its done now for the most part. This painting was started Oct 04 and I finally finished it May06. This blog entry has been viewed 623 times
$@!&&y a$$ weekend!!
Category: Pinkies LIfe | Posted: Tue May 23, 2006 4:27 pm OK I know Im not suppose to curse on here but theres no other way to decribe it but as sh***y! My little sister and I came to Panama City,Fl for the wedding of her best friend. Well, coming into Panama City is a small town called Freeport. It has one redlight. As we were crossing this intersection at the redlight, a truck ran the redlight and cut us off, then slammed on brakes. Dianne was driving my truck and like any of us , she yelled at him. He looks in the rear veiw mirror and flips us off. So we flip him off back. The one finger saluate. He then sped up. Dianne just kept driving and we picked up our joking where we had left off. Then out of the blue this jackass slows down and when we are about 4 feet behind him, he slams on brakes. Thinking it was just traffic going into the beaches, we thought nothing of it. But as soon as we started driving again and hit about 55mph, he slammed on brakes again and Dianne had to use both feet on the brakes and jerks the wheel to a very hard left. Thankfully there was a turnning lane there or we would have been in oncoming traffic. This time we are yelling at this fool. So what does he do? HE does that again. This time we were so close to his bumper that when Dianne jerks to the left, I could have touched his bumper. And this time there was no turning lane. We ended up in on coming traffic. By this time , me and Dianne were pretty scared. We both grab our cellphones and call 911. I gave them him tag number, make and model of the truck. We followed him for a while but when he turned into a shopping center, we kept going. We had been up since 3 am and it was about noon. We want to just get to moms house. Well, as we are entering P.C. ,we noticed my truck isnt actting right. So we get to moms and I park it the rest of the weekend. We were busy with the wedding so my dad looked at it for me on Sun. We were suppose to leave Sunday night. He said that I should take it in just for a check up just in , just in case. Well, 8 months ago, I had a whole new braking system put in costing me over $3,200. Thinking I took it to Firestone to do all that and since it was still under warranty, I took it to Firestone. They said that both rotors were warped , my calipter was locked up and my hose were clogged. They also said I needed a front end alignment and two new front tires. And that they could rotate them to the back because their were balding. Mind you my tires are brand new. I got five new tires in Jan. They also said I had a seal leaking in the back. And the grand total for all this? $1,250.!!!!! Well, hubby called and told me that I had all this done at Goodyear. Ok no biggie. I get the truck and take it across the street to Goodyear. Yes they are across the street from each other. Well, since I didnt have the paperwork on the work done on the truck (at home in LA)they call the Goodyear in Jacksonville and got them to send the paperwork over. My braking system had a 12,000 mile warranty on it. And guess what those jackasses over in Jacksonville, didnt do? They didnt write my mileage down!!!!! But thankfully, the paper work they faxed over, showed that they had screwed up my mileage from the first time I brought it in.It states I put over 90,000 miles on my truck in 3 monthes!!!! So Ill find out today if the home office will still honor my warranty. If not, it all comes to just over $800. Also, I had Firestone give me a detailed print out of all the work that needed to be done. Well, I gave it to Goodyear. The guy took me out to my truck and showed me everything thing. I had no leaking seal on the rear of my truck (cost $179.) , My tires were a little worn from the hard braking but not bald by any means (cost $130. for two tires but this Goodyear doesnt carry my tires so I would have had to pay for four new tires, cost ,just over $400.) I also found out that the Goodyear in Jacksonville, is a indepentant dealer and he ripped me off! I paid for 2...count but they only replaced one....thats not TWO! (cost around $140.)And the one calipter that wasnt replaced then, is the one that locked up when Diannes braking warped the rotors. Just for those that dont know this, rotors (located behind the front tires and just behind the brakepads)are made to take the heat of hard braking, but arent meant to take the heat of hard braking and jerking hard left three times in a very short period(matter of seconds). It causes the rotors to warp, which in turned causes the calipters (located just to the left on the brakepads)to freeze and the hoses to clog which leads to brake failure. So, its Tuesday and we are still here in Panama City, Fl. Im going to have to hire a lawyer and get a court order to get the 911 tape. Im going to take that jackass to court. HE WILL!!! PAY FOR THE WORK DONE ON MY TRUCK! As I said, its been a sh***y weekend. This blog entry has been viewed 650 times
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