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dooley's Blog
Everyday things!
Category: Yard work! | Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2005 2:49 am Everyday things need to be done everyday. Right! I'm not good at doing things everyday. Some days I don't feel like doing everyday things. So, they will wait another day. Sometimes they will wait two days. Then they begin to pile up and the pile begins to slip and slide and you have the basis for an avalanche. I hate avalanches. So, two days is about right for putting off everyday things that need to be done everyday. There are some everyday things that cannot be put off for two days or even one day. Dishes!! I have never been fond of doing the dishes. But, putting off washing dishes makes them hard to wash and sometimes smelly. So, dishes should not be put off. Raking leaves is something that can be put off. Sometimes more than the two days. The wind blows them around and stacks them up against the fence. That makes them easier to rake. They are all in one place. I put them off for several days. More like two weeks. But, now they are in the compost. well, most of them are in the compost. Some of them are covering the bulbs to keep them cool for the winter. I thought they would be keeping them warm but the book says it keeps the ground cool not warm. It keeps the warm out. Okay for bulbs I guess. Warm in is for me. We have a nice fire and I'm going to go wash the dishes then sit in front of the fire and work on my Christmas cards. Two down and about thirty-five to go. This blog entry has been viewed 442 times
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More yard work!
Category: Yard work! | Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2005 9:50 pm I thought I was about done with yard work for a bit. But we had a windy day and now the yard is covered in leaves from the big mulberry tree in the front. I am thinking I will just wait until they are all down before I do anything with them. I will probably get up tomorrow and decide I can't stand them all over the ground and rake them up and compost them. I thought we were all done hauling wood. Our sheds are all full. We have enough for this year and next year and maybe the year after. Yesterday, we hauled a truck load for our neighbor. He is elderly and doesn't walk very well and has no way to get to the slash pile anyway. I guess hauling a load of wood for him was our good deed for the day. Our next good deed will be to take our chain saw and cut it for him. It's not a job to do alone and he's liable to hurt himself trying. We also hauled another load for our son. He hauled two loads but his truck isn't as large as ours. We'll probably help him cut his next week when he has another day off. I wonder if helping a kid of your own is considered a good deed or a duty. This blog entry has been viewed 485 times
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Yard work!
Category: Yard work! | Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2005 10:30 pm My yard has seven different fenced sections. There is the little yard by the kitchen door where the grape arbor is located. The dog has a house in the shade of the arbor. She can sit on top of the house and look over the garden and bark at anything moving in the alley. The gate is shut at night to keep her away from the alley. Skunks and javalina use the alley at night and we would like to keep her away from both. The garden area is fenced and is about 28 by 40 feet. Part of it is terraced and part is flat. The big yard is along side of the garden and little yard. This is the dog's play area. There is a small wash going through it to drain water from the next door yard which is higher than our yard. The wash goes through the garden too. The big yard slopes down to the alley. The back of the shed yard is not fenced on the alley side. As we just had the big hill of dirt flattened, it will get a fence as soon as it dries out so I can "contour" the dirt that is left. The work yard, includes the lower driveway, has the big shed, the wood sheds, the garden shed and a little storage trailer. I have a garden bench for potting, etc. Brian put a shelter over it. Portable, so it can be stored during the winter. There is a terraced flower bed next to the house where my herbs currently reside. There is the section where the herb garden will be. It has roses and trees on all sides. Two of the trees are very small but will grow eventually to the size of those already there. The front yard has two parts. One part faces the road and slopes down to the drive one way and has a stone wall down to the lower front yard. In the lower front yard is our gravel patio. This is where we will put the waterfall in the spring. We found a pond tub for five dollars at a yard sale. My son says it is big enough for fish. I'm not sure about fish because the neighborhood has many stray cats. Brian thinks water plants would be nice. I guess I will have to research those now. I dug a new flower bed by the front fence. I think I will plant those vines that I got from a lady in Scotland along that fence. There are small areas within these big areas too. Now, I need to figure if I need to thin the Peter Pan lilies. There are many of them but only a few bloom in late spring. They were already there when we moved here so I'm not sure. This blog entry has been viewed 512 times
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