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dooley's Blog

Frustrating Day!!!

Category: Daily Happenings | Posted: Tue Jan 12, 2010 2:01 am

I think I want to go back and start today over. I woke up to bright sunshine and Chance wanting to be let outside. dr got up and let Chance out. I dragged myself to the bathroom and then got dressed. I came and turned on the computer. I never turn it on, dr does it after he lets Chance out. I usually just pull the covers over my head until I'm fully awake or Chance comes back to whine at the side of the bed. I went to the kitchen and make Zucchini raisin muffins for breakfast and a pot of Russian Caravan tea. When I got the muffins in the oven I came in and clicked on the internet symbol and started the connection for the dial up. It started to dial and then disconnected and said the line was busy. So, I went back to the kitchen. After getting the muffins and tea ready I came back and tried again. Same thing. Well, after about a dozen tries and restarting the computer and checking out all of the computer lines I called the internet server support line. I used my cell phone because you can't use the regular phone and the internet at the same time with dial up. Anyway, after an hour and twenty minutes with the tech support guy, I hung up on further along than when I started. He was in India and half the time I couldn't understand him and the other half he couldn't understand me. He said in an hour his supervisor would call. So, I waited for someone to call. My cell phone battery was beeping the last twenty minutes of the call so I plugged it in to recharge and discovered my cell phone must not recognize 1-800 numbers because the minutes were deducted from my cell phone. So, we made a trip to town and bought more cell phone minutes for the card. I could have done it on the phone but I was frustrated and shall I say a little miffed and wasn't thinking clearly. Anyway, no supervisor called so when we got back, I called the support number again. I got another guy and he ran through the same routine the first guy did but his English was a bit better. He finally after 30 minutes said it wasn't the server. It must be my modem and I should call the computer company and tell them to restart it. I hung up. I didn't even remember to tell him good bye!!
I don't know about modems except you need one to get on the internet. I called my trusty computer person, namely number two son. He took me to the control panel, to systems, to Hardware and we uninstalled the modem. Then, we backed out of everything and restarted the computer. There was the modem back and when I clicked on the internet symbol and started the connection everything worked just fine. Number two son said this is the first thing those computer tech persons should have done. He said if I had called the company they would have done the same thing he did and charged me an exorbitant price. So, at 4:40 pm, after wasting a whole day with people who didn't know what they were doing or trying to figure out what to do next I am finally back on the internet. Next time I will call number two son first and see what he recommends. If he recommends I call the tech support people I will bash his head with something hard. I do need to call around here to people I now know and find someone here who knows computers and can give me reliable advice. If I know what is wrong and they can talk me through it, okay. But, I need to know where to take if if they can't do that. Number two son lives halfway across the country and number three son who talked me through some other stuff lives way up north. Tomorrow I will make some calls and see what I can find or where I can take it if I need more expert advice.
I'm not a complete computer dunce and if I do something once, I can do it again. I have a book of notes on how to do things that the boys have talked me through. But, mostly I can only do surface things and I'm afraid to try to do anything that might fry everything.
Now, I think I feel better. I can take a deep breath and breathe free again. dr can walk into the room without a frustrated computer user "hollering" about that "d" computer not doing what it's supposed to do. He knows even less and left to his own devices would have thrown it out on the trash pile.
He was nice enough to buy me lunch and a new phone card so I made him supper. I also helped him order a didgeridoo from an online store. I can wait for Chance to hear him try to play it. I'll get out my earplugs now.


Last edited: Tue Jan 12, 2010 3:42 am

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Do I talk too much?

Category: Daily Happenings | Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2010 10:04 pm

I was looking at these blog stats at the top of this page and it says that I have made 280 blogs. That seems like an awful lot of blogs to me. So, do I talk too much or maybe make that type too much.
It's the beginning of a new year, 2010. It's the beginning of a new year, 69 (that's years). So, I thought I would start by writing a blog here, if I can get my fingers to type. It seems to be cold here today, but I actually sat out on that long front porch in the sun and read my book this afternoon. The sun really felt nice. Of course, I have on a thermal shirt, a sweatshirt and a padded flannel shirt. Still, it was 41 actual temperature and maybe about 60 in the sun. I was thinking it was cold, but it's not zero or below like much of the country or even the world north of the equator is now. I lived in Wisconsin for about 40 years and in Illinois before that so it's not that I don't know about cold and snow. But, since 1989 I've lived in the Sun Belt. Hot in the summer but tolerable in the winter except for a few weeks. They might seem like short weeks but they are long weeks to me. I have never been a cold weather person. I like to sit by a fire with a mug of hot tea in the winter time. I have a mug of hot tea here but no fire to sit in front of without burning down the house. Heat coming out of a vent is not the same thing. Am I complaining about being cold? I think so. I apologize to the people who live where it's cold and don't have a fire or a cup of hot tea.
We began the new year with my birthday. We ate breakfast at the Texas Burger. It has a good breakfast fairly reasonable. We went down to Huntsville and had lunch at the Chinese Buffet. It's a good place for lunch if I remember I don't have to try everything just because it's a buffet. I don't actually. I don't eat shrimp and those beady little eyes in the crayfish turn me off of them. Mudbugs some call them and I'd leave them in the mud myself. Do I owe an apology to the Cajun people now? We went and did a bit of shopping. After just having had gifts for Christmas I didn't need more things. But I'd been wanting a new travel mug for that mug of hot tea for when we go out and about during the day. That's the one thing I complain about Texas Burger. They don't serve hot tea. So, I bought a new travel mug. Then, I found a travel atlas. I like to check the atlas when people mention someplace and I don't know where it's located. I really need a good world atlas but haven't seen one of those here--yet.
We came home and stopped and bought some bread. Here it is January 5th and I haven't made bread yet. What kind of way is that to start a new year?
We didn't go to the farmer's market because it was just too cold and damp to sit outside. My knees don't like the cold. dr's shoulders don't like the cold either. It might be okay if it wasn't so damp. It rains a lot here and the ditch keeps full of water.
So, we started this week by taking down Christmas. I thought when we moved from Arizona to Texas that I sorted out our Christmas stuff and only brought the special stuff. But, they have a thrift shop here that has all sorts of stuff and we stop there every time we go to town(which seems almost daily.)
We never leave there empty handed. They do good work with the money. They help the homeless and give out food vouchers and clothing vouchers, etc. I buy a lot of material there. They get new remnants from fabric stores.
Anyway, I filled several storage tubs with the Christmas stuff. I finished and went to make my mug of tea. There on the table were three Christmas bowls and a stack of Christmas serving plates. They went into the top of the cupboard. Then, there were the Christmas mugs. They got put into a box. Now, I'm done. Except for the little Father Christmas sitting there staring at me. So, he can just set there until next Christmas.
Yesterday, I decided that I'd better get back to my sewing. One day before Christmas I was feeling extra ambitious I think. I cleared off the island table in the kitchen and cut out all kinds of aprons and tote bags and filled up a storage tub with things to sew. I only got it about half emptied because there was so many other things to do. I made a start yesterday. I sewed two garden aprons, a kitchen apron and a regular half apron. I should have stopped with one garden apron, a kitchen apron and the half apron. One of the garden aprons is really crooked. How did I manage that? I guess it must have been easy. You know what I do with things when they are giving me a hard time---into the corner. That corner has a lot of things I'm going to have to sort out one of these days. But, this apron didn't give me a hard time and it's a good apron, it's just a little crooked. It also has a puckered seam. I may just send it off somewhere. I do that once in awhile, too. dr told me after I finished an apron once that no one in their right mind would buy it. So, I gave it away and the person really liked it.
Now, dr says I'm still jabbering away so I guess it's time to quit and go start some soup for supper.

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Can I Be Finished?

Category: Daily Happenings | Posted: Fri Dec 18, 2009 2:39 am

Today, we went and mailed packages. I just used big brown bubble envelopes and I had eight of them. It cost more than I thought they should but they are mailed. Will they get there in time for Christmas? I don't know. I just know I finished sewing last night and mailed them this morning. My family knows that sometimes I am slow at getting things done but I think I am finished this time. I have one more thing to mail but I'm not at all worried about getting it there for Christmas. So, it will get mailed when it gets mailed.
So, am I finished. I still have one and one half sock monkeys to do. I have all the machine sewing done on the first one so I can take all the pieces parts to the farmer's market with me tomorrow and work on it there. Then, maybe I can do the other one tomorrow night and finish it on Saturday morning. It's been cold or raining since Thanksgiving so we haven't been able to set up at the farmer's market. No one in their right mind would stop anyway in the cold and rain.
Yesterday when we stopped at the thrift shop I bought more material. As I was wandering around after, I found this green board on legs. I stopped and thought about it and bought it. They didn't want too much for it. We brought it home and I lettered it to say, "Pea Pickin' Aprons."

We will set it out by the side of the street where people going past can see it. When we were at the Christmas Party for the Writer's Guild on Tuesday night some people said, "Oh, we saw those aprons there but we didn't know it was you!" Now they know it, we shall see if they stop to look. I'm hoping some other people will stop and buy something. It's supposed to be sunny and 65 degs. I don't think that's too cold to stop and walk around outside.
So, some things are done. I have things bought for Christmas dinner and I actually bought dr a present. Of course, he saw me checking out and wanted to know what I was buying. He approved so I can wrap it up knowing he won't be taking it back.
Maybe one day next week we will go shopping again and I can find something else.
I still don't have cookies made but we don't need cookies and if I don't get them done it will not be a great loss. So, I'm going to relax and go at a slower pace now until Christmas. I do want to go to the Second Hand Book Store but that too can be done anytime.
So, can I be finished, please?


Last edited: Fri Dec 18, 2009 2:44 am

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Rain, rain and more rain

Category: Daily Happenings | Posted: Sun Nov 22, 2009 3:59 am

Remember back around August when I was wishing it would rain. Well, I take back all of those wishes. We have had more rain during October and November than I remember ever having when we lived in Arizona. I know the difference. In Arizona everything was brown. Here everything is green and soggy.
This week, it rained 5 out of the 7 days. Not a gentle rain that soaks into the ground though. Nope, it's a steady down pour that stands in puddles and makes everything soggy and muddy. Our road is dirt and it gets slippery muddy when it rains a lot. I slid around a corner today. I didn't go into the ditch because at that point there wasn't a ditch to slide into.
I guess the upside of the rain is that I got a lot of sewing done this week. I cut some more stuff out today so my tub of waiting projects is full again. Some of that will be Christmas presents. I still have quite a lot of that to get done. We didn't go to the farmer's market yesterday or today because of the rain but will go on Tuesday and Wednesday this week instead of Friday and Saturday. Or maybe we will go on Saturday. Depends on how much produce Rick has to sell.
One of the cloudy days this week we went to the Collin Street Bakery in Corsicana. We've been having fruitcake from there over the years but had never been there. We had lunch there as we had a coupon from the Sunday paper. They do have a nice lunch. Just sandwich, soup and salad but it was good. We didn't buy a fruitcake. I can't eat it because it's too sugary. All that candied fruit just isn't in my diet. We did, however, go across the street to the Russell Stover candy factory and outlet store. Chocolate is on my diet. Isn't it on eveyone's diet? I had to get the sugar free kind and dr says it has to last until Christmas, sort of like an advent calendar. He got a box of bloopers that's much bigger than my box. I wonder if it will last him until Christmas. We bought a Whitman Sampler for his mom. It's in a tin box. I have been gathering things to send to her. I want to get her a sparkly Christmas ornament that she can pin on her window drapery. I send her one every year but I don't know if she saves them or not as she doesn't have much space. I think I will make her a tote bag that she can hang on her bed to keep small things in where she can reach them. Books or magazines maybe.
If you know of anyone who wants a little rain let me know and I will see about sending it their way.

This blog entry has been viewed 419 times

I've been keeping myself so busy!

Category: Daily Happenings | Posted: Sun Nov 15, 2009 1:16 am

When we moved here to Texas I quit working and after a while I was bored and didn't have anything to do. There is a local farmer's market in town that is small and they were looking for people to come and sell yard sale stuff to make more bodies in hopes of attracting more attention. So, dr and I started taking stuff we found at yard sales and stuff that somehow got moved with us. After a little bit we decided we needed to sell something that had a little to do with food so dr started selling honey and barbecue sauce and I started making aprons and tote bags. The honey and barbecue sauce didn't do very well so he went back to the yard sale stuff.
I started making tote bags. I line them all and they could be reversed if people wanted the plain side on the outside. But, I generally use a print on the outside and a solid inside. After saying that I have to tell you that I've made three or four with the plain side out. Men would rather have a plain bag but don't mind a plaid or innocuous print inside. I make them in all sizes from 12"x12" to really big 18"x18". Our neighbor had me make him one that was 24"x24"x12". It's huge. It has padded over the shoulder straps. He takes it to the warehouse store and fills it with the things he buys so he only has one bag to carry. He enjoys the look on the clerks faces when he hauls out his bag. Until last week he has always been able to handle it. But, last week the stuff ended up really heavy. He said he bet he had over 100 lbs in that bag and he was glad the man who filled it accompanied him to his truck or he would never have gotten it out of the shopping cart. When he got home he used his two wheel dolly to haul it out of the truck and into the house. I asked if he didn't think about unloading some of it and he said, "No, because he had me make the bag so he wouldn't have to make more than one trip to the house with his stuff." We enjoyed a good laugh about it and he laughed along with us. I like making people happy.
I started making regular half aprons and kitchen bib aprons. They are of lightweight material and some have pockets and some don't. Then one of the farmers wanted an apron with one big pocket to pick his peas and okra. And with a little imput here and there one developed with velcro at the bottom so they can empty it easily at the end of the rows. It will hold enough to fill a five gallon bucket. I had to recall them last week. One of them was saying it worked really well but when it rained and things were wet the water soaked through the back and make his jeans wet. So, I bought some vinyl tablecloths at the thrift store and recalled the aprons and lined the back with the vinyl and that fixed the problem. I still have a couple floating around but haven't seen the guys to tell them to bring them back for fixing.
Then, a friend and I decided that if the men had a farm apron then the ladies needed a garden apron. So, with a little discussion I came up with a bib apron with three pockets in the middle for gardening tools, gloves, etc. There is a big pocket at the bottom that buttons. It holds what the lady picks from her yard or garden be it produce, flowers, herbs, etc. Then, up at the top there is two pockets sewn one on top of the other for kleenex, cell phones or notebook. Whatever the lady needs outside with her. Add in barbecue aprons with big pockets to hold sauces, tools and spices and kids play aprons and I have a rather long list of things to sell. Now, they've begun asking if I have anything for the holidays. I did have two and sold one of them today. So, I can see that this week I will be working on aprons and totes with a Christmas theme. I also need to make some more of the ladies garden aprons and I only have about a dozen totes left. We're working on getting the paperwork done to make it a proper business with all the legal stuff involved. That should be set up by the end of the year. It will be called "Pea Pickin' Aprons."
We are getting business cards made and some labels to sew in the seam that says "Pea Pickin' Aprons", Madisonville, Texas.
What started out as a way to help attract customers has evolved into something much more involved. Now, people come and look and we discuss what they want and what sort of material I have. I can tell them the colors and they let me choose the prints. If they don't like it, I can hang it in the stand and try again but so far I haven't had to do that.
I'm making aprons and tote bags for family Christmas presents and I've sent Texas tote bags to all of my sisters.
Last week, I only sewed four tote bags because I just had to do some work in the yard and the house needed a bit of clean up. We went grocery shopping a couple of different days.
I guess I am not bored and looking for something to do now. I find it a bit difficult to find time to get everything done. dr says, "You are retired. Do it at your pace. Don't rush it!" I do like sewing and creating new styles. It should do rather well between now and Christmas if I can keep up the amount of stuff in the stand.
The farmer was going to close after Christmas but says on nice sunny Fridays and Saturdays we can set up but he doesn't want to sit out in below freezing weather. I can't see doing that myself but on a sunny warm day, why not?

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Sewing Machines can drive you to drink

Category: Daily Happenings | Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2009 4:26 pm

Sewing machines can drive you to crazy sometimes. I was sewing along on a farm apron and sewed the last tie and only had about a six inch piece of velcro to finish it. So, what did the sewing machine do? It fell apart. They couldn't repair it at the shop. They would have had to send it somewhere and it would have cost an arm and a leg. So, no thanks! The sewing machine had served it's time. I sewed a lot of teddy bears, quilts and other things on it. We let it retire.
We bought a new sewing machine. The lady at the store went all through the parts and showed me how every thing worked and I thought "I can do this." We brought it home. I plugged it in and got out the instruction book. dr insists I read instructions!!
I sat down and read through the instruction book. I've been sewing most of my lifetime and all sewing machines work the same. Right! I wound the bobbin and threaded the machine and got a piece of material and put it under the presser foot, stepped on the treadle. It sewed just fine, right! Nope! It didn't sew at all. The feed dogs wouldn't feed the material through. So, out came the instruction book. dr came and read the instructions and I checked it and it didn't work. Why? I re-threaded the bobbin and the machine and it worked just fine. I did it the same way as the first time so why didn't it work the first time?
This morning it was making a clacking noise when I sewed. It's not supposed to make a clacking noise. So, out came the instruction book. It said if the machine makes noise it needs the feed dogs and bobbin area cleaned. So, I took it apart and cleaned it. There was nothing much there and it didn't matter because when I started to sew the noise was still there. I re-threaded everything. It didn't work this time. The clacking noise was still there. I thought maybe the switch that lowers the feed dogs might have gotten bumped. I took off the part that makes the sewing table and took out the little storage drawer and checked the switch. Nope, the switch was right where it was supposed to be. I switched it off and back on and tried it and it worked just fine. No clacking noise. Put everything back together, started to sew. Clacking noise is back. Took it all apart again. Tried it and it worked just fine. So, I put the things back on one at a time. When I put the little storage drawer back the noise started up again. The little storage drawer is for the extra parts they give you for when you need a different presser foot or quilting guide or some such thing. I dumped the parts on the table, put the drawer back in the machine. I tried it and WOW! It worked just fine. I put the extra parts elsewhere. Now, those extra parts were in that drawer all week so why did it just start it's clacking today?
I did a bit of sewing and finished a garden apron but needed to make a button hole. Now, with various sewing machines over the years I must have made at least a thousand button holes. I know how to make button holes and it's sure easy with a handy dandy button hole attachment. But, you don't have to use the attachment. The attachment is for if you want to make 103 buttonholes and have them all the same size and looking quite wonderful. I only wanted to make one buttonhole. In the instruction book, it gave directions for one button hole. I took a piece of scrap material and tried it and it made a good buttonhole. So, I put the apron in the machine and lowered the presser foot and sewed. Did it make a wonderful buttonhole. Nope! It sewed a zigzagged line clear across the material but didn't stop when I told it to go back. So, out came the instruction book. I may just wear that instruction book out one of these days. I wonder how much they charge for a new one? I read the instructions and I was doing it the same way so why wouldn't it make the second buttonhole. Went back and read about making the automatic buttonholes. Wow! There is a reset switch that you have to turn to do another buttonhole. But, where did it say that in the instruction book. Not under the instructions for one buttonhole. You had to read all the instructions for making their automatic fancy 103 buttonholes to find it. I only wanted to make one buttonhole so I read the instructions for making one buttonhole.
Sewing machines are a wonderful invention. They can save you lots of time to read the instruction book. They can also drive you to drink. It's a good thing I keep a pitcher of tea in the refrigerator.


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Update on totes and aprons

Category: Daily Happenings | Posted: Wed Oct 07, 2009 12:16 am

I've been thinking of doing an update on here about my aprons and totes. I've been doing okay selling them at the farmer's market and business is picking up. One of the produce gardeners asked me about making him an apron with a large pocket that he could put tomatoes in when he picks them. We started to work out the details and the other people at the market came over (there are five of them) and a lively discussion ensued and the result was two different aprons for picking produce. One for the man who wanted to pick tomatoes and another for the two who wanted to pick peas and okra and other produce. They wanted an opening at the bottom to empty the apron when they got to the end of the row. They are made on a reworked bib apron with a sort of tote pocket with a large entry on both sides and fastened under the top pocket with velcro. It went over great and I have made three of them and have orders for a couple more for the feed store. Then, Gaye and I were talking on Friday about a garden apron for ladies since the men had a farm apron. So, we looked at the bib aprons I had already made and reworked one on paper and I came home and sewed it. The men, of course, had their say in the design, too. It has three pockets across the middle for garden tools and gloves, a cell phone pocket at the top and a larger pocket that fastens with a button to hold herbs, flowers or kitchen garden produce. This and the farm apron are made with a slightly heavier material than the regular aprons. The farm aprons are denim and the garden aprons are from pink khaki material or duck. I'm not sure what you would call it. I bought it at the American Legion sale. Lots of it. That's what got us onto the subject of ladies aprons. I'm also making Halloween totes and Christmas gift bags. There is a mushroom festival in Madisonville on Oct.17th. While I am not going to set up at the festival the farmer's market is only a few blocks away on a main highway through town so we are bound to get some strays. The guy who runs the farmer's market has flyers out and has ads in the paper that we will still be there that day.
That's the good news. Now for the bad news! When I was sewing the denim farm apron this morning my sewing machine fell apart. I did the last tie for it and went over a thicker seam and the part that hold the needle came off of the shaft and it won't go back on it. Well, it goes back on but it doesn't stay. When you let go, it falls right off.
So, tomorrow we will go looking at sewing machines. It is not in our budget but we will look anyway and see what is available. Maybe? We'll see what happens! That's it. dooley

This blog entry has been viewed 551 times


Category: Daily Happenings | Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2009 2:40 am

I spent a large part of the day sewing. I think I will start doing more of it. I plan on making "crafty" things to sell at the farmer's market. The sign says "produce, arts and crafts." Today, I made a "practice" tote bag. I used a heavy red material. It turned out okay. I may put a cardboard in the bottom to stiffen it. I only had to take it apart a couple of times. Then, I made a preprinted apron with a bib. It turned out okay so I used it for a pattern for a blue print one. I cut it out but didn't sew it yet. I cut one two inches smaller and sewed it and it looks okay. Maybe, kid size or teen size to match the adult one. I may make a set of pot holders to match it. There is enough material left. I made a print apron without a bib. I want to make more of those tomorrow. I may make a lined tote, too. Glenda gave me some of that iron-on stuff that stiffens it a little. dr says I need to look for some webbing for handles. Some we have do have web handles and some just have doubled up material handles like the bag is made out of. I have some other ideas for things to make but I'm just getting started so the things I make will increase as I get into it. I think I did well for today because I got a late start. dooley

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The farmer's market!

Category: Daily Happenings | Posted: Sat Jul 25, 2009 2:13 am

We live now in a small Texas town called Madisonville. Maybe it's not so small as it has 4200 people and is larger than the one we lived in when we was in Arizona. dr always sold at the flea market in Arizona while I worked at the library. So, we brought some flea market stuff and we've been going to a lot of yard sales here. But, there are no flea markets here. They are called Trade Days and they are held in various places and are one weekend a month and people travel from one to the other. They are mostly too far for us to do that and they are generally for three days so we'd have to sleep in our truck which isn't equipped for that so we haven't been selling since we came here.
But, in May we were going into town and passed a large sign that said Farmer's Market. It said, produce, arts and crafts. So, we stopped because there was a man with a table full of the sort of stuff we sold at the flea market. Rick, the farmer who runs the place, said we could set up and sell what ever we wanted to sell. All we needed was a tarp for shade and two metal posts to pound into the ground. We hook to the posts of the stand next to us and add our two posts to the other side and the next person hooks his tarp to our posts. It makes for a long line of tarps and people.
So, we started setting up there. The man who was selling junk stopped coming and with the drought two of the farmer's stopped coming so it's down a bit.
We've enjoyed sitting there on Friday and Saturday and I like talking to the people who come and the farmers next to us. Rick is on the end and Art is next to us and Fred is on the other side of us. Anyway, I've benefited from being there by getting leftovers that they don't want to take home. Sometimes I pay a nominal amount and sometimes when I ask how much it's free because it isn't always the good things that are left and I have to sort and cut. But, I've put zucchini, yellow squash, corn, broccoli, tomatoes and assorted other things in the freezer. Not large amounts at one time but little bits every week. Now, tomorrow I will get peaches. Two dollars for a 40 lb box. How many boxes? As many as he brings for me. Could be one or two, could be ten. He says they will be need to be used quickly because they will be soft and he gets them cheap. So, I can freeze peaches, make peach jam, make peach pies and cobblers and all sorts of good things. Mainly they will go in the freezer first, I think. So, it is paying us to go sit there and sell a few things and chat with people and get stuff to put in the freezer.
Now, We still get to yard sales if they are on Thursday or early before we go to the farmer's market and lately they've had some sewing things, Material, patterns, threads, quilting stuff and of course I just had to buy it. Or some of it. I've been wondering just why I bought so much of it and have spent some time wondering what to do with it. It's hot to quilt right now and I do have Jacob's dinosaur quilt in the works. Then, I started to think about the farmer's market sign that says, produce, arts and crafts. So, what could I make out of all of this material that I could take to the market to sell. I've come up with aprons, adult and childrens, singly or as a set so grandma can teach or cook with grandchildren. Tote bags and shopping bags to carry to the grocery store or to keep sewing things in. Table runners and placemats, maybe. Wall hangings. I have a few pieces of material that would be good for those. Lap quilts for elderly people or kids watching tv in cooler weather. Pillow covers? dr says he will set me up with my own tables if I decide to do it. So, maybe this week I will try to get something put together. Aprons and tote bags to begin, maybe.
dr is going to try selling local products such as honey and barbecue and salsa's. He's been online searching out places and we will go visit a place on Monday that is about an hour's drive from us. They sell honey. Maybe we can find some other things as well or our trip.
I think with the peaches, craft sewing and day trips we will have a busy week ahead of us. I'm sort of excited to get started with it. I haven't been doing much since we moved except for the garden and a little writing. I do have a new Boomer story but it isn't edited yet so I'm not sure when I will get it posted here. Now, I think I will find that I will be keeping myself busy if I try this crafting bit of stuff.
I'll try to remember to take some pictures if I get things made.
Last week I made zucchini marmalade and strawberry jam, eight jars of each. I'm diabetic so I don't eat much jam but I've already gave some of it to neighbors or at the farmer's market.
I generally don't like to make things food wise to sell because there are so many things that can go wrong quickly and people are so quick to find fault and sue these days. I made bread last week and it turned out badly. It was like hard little bricks. I'm not sure if I goofed it up or it was the humid, rainy weather. Then, I made a chicken in my Nesco Roaster for supper one day. It's a good thing that I can laugh at myself because when I went to check if it was about done it was still cold. It always helps if you PLUG IT INTO THE OUTLET when you want it to cook something in the Nesco Roaster. Needless to say supper was a bit later than planned. I think some days I'm older than other days. I was reading where no one ever thinks they are old. I can say that's not true. Some days I am old. Most days I am not so old.

Last edited: Sat Jul 25, 2009 2:18 am

This blog entry has been viewed 532 times

A nice sunny day!

Category: Daily Happenings | Posted: Fri May 15, 2009 2:24 am

It was a nice sunny day today. No clouds, no rain, a little breeze and 90 degrees. Was I out in the yard, getting lots of things done. No, no and no! I'm stuck inside with a cough and sinus infection. It started when Bob mowed our grass last week and it's gotten worse. SO, tomorrow on another nice sunny day we have to go to College Station to the doctor. I tried to just call and see if he would order something but the assistant said there are too many things going around with a cough and breathing difficulty to give me something without seeing me. I've been sleeping sitting up or in the recliner chair since last week so we will go and see him. I'd really like to breathe normal again with out this nasty cough.
This evening dr went out to mow the grass again, Yep, it's grown so much in just a week or so it needs mowed again. He threatened to pound on me if I so much as stuck my head out the door. I stayed inside. I know he wouldn't actually pound on me but I knew I wouldn't be able to sleep if I went outside. Glenda was mowing all afternoon over at her place so there is lots of stuff floating around in the air. I haven't had trouble with allergies but this is Texas and they have different pollens that I'm not used to, I guess. dr doesn't seem to be bothered by it.
I worked on my bear project off and on so my next Texas Bear is boxed and ready to be mailed off tomorrow on the way home from the doctor. He will have a good home. I'm sure of it. He has garden tools so he requested to go live with a gardener. You may see him posting on here from time to time.
I'm off to see if I can get some sleep tonight. Have a good evening

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