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dooley's Blog
Category: Daily Happenings | Posted: Thu Apr 20, 2006 3:23 am The day began with Chance sitting outside the bedroom door whining because DR won't let her outside. I didn't know about the coyote and tried to ignore her. She finally resorted to yipping. I finally opened my eyes and told her to be quiet. She went to find DR but I was awake by then. We went shopping. DR broke his reading glasses so we stopped and bought a pair at the dollar store. Just magnifying kind. I bought 30 packs of flower seeds. DR is going to put up another fence inside the backyard fence so Chance can't dig along the fence. We've never had a problem with her digging until just recently. We went to the bank and we went shopping up in Prescott. We wanted to buy a used refrigerator but couldn't find one at any of the thrift shops. We wanted to buy more potting soil but the pallet was empty. They wouldn't have more until the truck came but who knows when that would be. We wanted to buy paint but the man who mixed paint was at lunch. We didn't wait for him to come back. We finally stopped at the Chinese Buffet for lunch. That was okay for the most part. Some stuff wasn't very hot. I enjoyed what I had though. We did all right for the rest of the day. Traffic is getting to be a mess. Too many people trying to shop on the same day as I am shopping. They should just all stay home out of my way. I sneezed my way through the day. There is too much pollen in the air. I came home and took an allergy pill and I finally stopped sneezing. That mulberry tree in the front is so loud. I stop and look up to see what is making all the noise. Bees, bees and more bees. Al would like the sound. My neighbor had to take his hummingbird feeders down because the bees were using it and the hummingbirds couldn't get to it. He had hundreds of bees on it. My feeders are six to ten feet away and I wasn't having a problem with bees. Not a one. We couldn't figure it out. It was standing room only at the feeders. They were chasing each other so much it's a wonder any of them got anything to eat. I looked for another feeder today but guess what. The store was out of them. Well, unless I wanted to pay twelve to fifteen dollars for a really fancy one. They will eat out of the one dollar one so why should I spend more for one. I had to clean them good this time when I filled them. They get all sorts of gunk in them. I found a little bottle brush and bent it so it would reach the curve of the inside and it works well. Guess I should go and finish things up and go to bed. No, it's still to early and Chance isn't ready for bed yet. She'll just laugh at me if I ask her if it's bedtime. Dooley This blog entry has been viewed 504 times
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What to do next?
Category: Daily Happenings | Posted: Tue Apr 18, 2006 4:49 am I was sitting in the rocker down in the back yard with Chance sitting on my lap. It was warm and we were rocking back and forth when DR came out. He asked what we were doing. (rocking, couldn't he see) We said, nothing. Just sitting here enjoying the sunshine and trying to decide what to do next. There are always so many choices. There is never an end to things to be done. I guess it's always been that way. There were just different kinds of things to be done. Since there is just DR and I at home there just aren't so many choices having to do with kids. Our only kid close is Dan and he is nearby. DR said he wanted to empty the small wood shed. There was plenty of room in the big wood shed now. We haven't had a fire for a couple of weeks. It gets cool at night but that's good for sleeping. I told him I would help him. Well, you can't move the wood from the small wood shed to the big wood shed unless you cut it into smaller lengths. The wood in the small wood shed is four feet long and the wood in the big wood shed is about 16 inches long. So, out came the chain saw. We were cutting it and loading it into the garden wagon. One of us would take it to the big shed and stack it and the other one would get the logs out of the small wood shed and put it near the buck to be cut up. Dan came home and he started helping. We almost got it done but everyone ran out of steam. So, we stacked the rest of the four foot logs by the gate to finish tomorrow or the next tomorrow or the next one. When ever we decide we need something else to do or the stack of logs get into the way. There is a big stack to be cut anyway. We have the big wood shed about half filled up again. By fall it will be full and we will have to decide if we want to get more for the next year. Chance didn't help because she doesn't like the noise the chain saw makes. It was a little windy but not too bad. I wasn't sneezing too much. That mulberry tree is just loaded with pollen now. If you walk under it you can hear it buzzing. I had to stop and look up. You can see all the bees really busy. I wonder why you can't buy mulberry honey. There are enough trees around here. So, I didn't get much of my things done today. I watered everything after we quit moving wood around from here to there. DR wants to use the small wood shed for something else. I made a list of everything I have planted in the greenhouse. There are approximately 62 different kinds of plants. It looks like almost everything will come up. I found the cucumbers today. The things that have grown the largest is the summer squash, zucchini and yellow straight and crookneck. DR really likes squash. The tomato plants are very small but it's still early to put them outside anyway. I could leave them in the greenhouse except there are probably about 60 of them and when things get a little bigger there won't be any room. Our neighbor came over this morning to ask DR if he would show him how to build a greenhouse like ours. He is 73 and a little crippled with arthritis so I think when it comes right down to doing it DR might be doing more working than showing. But being neighbors he will probably do it anyway. Well, I guess I could go and think about tomorrow. I know in the morning I will be working at the library and I told Dan that I will work on the summer reading program plans because they just have to be done by the end of the month so he can do promotions and other things that are his job to do. We may go to lunch. We generally do on Tuesday but since we will go shopping on Wednesday we may not go anywhere tomorrow. I may try to get a start on digging that area for herbs. Some of them are growing rapidly. Dooley This blog entry has been viewed 454 times
Another busy day!
Category: Daily Happenings | Posted: Mon Apr 10, 2006 5:35 am I wonder when we will stop have such short days. There never seems to be enough time to get everything done. We started to breakfast this morning and had to stop for gas and with this and that we ended up back at home for breakfast. Yesterday we went to the flea market and coming home we stopped at WalMart and bought 10 forty pound bags of potting soil. Brian bought another 200 peat pots. So, this morning I thought that I have the seeds and the potting soil and the pots so I should start doing something with them. I potted up all the peat pots with vegetable and flower seeds and them when and got the 6 pak planters that I saved when I bought plants last year. I filled all of them that I had too. You should see that greenhouse. It is full. Brian took some pictures without me seeing him so you will see the greenhouse---tomorrow. I didn't have time to get them to photobucket today. There is also one of some tulips in the herb garden area and some hummingbird photos. Just don't look at the weeds and grass that I haven't had time to do anything about.It took me two and one half hours to get all the seeds planted. Then, I took a glass of tea down to the swing and sat for a few minutes. Chance kept me company. Brian came and said he wanted to go to the hardware store in Prescott Valley because they had plant food on sale and the sale ended today. We bought food for flowers and vegetables and food for trees and shrubs. Then, we went up to the mall on the hill and had a Subway sandwich and a Dairy Queen Blizzard for lunch. When we got home, I decided to work on the yard behind the big shed. That has been an on-going project. Last year the neighbor was putting in concrete between his workshop and his house and needed somewhere to pile the dirt. Since I was cutting horehound out he ask if he could pile it there for awhile. It stayed there all summer and finally he came and leveled it. Mean time I had sifted a lot of dirt and rock and made flower beds and rock paths. So now it was level and we raked it down and sloped the bank. We wanted to put up a fence and plant flowers and grass there. We could open it up and let Chance have a larger area to run. With so many other projects going on we didn't get to it. Last week, we finally got the outside fence and gate up. This morning Brian pounded in the short posts for the inner fence. When we came home from Prescott Valley I went out and raked and shoveled until I thought it was pretty level. Then I carried 5 bags of the potting soil out and poured it along the fence. There is 55 feet about three feet wide. I raked the potting soil along the fence. Brian came and brought me an extra bag so it took six bags altogether. I mixed the seed but it was so windy I thought I would wait until morning when it isn't so windy to scatter the seed. I hauled the hose out to wet it down good. I have a mix of cosmos, California poppies, Corieopsis?, and Mexican primrose to scatter in the space. I have some compost for covering seed that I will sprinkle over it. The seeds are small so I won't need much. Ha! I always need more than I think before I start. Then,our neighbor Frank (not our Gnome) came over for a tour and to see the greenhouse. I was hauling around a watering can because I needed to water some of the pots of seeds in the greenhouse before I closed the vent to keep the heat inside for the night. Then, I hurried into the house and put a pork roast into the Nesco Cooker so we would have something to eat for supper. I cut up two oranges and scattered them in the new flower bed so the cats wouldn't dig it up during the night. I put our all of the trash for the trashmen to pick up tomorrow. We have to leave the dumpster inside the fence until morning or the javalina tip it out and scatter it everywhere. Then, I had to come in and finish up the supper. I got the dishes washed and came to load the pictures from the camera to the computer and that is as far as I have gotten today. It's now after ten-thirty and I should think about going to bed. Tomorrow after I plant those seeds I have to make a start on digging the garden area because the squash seeds have started coming up and soon they will need the garden. I planted cucumbers, sweet peppers, eggplant, tomatoes and hot peppers, cantaloupe and lots of flowers. I have a wheelbarrow that I have planted with petunias in the summer. I sowed a package of salad mix in it this morning. I think by the time I'm ready for petunias the lettuces will have been eaten or nearly so that I can fit in the petunias. I noticed the morning glories are coming up by the fence. Dooley This blog entry has been viewed 643 times
A nice sunny day
Category: Daily Happenings | Posted: Mon Mar 27, 2006 3:30 am It was a nice sunny day and for once I didn't have a million and one things that I needed to do. Well, I did but I ignore some of them. I went outside. Brian and Dan both beat me out. Brian was working on the greenhouse and Dan was sanding the old finish off of the inside of the travel trailer. We're refurbishing it so he can live in it for a while. He's going to be saving his money for a down payment on his own house. Anyway, I decided that it was time to clean out under the rose bushes and give them some food. I did 10 rose bushes and two honeysuckle bushes. I had piles of leaves and debris all over. I thought it was break time so went in and made cold drinks for all. Before I could get them outside, Brian came in so he carried his out. I carried mine and Dan's out and discovered he'd disappeared. So, I drank mine and his. I cleaned out behind the travel trailer so he would have a place for his lawn chairs and his copper firepit thingy. He came back just as I was finishing it. He finished all the walls today. He is coming back tomorrow to do the cupboards in the kitchen area. That's more detail work than the walls. Tomorrow, I have to finish up the rose bushes. I probably have another 10 to do. They are all on the row of bushes that hide the messy work area from the herb garden area. When we moved here the climbing roses were sort of just rambling across the lawn because they only had a three foot fence and no one had trained them on it. We added another three feet of fence atop the first three feet so there is six feet. I want to add another two foot section when we have time because it's drooping and catches us when we walk by it. Brian is going to work on the greenhouse door. It's looking good. Then, he wants to add a brace here and there and some trim. After that we need to start work on the back fence so we can get those trees planted. We have room for three trees and we only bought two so we need to get one more. Brian is going to ask our neighbor to dig three holes with his backhoe so we won't have to do so much digging. It will still be work but not so much. Brian said that after he gets the three holes dug, we can put up fence # 1. Then, fence # 2 will be four or five feet inside of that one. I'll put vines and flowers in between the two fences. That way, Chance can't run up and down the fence. Brian says maybe we'll do that with the other yard too. Poor Chance, we'll cut down on some of her fun. She runs up and down the fence and barks at our neighbor's visitors. He has a big workshop and fixes things for people. All sorts of things. He welds. We also have to finish the exercise room, put up the screen section. I haven't even been using it, shame on me. I'm supposed to but it's been so cold, I haven't wanted to go out there. There is never an end to things to do. I have that big pond tub to bury. Well, I have to dig a hole to hold it so we can get on with the waterfall. I have to dig out all the grass and weeds that have been coming up where they aren't wanted. I need to take some more pictures of the daffodils and I want a picture of the hummingbirds. There were at least eight of them today, chasing each other between my feeder and our neighbor Frank's feeder. This Frank is 75 and is from Germany. Dooley This blog entry has been viewed 999 times
One things leads to another
Category: Daily Happenings | Posted: Sat Mar 18, 2006 7:43 pm I can't seem to get anything finished because it seems like lately I can't start anything without needing to do six things before I can get to it. Our son has been having some problems finding a place to live because in winter time there just isn't anything to rent here. So, we told him he could put a small trailer in our lower driveway. Except there is already a very small out of date trailer parked there. It's where Brian stores the things we take to the flea market when we go. So, we will move it back to the side of the big shed. But, we need to move a fence first. The neighbor who can move the little trailer is out of town for the weekend. We can't plant the apple trees, because where we want to plant them is where the neighbor needs to bring his endloader through to move the little trailer. The little trailer has no wheels is why he moves it with the endloader. He just moved it forward last fall so we could fill the holes where it was parked. We, also, need to put the fence across the backyard so the javalina won't eat the apple trees. They come down the alley. Most of the yard is fenced except that piece behind the big shed. so, right now, we are waiting for Monday when the neighbor gets back. Tuesday they are supposed to bring Dan's small trailer. He's only using it for a bedroom and get-away place because he won't have plumbing in it. One good thing is that he has cable internet and he is having it transferred to here and he says I can hook up to it if we buy a router and cable moden and then, we'll share the cost. Maybe that will happen next week or the week after or the week after. It depends on how many things we have to do before we can get it hooked up for him. This morning we were going to the flea market but the weather wasn't great. So Brian decided to work on the greenhouse. We've been so busy that we were wondering if we were even going to get it up. He was working on the frame when it started snowballing. He didn't need my help so I was trying to clean the garden shed. I had moved everything out. We switched some shelves around because we wanted some shelves to put in the greenhouse that were in the garden shed and I had some others to put in the garden shed. I sorted and tossed things and has just finished putting things back when it started to snowball. Not rain, not sleet, not hail or snow. Little hard snowballs is the closest I could come to it. Brian put his things away. The snow/rain or whatever is supposed to last through tomorrow and then hopefully we will have some sunny warm days and we can get something done. Tuesday is out because that is supposed to be the trailer moving day, maybe! I did get the pansies planted. The hummingbirds weren't too happy about it because it was too close to the feeder. I kept getting divebombed. I tried to get their picture but didn't manage it yesterday. I'll try again when I see them out there. They are ruby throated and when the sun shines on them they are just beautiful. Guess I should go see if there is anything I need to be doing. Not outside right now. I'm not fond of snowballs. Dooley This blog entry has been viewed 502 times
Cold, snowy day
Category: Daily Happenings | Posted: Mon Mar 13, 2006 12:33 am We got up to a cold, snowy day. I thought it was still snowing, but it was just the wind blowing snow out of the trees. We had 10 inches, at least. It is hard to settle on an accurate amount as it was mixed with rain at times and it was warm enough to melt it at times. There was so much snow in and on the trees that the branches were bending on the fir trees. I used my broom to knock some of the snow off so they could spring back into a semblance of trees. At 10:30 no one had gone out out street. The snow still had no tire prints. It was really beautiful out. By eleven-thirty, the sun had warmed things enough that the street was empty of snow and water was running down it like a river. Up the block, the paved street was clean and dry. The daffodils now have no snow to peek through. If I have to have snow, this is the kind I like. It took a day and a half to get it built up to the 10 inches and in a day and a half it will be gone with the exception of the shady spots and that may take an additional day. Dan went up to Camp Verde this morning. He came over here this afternoon. He said people from the valley were bringing their kids up to see the snow. The valley had mainly rain. (l to 2 inches) He said they were stopping their car where ever there was a space to do so. The kids piles out and played in the snow. Dan said up and down the highway were snowmen. There are people living down in Phoenix who never get snow. When it gets close they take their kids to see it. This is the most snow I've seen since we moved to Arizona 17 years ago. My sister has lived in Arizona since 1967. Her kids have never experienced shoveling snow. Some of her grandchildren have never seen snow until this week. When someone says, "Snow, what's the big deal?" they don't realize this is the desert and it doesn't generally snow. The snow is usually reserved for the 6,000 and above in altitude. So, after 143 days without measurable rain or snow everyone was very excited when it started to rain and snow. It was a good storm in that respect. I grumble about the snow, but it's good for the ground. I saw something else grumbling about the snow yesterday and this morning. There was a little hummingbird trying to get nectar out of the apricot blossems and it kept getting dusted with the snow as it disturbed the branches. Definitely not a happy hummingbird. dooley This blog entry has been viewed 1684 times
Category: Daily Happenings | Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2006 12:56 am No, not me! My son is moving. But, he can't move into the new place until April lst but he needs to be out of the old place as soon as possible. So, most of his belongings are being stored in our big shed. He packs boxes, Brian and I load them in our truck and transport them to our place and store them. I think maybe we have the harder job. He is going to stay with friends for the rest of the month. He doesn't think our spare room is big enough for him and his lizard. The lizard is in a 100 gallon tank and it's big. The tank, not the lizard. It's a spiny lizard and is about a foot long. He has special lights etc. for it. This morning we went to Prescott to buy peat pots and plastic for the greenhouse. We decided on the 6 mil because though we have wire to keep the wind from tearing it, the sun can burn the plants too. Brian is making a vent that will open on nice days to let the heat buildup out. My herb seeds arrived. I have twenty-two packs. Three are squash but the rest are herbs. My son was leaving his rosemary bush so today while we were waiting for boxes, I dug it up and put it in a pot. He said rosemary doesn't survive moving but I moved mine and it did fine. So, if it grows in the pot, I will give it back to him after he gets moved. He is moving to a small place so he won't have much room for in-ground plants anyway. We should have him moved out by tomorrow. I hope so anyway. Our landlord died last July and his son is selling places. He says it for tax purposes but if he sold Dan's place, he could sell ours. We are thinking that we will keep that in mind. I might put some of my herbs in pots instead of in the ground. He said he isn't selling but two but you never know. It is one of the bad parts about renting. We just don't want the upkeep of our own place. When something needs fixed we fix it and send him the bills. I do like having a garden though so no apartment. I have five daffodils blooming and more that will bloom in the next day or two. The pansies that I planted are doing well too. The tulips are all coming up and the apricot trees have started to bloom. Maybe it won't be cold anymore. HaHaHa! This blog entry has been viewed 529 times
Category: Daily Happenings | Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2006 4:10 am We went to Phoenix today. Another 100 miles on the truck. We've been putting a lot of miles on it this week. We drove over 500 miles so far. The week started on Wednesday for this milage. Brian has been going up and down in altitude too much. It has affected his ears so I guess we will stay home now. It was warmer in Phoenix but I didn't think it was overly warm. I didn't take off my sweater. My sister's grandchildren were wearing shorts and sleeveless shirts and no shoes. My niece has a baby 3 months old. He is very small as he was several weeks premature. I got to hold him until he started crying because he needed fed. I gave him back to mama. He's a cutie though. My sister from California was there with her three boys. She is 17 years younger than I am so her oldest is in college and her youngest is only 13. Those boys are tall and skinny. Thin they said. They all play in marching bands. Clarinet and tuba and french horn. The oldest travels in summer with a drum corp. He's the one with the tuba. Her husband was in Iraq for a year. He may have to go back but she said not before November. She will have two in college then and one at home. They all have cell phones and are having some problems with them. She has a family plan and sometimes the signals get crossed. The one who is 17 has voice mail with his. Lately when he calls to check his mail, his 13 year old brother's phone rings and he can listen to all the voice mail for his 17 year old brother, including the ones from the girl friend. That does lead to problems because the 13 year old has not learned discretion. He tells what he hears. The oldest is 20 and was complaining about text messaging on his phone. She told him to cancel the service and get his own plan. I'm happy that they didn't have cell phones when my boys were that age. Even with a family plan their phone bills must be huge. They also have a home land line phone for their computer because they do not have cable where they live. We came home early so we could come up the mountain before it got dark. It's bad enough coming up the winding curves in daylight. Traffic was really bad today. I don't know where everyone was going. But, it's President's Day on Monday so everyone or some have a three day weekend. There is no snow on the ski hills in Arizona so they aren't going skiing. I did hear there might be some snow tonight in the high country. That's above 6,000 feet. Maybe we will get some rain, but probably not. Oh, well! I will have to water things tomorrow. Today, I just watered the things in pots. My spinach is still growing. We bought some paint to repair the bridge. maybe I will get a picture of it. My daffodils have buds on them. They aren't very high yet though. Maybe they will still grow some before they bloom. Some tulips are about six inches high. some haven't come up yet. They must be confused by the weather, too. I received another seed catalog in the mail and a postcard from a local nursery. Someone must think spring is coming. My herb seeds still haven't come. Brian wanted to buy potting soil today but I told him not until the seeds come. I looked at vegetable and flower seeds in the store but I didn't buy any. Regardless of the warm days it isn't time to plant a garden. But, I could start things in pots if the seeds would arrive. No mail until Tuesday though. It's still too windy to do things outside anyway. Maybe I'll make a bear tomorrow. That will keep me out of trouble. Dooley This blog entry has been viewed 559 times
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Category: Daily Happenings | Posted: Sat Feb 18, 2006 7:25 pm Quartzsite is name after the mineral quartz. A lot of times where you find quartz you also find gold. There are a lot of rocks and minerals found near quartzsite so rockhounds like the area. In the winter, thousands of people come to the area looking for a warm spot to winter.. I'm not sure why they choose Quartzsite. Warm is about the only thing going for it. There were permanent signs along the highway that said, "Blowing dust area." It means that the day we were there wasn't the only dusty day. Do you know how animals and sometimes people mill around not knowing where to go or what to do? That is how Quartzsite appeared to me. Only the people were in motor homes and trucks pulling trailers. There are about 75 RV parks in Quartzsite. There are a lot of big gem and mineral shows and some big flea markets. Only everything seemed to be closed up because of the wind and dust. We inquired about motels or places to stay and were told the best places were across the state line in California. We couldn't find a place to eat so snacked on the cheese and crackers we had taken with us. We did drive to Ehrenberg which is the small town on the state line. It didn't even have any stores. I wonder how people survive with having to drive 40 or 50 miles to shop for groceries. All the little towns seemed to have convenience marts but they were expensive so you couldn't live cheaply by shopping in them. We decided that our course of action would be to get on the interstate highway and go back to Phoenix. Interstate 10 goes across the country from California to Florida. It would take you four or five days to drive the whole way. It is used a lot by truckers. The right lane was bumper to bumper semi-trucks. But they were all driving the same speed and not cutting in and out. Cars were mostly using the left lane and traffic was going smoothly. We made good time and arrived back in Phoenix by 5 pm. We saw the exit that we could get off and visit a friend so we did that for a bit of time. We found an International House of Pancakes and had our evening meal. Then, we found a motel and crashed for the night. In the morning (Thursday) we did some shopping. We found an organic bulk food store when we were looking for another shop. We bought several types of vegetables and some polenta meal and some fructose and dried fruits. We never did find the other shop. We considered stopping at my sister's house, but decided since we were going there on Saturday that we would just get on the Interstate 17 and head for home. It wasn't quite as windy on Thursday. We stopped at Anthem, which is a huge housing developement with shops. We went to WalMart and found a friend working there so stopped to visit with him for a bit. We did some grocery shopping and then headed on up the hill. We got home about two pm. Everyone was surprised to see us so early but we were ready to be home. It seems it was windy at home too. Chairs and tables were knocked over. A piece of the gardenshed roof was on the ground. The trash dumpster was on it's side and a ladder that was on the gardenshed roof was on the ground. So, we spent a while picking things up and sorting them out. Brian fixed the roof in short order. Chance was happy to see us back. She's been sticking close since we got back. Our neighbor fed her and played in the yard with her. She likes the neighbor but she was happy to see Brian. She does follow him most of the time. She thinks she's human, you see. This blog entry has been viewed 578 times
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two day trek
Category: Daily Happenings | Posted: Sat Feb 18, 2006 4:43 am Well, we did our two day trek. It was a little windy and cool here when we left but we figured it would be okay once we got down the mountain to the flatland. It just got a little more windy. We made it to Wickenburg by noon so we stopped and had a little lunch and walked around a bit. then, we started west Rt. 60. That is a two lane state route. It's relatively straight and flat. After we left Wickenburg proper, there was no one behind me until we got to Aguila. We passed through Gladden. Nothing there except one RV park. Nothing else at all. The land was flat with scrubby bushes. You could see mountains in the distance on either side of the road. It kept getting more windy. As you approach Aguila there were big machines preparing the land for planting cotton. As they were plowing up the ground, the wind was blowing it away. The air was thick with dirt and dust. We had to slow down a lot as visibility was near zero. Some fields were planted and the rows were covered with row covers and in between were the little ditches for irrigation. We passed through Aguila and it was still dusty and you could only see along the edges of the road. There were a few other cars. It stayed windy and dusty the whole day. The dust and blowing dirt started to make my eyes burn. My wrists were aching from keeping the truck on the straight and narrow. We came to Wenden. It's not much but a few buildings, but they do have a school for farm workers children and some children are bused from nearby areas.(within 40 miles). There is another road leading north from Wenden that goes to a state park and Alamo Lake. It has RV parks and fishing camps on it. We stopped in Salome. It has about 2,000 people in the winter. We drove around the streets and came to a developement called Indian Hills. It was laid out in a square grid with fenced plots where people come in the winter and live in motorhomes and small trailers. They have an airpark too where small planes can land. There was a library at the airpark so we turned onto the street and there was a big sign that read, "Airplanes have the right of way." Well, the street was also the runway for the planes. We quickly turned into the parking lot and investigated the library. It is only open 25 hours per week. It was a nice small library with computers for patron use. The librarian said it is usually busy in the winter, but when the people take their motorhomes and trailers and go north for the summer it sort of quits. They do have migrant workers that harvest the cotton and vegetables that they grow. We wanted to stay there for a while longer but there was nothing else to do. So, we proceeded along to the Interstate to Quartzsite. I must apologize for no pictures. We had our camera but it was so windy and dusty that we didn't stop to take pictures. More on Quartzsite tomorrow. Dooley This blog entry has been viewed 439 times
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