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dooley's Blog
A good week?
Category: Daily Happenings | Posted: Sat May 27, 2006 2:53 am I've been out playing ball with Chance. It is a nice evening. I was thinking about the week that's ending. It wasn't a bad week in general. There are some things that broke and there was that snake and those darn ants. But, it wasn't really a bad week. I went out and watered the plants in pots because we won't be home tomorrow. It's not going to be quite as hot tomorrow but they dry out faster. I went ahead and watered some tomatoes. They don't look too bad. They are standing up straight. I fed them miracle gro this week. I have small yellow squash. The ants didn't seem to bother them much but they ate a few of the green ones. I saw that they are getting some new leaves so maybe if I can get rid of the ants they will do okay. I hope the squash don't absorb the hot sauce but it would be okay. DR likes squash and he likes hot sauce. I can't say the same about myself and snakes. I'm not fond of them most of the time but rattlesnakes are poisonous and I don't like them at all. Dan and his friend John took it and turned it out in the brush away from town. I don't like to kill them either if there is away around it. John teaches classes on survival in the wilderness so he knows how and where to release them. Dan put it in a container with a big stick. It didn't put up too much of a fight. The biggest problem this week was the ants. I'll spray them again when I come home tomorrow if they are still around. I imagine they will be because there are a lot of them. I know they are only looking for water because it is so dry but they could drink out of the puddles when I run the soaker hose. Between the ants and the earwigs it's a wonder I have any plants left. I wondered why they don't eat the weeds and the grass but they don't really taste that good to me so why would the ants like them any better than I do. My butterfly bush has three blooms and smells really good. I see some of the leaves have spots on them but I didn't see any bugs so I will have to keep an eye on them. We can't find any apricots on the trees so I guess the snow froze the flowers. Oh, well! The neighbor says he will have lots of plums if the birds don't eat them and I can make jam out of them. I still have jelly from the grapes last year and you should see the grape vines. They are just loaded with grapes.I can't just let them rot so I make jelly and give it to people. I wonder if the senior center would like jelly. I will have to call and ask. There may be regulations about how it's made or something so the people won't get sick. But, I eat it and I'm not sick. Worked at the library and changed the bulletin board and put up a new sign on the wall that says, "Hot Summer Day? Read a Book". I put all the new children's books on a shelf under it. I made this bulletin board last year and put a tree with leaves on it and grass under it. I keep changing it. It had fall leaves and then no leaves and then spring leaves and now I've been putting summer leaves on it again. I changed from grass to snow and now back to grass. Since the summer reading program is about animals we put some small animals in the grass. Today, I added the sun and some small clouds. I'm sure it will change as summer progresses. Maybe some flowers. Dooley This blog entry has been viewed 590 times
Yesterday and Today
Category: Daily Happenings | Posted: Thu May 18, 2006 5:54 am Yesterday after I finished at the library, we went to Prescott to the buffet place for lunch. It was 86 deg when we went in for lunch. It got a bit windy while we were inside. We could see dark clouds and lightning from the window. When we came out it was 62 degs. I thought it was cold. I just had a short sleeve shirt. DR was wearing a long sleeve shirt. He did say he would give it too me if I wanted it. That was nice of him. I told him I would just get in the truck. We stopped at the grocery store to fill our water bottles and it started to rain. We drove in and out of rain all the way home. (About 25 miles) We had a lot of rain here. I don't know how much but Dan said it poured for about 15 minutes and you couldn't see across the street. It looked like we got quite a bit. I didn't have to water last night or this morning. Today our water bill came and DR said it was almost double. Oops! Today, it was the major monthly shopping day. Ouch! We left home at 8:45 AM and got back at 4:30 PM. We had to go renew the liscense plates for the truck. We got through so quick I couldn't believe it. We were prepared to wait an hour or more and we were there less than 15 minutes. In Arizona, the cost is based on value so it was rather expensive. It goes down every year though. I guess that means the value of the truck goes down every year, too. We stopped at the nursery. I wanted begonias and geraniums. They didn't have begonias and I didn't want to pay their price for the geraniums. They didn't look that good and they didn't have a big choice of colors. I did buy 12 tomato plants. Three different kinds-4 paks. We went to a grocery store and then to Home Depot. Then, to Wal-Mart. We spent some time there. I bought a new glucose meter. I thought I should have a new one. My old one was working but I have had it quite awhile. I was hoping for better readings with a new one. On the way back to Prescott Valley, we stopped and I bought a new pair of shoes. Then, on to another grocery store and then to Ace Hardware. I did buy a begonia there and some sweet allysum. It smelled so good. It started to rain a little but we were ready to come home. It didn't rain here. It was 91 degs today. We bought Chance two new squeaky toys. Her favorite game is squeaky. She and Dr play squeaky everyday. DR counts 1 - 2 - 3 and throws it and Chance catches it before it hits the ground. She's pretty fast. She brings it back and there is a tug of war over it until DR tricks her into letting go. They play it outside and a modified version inside. I've walked into a game and been ran down several times. After supper when DR sits in his chair, Chance runs to get her squeaky toy. They have their rules and I don't ever get them right so she won't play with me. Oh, well, it's time to end this day. Dooley This blog entry has been viewed 582 times
I was going to say
Category: Daily Happenings | Posted: Fri May 12, 2006 4:28 am I was going to say that I was done with the summer reading program plans. Today, I typed them all, there are 8 of them, and e-mailed them to Dan at the library. He printed them out. But, we still have to make copies for the board meeting next week and we have to make some copies for the Youth Services meeting next week. Dan is going to make copies for his boss and the county librarian. Then, we will need extra copies for volunteers. It's a good thing the library has a copy machine. It's still not exactly free since we pay for materials but we aren't paying 10 cents a copy to someone. Anyway, the basic plans are done. They are still subject to revision and additions. We have to come up with team games besides the scavenger hunt because we decided to choose permanent teams at the first meeting and have them stay together for the whole reading program. Prizes will be individual and by teams, too. I haven't exactly figured that one out but Dan said it so it must be so. Next job is to find folders for each child that registers so they have their forms in one place. When they return their books they will list them on their reading charts and then Dan or a volunteer will award the points and as the points add up they can purchase prizes from the prize board. I need to have a box for each week so craft supplies, etc can be gathered before the weekly program so things are ready when the kids come. Kids get antsy when they have to wait for you to find something or wait for you to decide what to do next. Keep them busy and enthused about the program and they have fun and enjoy themselves and come back the next week. Everyone has committed to a program and all have offered the service for free. Some of the large city libraries pay a lot of money for people to come do programs and I bet ours are just as good and the kids don't care one way or the other. Maybe people don't want to do programs for free for a lot of kids. We will have 35 or 40 kids, maybe. That is a lot of kids because our room isn't all that big. Dan and Mary ordered prized and Dan said he ordered all the craft supplies on my list so we should be about set. We can't order or buy food for fun day but we can amass snacks for each week. Animal crackers, animal shaped cookies, dog bone shaped cookies, we'll see what comes our way. Do you think licorice strings would be okay for snake week? I hope things go okay. We have our plans ready. Now, we will get all antsy waiting for it to begin. I hope we don't nit-pick and make changes. When it's done, leave it alone. Dooley This blog entry has been viewed 565 times
Category: Daily Happenings | Posted: Wed May 10, 2006 4:58 am Boy, I make list after list and look things up and then forget everything. I hope I don't forget my shopping list tomorrow. It's by my place at the table. I guess I should go put it in my purse now because DR says we are going out for breakfast tomorrow. I can have whole grain pancakes with sugar free syrup. Something I can eat Or maybe a buckwheat waffle. Those are good too. Anyway, what I started to say was I've been busily planting things here and there and then I remembered that some things are tall and some things are short. Which herbs are tall, which herbs are short? I came into the house and got the herb books out and do you know the most of the entries do not give height. Isn't that really important. I finally got out the packets that I save and found that I may have planted some tall things in front of short things. So, do I move them. They might not survive being moved so close to being planted. Do I just leave them and let the tall things give the short things a little shade. In the middle of a hot summer the short things may like a little shade. Why didn't I remember to look before I blithely planted things? I had a list. Never mind that I don't know where I put it. I sometimes forget my shopping list and I just tell DR, that's okay, I'll remember what's on it. I wrote it, didn't I? Well, when we get home I find I forgot the most important thing. I know all those things are stored in my head somewhere but I don't know for sure where or how to get it out. I work crossword puzzles because I heard it keeps your brain active. I'd better find another book. well, I got little plants put into bigger pots today.I wish I lived closer to anyone because I have lots to share. I've already gave some to neighbors. I've been thinking maybe I could pack them into boxes and take them to the flea market. Maybe I could sell them. DR says I can't buy anymore plants but we don't have geraniums by the gate yet. I'm going to buy the geraniums and plant Baby's Breath with them. Red and white maybe. Unless DR sees another color he likes too. I don't really care about the color, I just like flowers but sometimes DR sees something that he really likes, like the red and white striped petunias. I thought I put earwig food everywhere but some ate holes in the petunias by the front fence. I put a cup of food by each one tonight. I hope they will grow new leaves. They are looking pretty sad. Dooley This blog entry has been viewed 755 times
A Mixed Up Day
Category: Daily Happenings | Posted: Mon May 08, 2006 4:38 am I didn't do anything that I started out to do today. It turned out to be fairly mixed up. We got up around 6 AM. I don't know why except we were awake and I couldn't go back to sleep. I made pancakes for breakfast. As I was doing dishes, I cleaned out the refrigerator, washed shelves, drawers, etc. I took the little grate off the bottom and cleaned under it. You never know what rolls under there, but I didn't find any thing interesting. As I finished the dishes I decided the floor needed to be swept. I looked for the broom and remembered I left it out by the front door when I was cleaning up mulberry pollen. When I came in the door I thought I needed to vacuum so I swept along the walls, etc where the vacuum won't reach. I got out the vacuum and did that in the living room, dining room and bedroom. When I moved the table I noticed one leg was wobbly so I crawled under to see if I could tighten it. i couldn't. It needed a different type screwdriver. DR came and he knew which one and he fixed it. DR was washing clothes. Sheets, towels, blankets. it was a nice warm day and things were drying quite well. So, I ask him if he would wash the curtains from the bedroom and living room. He said ok and I took them down. They were all dusty from winter. I washed the windows, inside but not outside yet. Finally three hours after I went after the broom I got the kitchen floor swept. Then, I cleaned the laundry room and put Chance's bed and bedding out in the yard to air out. Did I get some strange looks from her when I did that? While her bed was out of the way I moved the winter coats, etc from the bedroom closet to the laundry room closet. DR finally told me to slow down there was always tomorrow to get it all done. So, I stopped and called his niece. She wasn't there. I called two of my sons and got an answering machine. I called my sister and got an answering machine. I gave up. I think everyone must have been out enjoying nice weather. So I went outside. Well, I did check in with Gardenstew a couple of times. I had moved all the plants outside this morning before starting dishes. I watered them. I started moving some things to the herb garden area. I moved some things to bigger pots. I planted my butterfly bush by the apple trees and watered the flower beds by the fence. They are growing nicely. You can see that there are flowers there now. Lots of poppies, which will be orange. Inside Chance's yard they will be red. Then, Brian's niece called me back. She had tried to call earlier in the week and got no answer. I was probably outside and DR doesn't hear the phone if he's not next to it. She said grandma was leaving rehab on Wednesday but she can't go back to her apartment. She can't live alone anymore. Shelley found a nice care home overlooking the Hudson River. It is only 15 minutes from Shelley's so she can go after work to see her. An ambulance will collect her on Wed. AM. It will take three to four hours to get to the care home. The orthopedic doctor said her hip healed, sort of. If she puts weight on it though it will just rebreak. It's broken three times, different places. They don't want to do any more surgery. It would be a major undertaking and she's 90 yrs old and tired. She's okay with the move and Shelly and Tom have it all handled. They will clean her apartment and close things up. then, I went back out and put things away as it was too late to do any more outside. I had to make dinner. As I was starting the sausages my sister called so DR was watching them until he said they were burning so I had to tell her I'd call her back. They were NOT burning. He just wanted to give me an excuse to tell her I was busy. So, DR took a lot of pictures today. I downloaded them or uploaded them or whatever. Then I resized them. I don't know what I did but they ended up all over the place and even some pictures in other folders ended up with them. I guess I'll have to have Dan figure it out and fix it tomorrow. he's good at things like that. Then, I can put them to Photobucket and maybe post some here. I guess it must be about time for bed. Last I looked Chance and DR were both sleeping. Dooley This blog entry has been viewed 531 times
A Day Off?
Category: Daily Happenings | Posted: Sat May 06, 2006 3:20 am I feel like I had a day off today. I opened the greenhouse and watered the plants. We went to the post office and to some yard sales. When we got home I moved the plants out of the greenhouse so they could get some afternoon sunshine. I went to the library from one to five. When I came home I put the plants back in the greenhouse for the night and finished dinner. DR starts it every Friday while I'm at the library and I finish it when I come home. I washed the dishes and made some scones to take to the flea market tomorrow and I'm done for the day. The summer reading program meeting went well. I just have to get things all typed up and copies made and a folder made for each day so everyone knows the schedule. We have a speaker for each day now, the last one committed today. So, we will have day one for an introduction, day two for wildlife, day three for cats and kittens, day four for dogs and assorted pets, day five lizards and snakes, day six for birds and day seven for a fun day. The audabon society is going to do the bird program. We have a short craft period each day. We have a snack/story time each day and a time for checking books in and out and listing books read and points collected. Points are given for each book read and points can be used to buy prized from the prize store. We put Mary in charge of buying prizes for the store because she has school age children and knows more what they would read a book for points so they can buy something than Dan or I do. Dan doesn't have children and mine are all over 30. In fact, my youngest will be 40 next year. Does that make me feel old? No, it makes me older I guess but I don't really feel old most days. Only when I come dragging in from yard work. It's supposed to be sunny and 81F tomorrow so it should be a good day. I called and reserved our space so maybe I can get up at 6 am instead of 5 am. I've got everything ready for breakfast and lunch and snacks so that's done. DR has the truck packed. It's always a surprise when I get to unpack and see what he's loaded into the truck this time. Dooley This blog entry has been viewed 545 times
Too Much Outside
Category: Daily Happenings | Posted: Fri May 05, 2006 12:40 am Since we don't go on daylight saying time it gets light early here. Around 5:50 AM right now. So I was up around six and checked in to Gardenstew. Then, after breakfast I went outside to check the greenhouse. I moved some cucumbers from the greenhouse to the garden. 18 total, two varieties. I watered them and them watered the squash and the flowers. I dragged the hose to the front and watered the petunias and pansies. Then, we went to the post office and stopped at a couple of yard sales. Nothing much today. DR bought a bicycle that he's going to fix up and resell. It's a three speed Raleigh. The man said his wife got "too old" to ride it so it's just been sitting in the garage. It probably needs new tires and some oil on the chain, etc. It doesn't look bad. After a trip to the bank and another stop at the post office we came home. My blood glucose level was lower than usual so I stopped and had a peanut butter sandwich. Then, I went outside to check on the things in the greenhouse. I most some things to bigger pots and made some small pots of things for a couple of the neighbors. I moved everything out of the greenhouse so it could get a little more sunshine and fresh air. I watered all the pots. They dry out so fast in the greenhouse. I put some summer savory in the herb garden. I put some zinnia's in a flower bed up by the front fence. I put out new earwig food. I sat under the tree with Chance for a few minutes. She was feeling left out since I was mostly on the other side of the fence from her. It was pretty breezy most of the day so my ears plugged up and my head is all blocked and I had to take an allergy pill. Some of it is probably from cutting the grass and weeds yesterday. We may go to Prescott in the morning. We have a couple of errands and I have to pick up prescriptions. In the afternoon I have to work at the library. OOPS! I was supposed to have those plans typed up and printed. Well, I guess they will have to use handwritten copies for tomorrow. It's just an informal meeting anyway. We have it all set except for one day and someone is dithering over it. Time to think about eating again. Dooley I did put everything back in the greenhouse and close it up and deliver some of the little pots of herbs to my neighbor. He was a little disappointed. he thought I was bringing cookies. This blog entry has been viewed 501 times
Category: Daily Happenings | Posted: Sun Apr 30, 2006 4:38 am Well, all 39 squash plants are still standing. The flowers I planted are coming up, except at one end where I think the birds must have eaten the seed. I guess I should have let Chance out there to chase them. I moved some morning glories the other day and they are still standing so maybe tomorrow I'll move some more. If I let all of those morning glories grow on that fence, the fence will fall over from the weight. I do like them there. They even grow up the downspout. I couldn't get them to grow on the front fence. Too much shade, I think. Maybe I will put them on the front fence down by the lower drive where there is more sun. I put some hollyhocks there and they are doing fine. I think I need to put some water on the herb garden area that is not dug yet. It is hard and rocky and maybe I should just put pots of stuff there except that's where DR is going to put the fountain and it really needs something in the ground. I guess I could put the hose there and forget about it for about a week except I wouldn't be able to pay my water bill. A shovel full at a time, I guess that's how it will get done. I want to move some flagstone around too. I think I want to ask the guy who gave it too me where he got it because he said he got it with his quad and you can't take them out on the highway except on a trailer so it must be close by here. I could use a few more pieces. I want to get some onyx too and there is an old onyx mine close where you can go and get pieces left that were too small to bother with. DR wants to polish some. The guy who gave me the flagstone used it to make a hearth for a soapstone stove that burns wood. He gave me the leftover. He's a welder and he just built a huge gate for his driveway. it will work with a remote control. I wish mine was remote control. I have to stop and hop out and open the gate unless by chance DR is out when I come home. It's just a pain. We have to have a gate because javalina come in and eat everything and I mean everything if you don't have a fence and a gate. I never saw anything that would eat the fuzzy leaves on eggplant until the javalina got into the garden. They even ate half of a hot pepper. I guess they decided they didn't like it well enough to eat all of it. I need to go through the plants in the greenhouse because some things are getting big enough to go in pots. I potted up some lemon balm for Dan and for our neighbor on Thursday. It was still standing today. I never know if I watered it enough or too much. I planted a small pot of lemon balm two springs ago and it is about two by four foot now and really thick. I told Dan if he needed lemon balm feel free to pick it. I bought bee balm at the same time and it crowded out the pot so last spring I moved it to the flower bed by the house. All but one piece died. The piece I gave Dan died too but the one I gave the neighbor is nice and tall and spreading. I may have to go over and steal it back some night or just buy another pot of it. It was relatively cheat. $2.99 I think. DR wants to buy geraniums but I think it must be too early yet because I haven't seen any at the nursery yet. This morning at 5 AM there was dew on the truck window, but not frost. It was about 36F when we went out. It got up to 80F and was a beautiful day. There was no danger of us blowing away today. Dan has gone camping with some friends at a state forest site today. They had to get a permit to have a bonfire. It has to be in a fire ring in a campground. He was taking some logs from the woodshed. I think it is a little cool for camping myself but it's the time of year for it he says. It's Beltane. I don't do that myself but he does so that's okay. Chance wants to go outside. She never sleeps in the house. She has a bed in the laundry room and has a doggy door so she can get into her little yard. She has no access to an outside fence now. She is in a yard inside of a yard, inside of a yard. The neighbor thinks we have a thing for fences and little yards for this and that and maybe we do but our dog has never gotten out and ran afoul of the dog catcher. Knock on wood. dooley This blog entry has been viewed 545 times
Waiting for rain
Category: Daily Happenings | Posted: Fri Apr 28, 2006 2:10 am The forecast for today and tomorrow is rain. But, we still waiting. The morning was sunny so I thought I would get as much done as I could. I have a lot of pots so I want to put some of the plants from the greenhouse in pots. So, I spent some time cleaning them out and mixing potting soil and compost and a bit of plant food and refilling the pots. I filled one giant pot and several 3 gallon pots and a couple smaller pots. Then, I filled a couple gallon pots and potted some lemon balm for Dan and for our neighbor, Frank. (not our gnome) I quit that for awhile and went to check if any flowers came up along the back fence in either of the flower beds. The long flower bed has some up but it's spotty. I hope it's not because the birds have been eating the seeds or small plants. The new one has a few green shoots. I moved some morning glories from the upper fence down to the lower fence and they seem to be doing well. At least they are standing up and not drooping over. I checked out the squash that I transplanted to the garden from the greenhouse last night. All 39 of them were standing tall. A couple of them have a few minor holes in the leaves so I have to go out and check if there are earwigs tonight. Except it's supposed to rain and there might not be any out. It won't do any good to put out food for them if it's raining. It would just dilute the stuff or wash it out of the cups. I think they just tasted them and decided to wait for the good stuff. We went to the post office and the library. Then, I went out and cleaned the straw out of the bed by the northeast side of the house. I can't call it a flower bed because it has herbs in it. I can't call it a herb bed because it has flowers in it. It also sometimes has vegetables in it. Right now, it has thyme, sage, parsley, oregano and bee balm for herbs and hollyhocks, iris's and cosmos. It also has five strawberry plants which survived the winter. I'm thinking I might move the sage. It is from last year and it is growing a lot this spring. I might move it to the new herb garden when I get it ready. After lunch, I went out and swept the leaves and pollen from the mulberry tree off the front sidewalk and cleaned out the flowerbed where the petunias were last year. I put some sweetpeas from the greenhouse into the back of it along the fence to the upper driveway. I really need another honeysuckle vine there but it is on the waiting list. I'm going to wait until summer and see if the nursery has some on the sale table again. The two that I have were on the sale table last summer, marked down from $47.95 to $9.95. They were lacking a few leaves, well a lot of leaves but this spring they have really put on a lot of leaves and they look just fine. There is a bare spot here and there but I think they will eventually be okay. Then, I decided to put the soaker hose by the squash. I got that accomplished. The hose was rolled up all winter so of course it had a mind of it's own. I may have to buy a few more feet of it. It wasn't too expensive. I found some at a yard sale, too. I was saving the best for last. I dug some more in the herb garden area. It's all done except for the rocky area. I was hoping it would rain and soften it so it won't be so hard to dig. I have compost, etc to mix in it, but it has to be dug first. DR says the ball is too big for the fountain tub so we have to look for another tub. He says he can use the tub to mix mortar which is what the original use was. I wanted to take a picture of the ball but he wants to get it set up first. It was a freebie. I, also, pulled a few weeds here and there and moved some small rocks in the backyard and cleaned out the pipe at the end of the wash. I made vegetable soup for supper because it could cook while I was out doing this and that. DR came out every so often and made me come in for a drink and a rest. He was staying out of the wind and pollen. yesterday, we cleaned up the lower driveway by the fence. Not the driveway, but the strip between the driveway and the fence. There are iris's along the fence but you couldn't see them for the pile of wood. So, we cut it and stacked it in a neat pile and I raked up the mess and cut up the branches and stored them and it looks better. But, with the sawdust and pollen DR was under the weather today. I still have to work on the front "patio". I keep putting that off. I have to dig a hole for the larger tub for the waterfall. since we put a ton of rock in that area that's what I have to move. Yuck! dooley (Oh, it hasn't rained yet) This blog entry has been viewed 541 times
Good day
Category: Daily Happenings | Posted: Fri Apr 21, 2006 5:36 am We got up early this morning and I dug along the fence. DR bent some fencing and we put it along side of the outside fence. So I have a flower bed 25 ft long and 15 inches wide. I added potting soil and compost and planted a mixture of seeds. Marigold, zinnia, cockscomb, red poppies, asters, four O'clocks, and nastursium. Some of those should come up. In the morning, I think I will try to move some morning glories that are coming up in my lettuce and other unwanted places and see if I can get them to grow along the outside fence. Then, we went to the post office and three hours later we got back home. We decided to go to Cordes Lakes to the general store(10 miles) to see if they had any potting soil. They only had a kind we didn't like so we didn't buy any. We went to two yard sales. We found a better mattress for the bunk in the travel trailer. We found the used refrigerator to put in the big shed for summer drinks, water and ice, etc. We went back to the library because Dan was having his lunch break. I stayed at the library and Dan went and helped DR move the refrigerator. It wasn't busy at the library so I shelved the books that were on the shelving cart. After DR and Dan came back DR took me for a sandwich so I wouldn't need to come home and make something. So, it took about three hours to get all that accomplished. I watered some things and moved some things around in the greenhouse. Then, I went down to the garden and made rows to plant the things that are ready. Mainly it's the summer squash. I, also, want to plant some carrots, swiss chard, mustard and I forget what else. Things that need to be planted directly into the ground. Tonight after dinner, we went up to WalMart. I called and the girl said they got 19 pallets of dirt in today so I figured maybe they had the big bags of potting soil. They did so we bought four bags. Dan bought a case of soda to put in the refrigerator. He said we couldn't let it set empty. Tomorrow morning, I have to do some more watering. Everything needs a little water now. I have to go to the library in the afternoon so I think I will just finish cleaning the pots and refill them with the potting soil mixed with some plant food and compost. I have a lot of pots and I'm thinking some things will have to go in pots. I left some space in the garden for pots. I need to clean out the bed that now has herbs and hollyhocks in it. I need to see what has come up under the straw that I put down last fall. Things are doing so well that I forget that it is still April and it's not really warm enough for frost tender things yet. It's been really nice and I doubt that we will get frost but the ground hasn't warmed up enough for some things. We are off to the flea market on Saturday. I need to make some money to pay for all the potting soil that I have been buying. If it's not potting soil and plant food, it's flower seeds. I guess that's my addiction. Flowers. DR says I don't go too overboard on it. Everyone needs a hobby. Is it still a hobby when that's all you find time to do? The dust bunny has taken over my house. With all the wind we've been having I guess it wasn't too hard to do. Dooley This blog entry has been viewed 515 times
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