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gardenmama's Blog

We have Poppies and Blueberries!!!!

Category: Michele's Garden | Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2008 10:15 pm

Just came in and am a bit winded...We were out filling the bird feeders with bread and we found a wonderful surprise...I had to run in the house and grab the camera...

My husband had scattered some poppy seeds a few months ago near our fence, in with the chocolate peppermint. Nannie Bea from England had sent the poppy seeds over last summer. Well i never thought they would grow...but a few weeks ago we saw lots of light green foliage near where michael had scattered the seeds...Well tonight...WE....HAVE....GORGEOUS...POPPIES!!!! YEAH!!!!

My little helper touching one of the poppies gently.

Here is a tiny poppy...

We also had another FABULOUS surprise...RIPE...BLUEBERRIES!!!! Logan and I ATE THEM...about 6 were ripe today...we will have tons in a week or so...

Last edited: Fri Jul 11, 2008 10:17 pm

This blog entry has been viewed 382 times

Lots of babies in the garden...

Category: Michele's Garden | Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2008 8:26 pm

Walking through the garden last night we came upon several babies...zucchinis and watermelon! I love baby zucchini. i am going to give it a few days and grill it!

Starting the watermelon indoors definately helps. I have 3 babies on the vines already!

The accidental sunflower has grown about 3 feet in the last week or so. it is now over 7 feet tall!

Logan got another package from his Nannie Bea. Here he is in the outfit he will be wearing for his 5th bday in a few weeks.

The weekend (if weather permits) I will be putting epsom salts on the tomatoes and peppers. I also picked up seashell compost and poultry manure for feeding the garden. I have heard asparagus love it!

This blog entry has been viewed 402 times

Progress in the garden...

Category: Michele's Garden | Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2008 12:43 pm

It is 8:30am and already over 75 degrees and very, very humid. There wasn't much to do in the garden since I gave the tomato plants a haircut. So I decided to snoop and see if i could find anything growing that was missed yesterday. WELL I found a few small surprises this morning.

My first pea is on the vine! I planted them late and they are starting to wilt but this little pea is growing.

My hot and sweet pepper plants are doing very well this year. They LOVE the seashell compost that I planted them in.

Here is a baby jalapenio:

I lost most of my brandywine plants before they were planted, when they got too hot and burned up but 3 survived and this one is doing great!

All the tomato plants are doing fabulously this year. Between the hot and humid weather and planting them in the tires they are growing so much better then I expected. Here are jsut a few shots of different plants.

My cukes are doing better then the past few years. they love the compost they are in and are starting to vine up the trellis my husband built.

Outside of the veggie patch I have several blooms.

The Clematis is still blooming and I am really enjoying its beauty. It was worth the 3 year wait!

My yellow rose has started was slow to grow but it is beautiful.

The white roses are spent but more should be on the way. We got roses off it until fall last year.

The annuals that i planted in the tractor tire are doing really well. They love the full sun they get everyday.

This blog entry has been viewed 403 times

I couldn't help myself....

Category: Michele's Garden | Posted: Tue Jul 08, 2008 1:24 pm

I picked the ripening tomato. It looked so nice and was starting to get nice and soft. So last night I decided to pick it so that it doesn't split in the extreme heat that we are going to have this week. It smells so nice I can't wait to have it for lunch, tomorrow. Hopefully I can wait until wednesday to eat it.

I did some work in the garden around 8 this morning. the tomato plants have really done some growing this week. They have gotten taller but also toooooo bushy. So they all got hair cuts! After the haircuts and tying up I gave them all a good drink of miracle grow and came in. Everything is doing so well. I love the use of the black plastic. NO WEEDS! I don't have to spend hours weeding to keep on top of it. Only a little bit of wedding required around the watermelons. I am enjoying this garden so much more then in the past.

I am updating this at 8pm...I had to EAT it! It was sooooooooo worth it. I forget how much better my own tomatoes are from anything in a store. I ate it with fresh basil from my plant, salt and pepper.

Last edited: Wed Jul 09, 2008 12:04 am

This blog entry has been viewed 414 times

Back from our weekend away....

Category: Michele's Garden | Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2008 2:52 pm

Hello All!....On Friday morning we headed to the Southern Vermont area for my annual Family reunion. We arrived at about 1:15pm. We set up our tent and relaxed all weekend. the many kids played and the adults hang out and chat and catch up on what has happened over the past year or even years since you last saw someone. It was a good time. Good food, good people, good fun. It is a gorgeous location.

Here is a sunset view from Friday night. From the top of the hill where we were we saw 4 different public and private fireworks displays.

Here are a few of the daytime views.

Here are a few other pics from the weekend:

Me, my honey and Logan (logan is feeling so much better)

Most of my fathers side of the family:

We celebrated Christmas in july on Saturday. We had smoked turkeys and all the fixings. It was a great time. then afterwards had a Yankee Swap for gifts. I for a nice basket of candles and my hubby a bottle of red wine.

On our way home we stopped at several site seeing places. We stopped at the Bennington Battle Memorial. This is a crucial Revolutionary Battle happened that prevented the british from taking Vermont.

Over all we had a great weekend...even though Logan and I were sick. But we smiled and had a good time.

We stopped at the top of Hogsback Mountain and took this picture. It is said that you can see 100 miles from this view.

We got back to our house about 3:30pm on Sunday. I was amazed to find this when we arrived.

I am going to pick it in a few days and have a sandwich! YUMMY

The garden is doing great. Over the weekend it was very hot and it did a lot of growing...

I acquired another tomato plant over the weekend. My gram brought 5 she was giving away to anyone that wanted one. So I chose the cherry tomato plant. It has many toms on it already!

Here is a few pics of the herbs that I am growing inside. I can't put them out because of the neighbors naughty cats and bugs.


Parsley and Oregano

I also have a huge pot of thyme but it is not looking nice right now..It goes brown every so often and then grows new green.

I hope everyone had a great 4th of July and a nice weekend in other parts of the world.

Last edited: Mon Jul 07, 2008 3:23 pm

This blog entry has been viewed 428 times

Starting to feel better....

Category: Michele's Garden | Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2008 10:35 pm

My little garden helper Logan is starting to feel better. During the day he is full on energy and has a mild cough but at bed time he is still having coughing fits. the Doc says this is normal, however I am not used to getting 4 hours a sleep a night.

On Tuesday, Logan was feeling better so we met up with my college roommate, her 3 years old son, mother and her nephew and went to Whiteface, NY to go to Santa's Workshop. It is the oldest amusement park in the USA. It is tucked up in the mountains. there are rides, gift shops, reindeer and plenty for the kids to do. Logan had a very good time. We took the ferry from VT to NY. He loved that too. So did the adults. it was less then a 20 minute ride, but very good.. I had never been on a ferry with cars before. It was a long day. We left at 7am and were home at 8pm. It was a really nice time with a good friend.

I mowed the lawn this morning and tonight we walked around the garden. It needed some water. Everything is growing like crazy. I have flowers about 1/2 of the 49 tomato plants and they have doubled in size this week. I just gave them "haircuts" and tied them up on the weekend and they need it again already. The cukes are looking very good and there are now several flowers. It is so nice to see hard work start to pay off.

I will be posting pics of our trip to Santas Workshop soon. Being sleep deprived has zapped me and I am taking longer to get things done.

everyone have a good night.


This blog entry has been viewed 351 times

My Little Helper is Under the Weather....

Category: Michele's Garden | Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2008 5:50 pm

My little guy Logan has not been feeling himself the past few days. IT started with a little cough and sneezing. The cough got a lot worse yesterday and through the night. I didn't sleep much at all worried about him. He was coughing every few minutes. I called his primary care doc this morning and got him in for 9:30am. It isn't anything serious but it is a viral infection in his throat. He has swollen glands and a dry barking cough. She prescribed some Prednisone steroids and the use of steam. I picked up his script along with some Delsym and that seems to be working. We are at my moms right now and he has been napping for over an hour with out coughing. I hope he starts to feel better and gets some sleep tonight. We are supposed to go to Santas Workshop in Upstate NY tomorrow with my best friend and roommate from college. She has a little boy 2 years younger then Logan. As long as I control his cough I think we will be fine.

This weekend we will be away also. We are traveling to the Bennington, Vermont/Hooksic , NY area for my fathers side of the family reunion. It is at my uncles house. It sits high on a hill and is so gorgeous and peaceful. We will be tenting for 2 days. I hope the little guy is feeling better by then.

Hopefully after a full day of meds and some rest today he will be feeling more like himself. This is sickest he has ever been in all of his 5 years. I kept him home and out of daycare and now that he is in preschool/kindergarten he is getting bombarded with all sorts of germs that he isn't used to. I feel bad for my little guy.

This blog entry has been viewed 381 times

spending time in the garden before the rains come....

Category: Michele's Garden | Posted: Sat Jun 28, 2008 10:28 pm

It was raining a bit this morning so I ran an errand to Walmart...even though milk was on my list I somehow forgot it and my English hubby needs milk for his tea...So off I went...I picked up the few things I needed and then saw that they have Japanese Beetle traps. I have noticed that the little buggers were starting to eat all the blackberry leaves, and this year I want to cut them off at the pass. I hung a trap near the berries and another near the garden. I HATE picking beans when the vines are covered with what I call "orgy" bugs. All they do is eat, mate and eat while they mate. AWFUL things..

Logan helped me collect my garden tools and off we went to the garden. Logan and I got on our hands and knees and picked weeds out of the watermelon and cantaloupes. They are looking very good and have some flowers. I put some soil on the vines to make a better root system and stronger plant. Logan was a big helper and put all the weeds in his wheelbarrow and brought them into the woods. After the weeding we both covered up the potatoes leaves. I had put another tire on them and we needed to cover them enough so that just a few inches of their greens showed. They are loving this weather so i expect we will have to put another tire on soon. My mechanic in town is dropping off more tires. i thought I had enough but i don't. So I stopped and asked. He is bringing up enough for the garden and to start a compost bin.

While I was weeding I got a nice surprise..a FLOWER! I can't believe it. Last year and the year before I didn't get flowers until August! I guess they really love this hot, humid, wet weather! and Starting them inside didn't hurt either!

I have flowers on one of the cherry tomato plants that i started from seed! YEAH!!! i can't wait to have these tiny yummies!

A few new blooms from around the yard...

I dug up these day lilies at my moms. She HATES them! but no matter how much we dig they keep coming back!

Here is another peony..I think I will call this one Princess Anne. It is a lighter pink.

We had a little visitor in the white tractor tire garden. My husband spotted this moth yesterday. We don't don't know if it had just hatched but it was having a hard time trying to fly. Anyone know what kind it is?

Well the rains finally came after 3 this afternoon. Nothing too intense just a steady rain. It does feel nice. It was light enough so that I could do some grilled chicken and ribs for dinner.

Have a good weekend everyone!

This blog entry has been viewed 363 times

A misty morning walk in the garden....

Category: Michele's Garden | Posted: Fri Jun 27, 2008 1:42 pm

Before the weather takes a turn for the worse this weekend I wanted to check out the progress of the gardens.

I first walked through the perennial garden and found my White Rose opening. There are several buds on this one plant and the largest has started to open.

Walking around the front of the house I didn't expect to find anything blooming but I was surprised by my clematis.

I can't wait to see this plant then it will full of blooms. I have been waiting patiently for this clematis to bloom. I was told it was a vigorous grower but it took 3 summers for it really take off.

I was in the garden yesterday tying up some of the tomato plants and feeding but I didn't see any tomatoes but today there are several babies. They are on the Lemon Boy plants. There are also 4 on the lemon boys in the driveway pots.

The zucchini really are enjoying the weather. This one has really gotten massive the past few days. Here are the 2 pics I have taken this week to compare size.

June 24th


The blueberry bushed are LOADED with growing fruit. One of the bushes gets very large berries. Last year we didn't have a lot of berries but from what I have been told that every other year is a good harvest. I think this years will be a BUMPER CROP!

It is supposed to be a very wet weekend so I probably won't be getting out in the garden too much. I hope for some sun so that I can get the lawn mowed and some weeds removed.

I hope everyone has a great day and a wonderful weekend.

This blog entry has been viewed 468 times

Papa's Roses Opens....YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!

Category: Michele's Garden | Posted: Wed Jun 25, 2008 11:25 pm

I know I have said this before but 2 summers ago my Aunt Theresa cut out a piece of one of my Grandpa Tony's rose bushes and brought it up in Vermont. The Rose bush and its huge root ball was in a 5 gallon pail all tied up to a couple of rods to keep it from breaking. It made it up from CT and we transplanted it right away. We had 2 wait until the next spring to see if it would grow. It grew some vines and leaves...and it did the same the following summer...This summer we are FINALLY BLESSED with GORGEOUS bright pink roses. I nearly cried this afternoon when I went out and 2 roses were opened. These are off a rose bush that my grandfather planted for his sister when he bought the house my mother was raised in. I am not sure how old the bush is but I am sure it is over 50 years old. I love the idea of having a piece on him here in Vermont.

One of the hostas that wasn't eaten by the naughty, haughty deer last week has flowers on it. So I took a picture of this one today.

Logan came to the veggie patch me this afternoon to see how everything is doing. Even since 2 days ago everything has grown a lot! Here is Logan with my tallest sunflower plant.

The large tomato plant that I have in a patio pot is doing wonderfully. It had 4 tomatoes on it when we bought it and now every day I find another one. It has about 6 tiny toms on it and some larger ones!

Today was a gorgeous sunny day but it will be short lived the stormy, rainy weather is back tomorrow. All it took was 1 nice day to make the roses open.

Everyone have a good night.

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