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cajunbelle's Blog
The Old Grey Mare..........
Category: Family and Everyday Life | Posted: Mon Dec 04, 2006 3:06 pm ain't what she used to be. I think that at work all the time, because my job is very physically demanding, lifting 25 to 60+ lb. boxes most of the day. Not much fun for 8 hours. But I have always been able to get things done around the house. Not anymore!!!! It takes me forever to get the simplest things done. I use to clean my whole living room, including the walls and shampooing the carpet in 4 or 5 hours, now I can't get it done in 2 days. I just don't have the get up and go that I had 5 years ago, and I am only 53. Can't wait till I'm 63, should really be fun then. I wonder why they call old age the Golden Years? You are too tired and hurt to bad to enjoy them. Or maybe I don't get as much done around the house because I am always stopping to check in on a few of my favorite forums ( don't wanna blame it all on the Stew.) LOL Oh well, back to cleaning so I can get this tree decorated. This blog entry has been viewed 570 times
How I Got Pregnant for Sarah
Category: Family and Everyday Life | Posted: Thu Nov 30, 2006 1:59 pm We were going to church one night, it was raining, and I fell down the steps. I hurt my ankle pretty bad, but was hardheaded and would not go to the doctor. The pain started to move up my leg into the knee and then the hip. Richard said, "Enough is enough, you are going to the doctor." Well I ended up at the emergency room. During the whole process they did a routine urinalysis. When the doctor finally got around to me he said, "Mrs. Bowlin, we cannot xray you." "Why.", I ask. Doctor, "Because you are pregnant." Me, "But doctor, I didn't know you could get pregnant falling down the steps." He laughs and says, "Mam, I don't think that is how it happened." It took us 11 years to get pregnant for Regina, so imagine our surprise when 7 years laterat the age of 37, I am pregnant again. Last edited: Thu Nov 30, 2006 2:00 pm This blog entry has been viewed 601 times
How We Met
Category: Family and Everyday Life | Posted: Mon Nov 13, 2006 3:10 am I am putting this in Everyday Life, although it is something that has happened only once in a lifetime for me. And I thought I would tell the story before Richard does because he tells it entirely different. It was September 1972 and I was in my third semester at college. I was getting up at 4:30 in the morning to catch a bus and not getting home until 7:00 at night. I was exhausted so I talked Mom into letting me move to Hammond. That move changed my life. The first time I saw Richard was at my roommates boyfriends house. We went over there and he was sitting on the front porch. He said no one was home, not the real talkative type, but I knew as soon as I saw him that we would be together the rest of our lives. The next time I saw him was sitting in the yard at his house, I was riding a bicycle and he sicced his dog on me to try and get me to stop. I kept on going. The third time I saw him was at the local bar when he poured me a glass of beer from his pitcher. I, of course, asked my roommate who he was and she just said a friend of Skips, her bf. Well one day I was hanging around my apartment and who should show up, my roomie, with Richard in tow. Her exact words, "This is my roommate Sharon, Sharon this is Richard, bye I gotta go to work." I was dumbfounded, but we got to talking and we went out, and I guess something clicked because we have been together ever since. Now for his side of the story, "She pitched a tent in my front yard and my Mom said I'd better go out with her so she would leave." Likely story huh. This blog entry has been viewed 892 times
Richard Is Soooooooooo Happy
Category: Family and Everyday Life | Posted: Fri Nov 10, 2006 12:07 am I have lost my voice. Him and the kids are delighted. It is their favorite time of the year. It usually happens twice a year. My sinuses act up and I totally loose my voice for a few days. They are so happy they don't know what to do. I can't fuss, give orders, or any of those other nasty things. I, however, do manage to squeak out "I love you's." This blog entry has been viewed 684 times
Mosquito Invasion
Category: Family and Everyday Life | Posted: Mon Nov 06, 2006 1:36 pm I have never seen the mosquitos this bad. Even the older people are saying this. When we took daily walks in the swamp they did not attack like they are now. No matter what time of the day or night you go out they swarm you by the thousands. I was trying to finish up the grass yesterday and they were attacking me on the riding mower. Usually if any kind of breeze or wind is blowing they go to the woods, not these guys, nothing is deterring them. Of course Mosquito Abatement, which we pay $30 a year for, quite spraying in September. I am calling again today to see if they are going to do something about spraying. They promised us last week, but they never came. We had such a dry summer and wet fall. That is the only reason I can see for them being this bad. I don't want to see a freeze come, but I think that is the only thing that will control them at this point. This blog entry has been viewed 728 times
My Three Day Weekend
Category: Family and Everyday Life | Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2006 1:42 pm This is only the second time in three months that I have had more than one day a week off. Needless to say I didn't get much rest, or much accomplished around the house. Saturday: We went to the mall and several other places shopping. Sarah got a new dress and a short fur jacket for a wedding we attended that night. She also got a new school jacket. I bought a really nice black blouse for the wedding. It was a good deal, half price, so I got it for $16.99. Regina was shopping for her New York trip and couldn't find anything she wanted, as usual. By the time we got home it was time to dress for the wedding. It was about 60 miles away and Sarah and I rode with friends. Richard's back was hurting so he did not go. While I was gone he did some housework, which was really sweet. We didn't get home till 11:30 because we got behind a really bad wreck and had to turn around once we got off the bridge and detour. On the detour we ran into a flooded road which was scary in the dark, but we made it through ok. Sunday: We went to church and had our fifth Sunday dinner, got home about 1:30. I cut some grass and rested about an hour. Then I had to finish up some jewelry for an order. I worked on that for most of the evening. I was tired so I didn't get much done around the house. Monday: That's today. We are going to Baton Rouge to look for a stove. Our oven went out a while back. It is about 8 years old and we figured it is not worth the repair bill. They charge an arm and a leg to come out and work on them. The warranty expired about a year ago. I guess I should have extended it. When we get back I will finish up the grass. Hopefully this will be the last time this year it needs cutting. I like to keep it cut bc it is easier to rake the leaves that way. And I will have to cook supper. Don't know what yet, something that doesn't take a lot of time. Then it's is back to work tomorrow. C'est la vie'. This blog entry has been viewed 703 times
Rainy Days and Mondays
Category: Family and Everyday Life | Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2006 2:28 pm Well, it is raining. We really needed the rain so I am not complaining! We were going to make a raised bed for vegetables. Richard has all of the wood cut. We are using the electric service pole that Hurricane Rita broke, and the 2x4's we used to shore the new one up while the dirt settled in. It will be a good size, 6ft. 7inches long by almost that wide again. I think it is a little too wide, but that way we won't waste any of the lumber. Richard made me promise I will not take it over for flowers, but I think it will need some marigolds planted around the edges to help keep the bugs away, and I will also plant some on the outside of the bed. We are thinking of doing the lasagna method. We have oak leaves, oak leaf mold, grass clippings, and compost. We will use the cardboard liners from the meat cases at work for the bottom to kill the grass. We can also haul a couple of wheelbarrow of dirt from the back. We are going to try to get some manure , either horse or rabbit. If we get it done in time we will put some mustard green seed in, if not we will cover it with plastic for the winter and plant in the spring. So I guess since we can't do yard work, it will be house work today, which really needs doing. I have to go bath Mom sometime today and clean her bedroom and bathroom. A lot of the cats are in bc of the rain. They have places to get outside, but would rather be in with us. OK, enough computer time I need to make the roux for the gumbo and finish getting everything in the pot. Last edited: Mon Oct 16, 2006 4:22 pm This blog entry has been viewed 634 times
Birthday Party
Category: Family and Everyday Life | Posted: Thu Jul 27, 2006 11:17 pm We are giving Mom a birthday party Saturday. She will be 84 on August 1st. She hasn't had a party in a while. I used to give her one every year when we lived in the big house. Then we moved to a trailer park for 6 years and didn't have a yard or the room. Since we have moved on our own place I just haven't done it. So we are doing it up right. All the family has been called, all the friends that I could get in touch with have been called. Now I have to start cooking. I am making a punch that needs to be frozen, but I don't have room to freeze it. I hope there is room in the church freezer, that is where the party will be, in the fellowship hall. Lots more room. I am making little meatballs in BBQ sauce, tuna sandwiches, crab and cream chees roll ups, deviled eggs, the punch, a fruit dip, a veggie dip, for trays my sister is bringing, she is also bringing a large sandwich tray, a chicken wing tray, and homemade cookies. My niece, Mom's oldest granddaughter is bringing the birthday cake and chips and dip, and I am also making a coconut cake. Wow, just writing about it makes me tired, plus I have to decorate the church, tomorrow will be a very busy day. Last edited: Mon Oct 16, 2006 3:46 pm This blog entry has been viewed 568 times
Guess What I Get To Do Today...........................
Category: Family and Everyday Life | Posted: Mon Jul 03, 2006 1:19 pm take my 14 year old daughter to the mall. Ugh!!!!! For one thing, she spends way too much of my money. It takes her forever, she wants to look in every shop and try stuff on, then she decides to go back to the first place she looks to buy something. I hope I can keep my cool, but I am tired and just don't feel like doing this. She leaves for church camp this Saturday, so she has to have some new stuff and this is the only day we can go. One bright spot, I get to stop at Home Depot on the way back. Then it will be her turn to say, "Oh come on Mom, hurry up, I'm tired and want to go home." Maybe I will look through the whole store and then go back and buy the first thing I looked at. Last edited: Mon Oct 16, 2006 3:47 pm This blog entry has been viewed 591 times
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